
Chapter 17 Continuation ..

An hour passed but he had not seen her. He found himself restless as he had not seen her as she had said. For some moments, he found himself thinking about her. It was obvious he was missing her already.

In as much as he wanted her to come, he had cultured his mind, ready for her.

About 30 minutes later, Jennifer walked in with a different attire. This time, she was wearing a cheerleading dress. He had forgotten she talked about participating in cheerleading. But she didn't tell him she would be going to cheerleading practice before coming. She was wearing an open sweater shirt which was showing the red bra she was wearing inside and a short skirt. Her black lovely and well treated blonde hair was up in a cute ponytail which was dangling as she was walking towards his desk.

"Here she comes again." Mike said within himself as Jennifer was approaching his desk.