
Chapter 10 My angel

She was walking as if she was on top of the world. The feeling that the most handsome lecturer in school was admiring her was incomparable. The thought of Mike, admiring and looking at him lustfully made her feel empowered and sexually excited. She won't miss visiting him in his office monday.

"We have been waiting for you. where have you been? We just finished our last class now." Sandra asked as Jennifer walked inside the class. The class was almost empty. Class had ended and most of the students have gone home.

"I went to see Mike to guide me through concerning the essay." She replied, still had that smiles on her face.

"Is that why you are so excited?" Ruth asked and that was when Sandra noticed what was going on.

"It's true. I've never seen you this excited." Sandra said.

"Is like someone is in love." Ruth chipped in. Even as they were talking, she couldn't stop smiling.

"I don't know what you guys are saying." She said and took a seat.