
The Unknown Beloved

A story of a teen girl who got in love with a young handsome boy to whom she jad seen for just once .Interesting twist happens when she got married to a person ,and the person resembles to that handsome boy! Is her handsome the same handsome boy or a cruel guy??

Arfa_khan · Teen
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6 Chs

Love at first sight

It was the moment when Lissa experienced the feeling of love! She looked at the boy named Dr.Charles for a second ,at the moment her father just called her. The doctor checked the reports ,wished bloom for her recovery and just went away! Lissa was in try to see the boy clearly but she couldn't .

Bloom just shook her hand and laughed! The girls came back to their homes .Lissa started to think about the boy continuously,bloom told her to forget him but Lissa was in love!

She went to the hospital,asked for that boy but God knows where he was vanished🤔! Years passed away ,Bloom got married and Lissa was going to be the bride but deep internal she was unable to forget that boy to whom she met for the first and last time years earlier!!