

When i walked through the doors, i raced to my room. I flopped down on my bed not even bothering to take off my shoes. I was out of breath from running up two or three fights of stairs. I stared at the ceiling in awe of what had just happened. The next day i jumped out of bed. I put on the best outfit i could find. I ran out the door, eager to meet Mason. I couldnt find him. I walked to school alone. In class i smiled at Mason but he ignored me. Then thoughts raced through my head. What if i am a bad kisser, what if he got back with Amanda, what if he only wanted a one time thing? I left class not expecting Mason to follow, but he did. "Serena, i am sorry i have been avoiding you lately, it's just..., i was afraid that you didn't feel the same way", he explained. "But i do, and i have for a long time.", i said hugging him. He pulled away, smiling. "do you like movies?", he asked. I nodded.