
The universe we live in

We go to the stars, we come to the earth. We belong to the earth, but not here. This is the earth. The seven children on the spacecraft came to the earth, and there were no other human beings in their sight. Except for themselves. Is this the new world? Or the end? Where are the previous humans? We don't know. But they have a goal. Rebuild human civilization!

DaoistGrSS68 · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

Chapter 23 "The Plan

I was lying on my bed, looking at the white ceiling, it was a very nice day.

When I concentrated my strength in my right hand, three black thorns appeared, my black virus' ability was named by Lu Ying only yesterday, it is called engulfing and reversing, handsome name, I like it very much.

"Mengru, come downstairs, there is something, by the way, call sister Langray down!"

The guy who was shouting at me downstairs was called Cheng Yi, because I accidentally said something yesterday, and as soon as breakfast was over today, she was called by Sister Huang Ying to talk.

"Oh, okay."

I agreed breathlessly, the image of the wolf was still imprinted in my mind, with blade like claws and a super regenerative ability similar to that of a vampire ...

How many more abilities are there that I don't know about, just the thought of it sends chills down my back.

I got up from the bed, put on my slippers and got ready to go to the third floor.

I walked up to Sister Rangray's door, and this time I remembered better.

I knocked on Sister Rangoi's door three times first.

"Neiji, Sister Rangray, are you there? Sister Huang Ying said there was something important to discuss."

Not long after, from inside the door came Rangray's lazy voice.

"Oh, is that so, then good, I'll go in a moment."

"That, please hurry up, sister Rangray, don't forget again."

"Ehhhh, it's okay, there's no rush."

Rangray-san still replied to me with that lazy voice.

Why did Rangray-san seem to have no interest in anything, except of course the supercomputer in her room?

I went downstairs and saw Sister Huang Ying and her group as soon as I got downstairs.

"Little Mengru, where's Langray?"

"Oh, inside, Sister Langrée said to wait a little longer, there is no hurry."

The one who was speaking to me was Sister Huang Ying, but not the Sister Huang Ying of old, but the Sister Huang Ying who was serious to the extreme.

"Then it's okay, so don't worry about her, let's start first."

Sister Huang Ying held out her hand to indicate for me to sit down, I casually found an empty seat and sat down.

"I hope everyone here can take what I'm about to say to heart."

I observed that everyone in the room, including Zixin, had a very serious expression.

"Before, Mengru and Cheng Yi early morning out encountered, lone wolf, currently first so called."

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Indeed, when we encountered that wolf, it had no companions around it, and it was said that wolves were pack animals, but this wolf was indeed a lone wolf.

"This wolf, according to Cheng Yi's description, does fit the manifestation of the virus infected body."

This wolf did have a faint red light coming from its eyes when it attacked us, and at the time I thought I was mistaken, but now that I know this, it means there's no problem.

"So, all I want to say is that again, you need to report when you go out in the future, and then there are these two things, one for each person."

Sister Huang Ying took out two cardboard boxes from under the table.

She gave each of us a cell phone and a watch.

Sister Huang Ying took out the cell phone and explained to me.

"This cell phone, which we can only use thanks to Dr. Langley's research and development, all our signals will be signaled through Langley's antenna."

Signal? Antennas? Aren't these things from the old days, so why bring them out now.

"In short, this phone, is used for us to contact each other, other than that there is no other function, because we only have this one of the small signal receiving and signal transmitting station."

After we all got the phone, the phone's case changed from metallic silver and white to the corresponding viral color for each of us.

"By the way, this phone's case was added with a virus checker so that each person's phone wouldn't get mixed up."

The back case of my phone turned black, very earthy eh, but you can still see the metallic luster.

"So next about this watch."

Sister Huang Ying took out so many more watches.

"This watch, is the ordinary sports watch, can be positioned within a certain range.

Measure heart rate, oxygen content and other things, is just a change of what is on the market."

The watch band is made of rubber, but the bezel of the watch is metal, and after I touched the metal bezel, the bezel turned black.

Probably maybe maybe almost, the material of this metal bezel is the same as the material of the phone case, right?

"Well, now you should all have these two essential things, so next I'm going to continue."

Sister Huang Ying cleared her throat.

"In the future, you need to report that one person is in danger, and the member closest to him must go to the rescue, but of course, if it's beyond your ability to do so, you must save your life first."

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I knew that she was thinking of the safety of each of us, but I really couldn't listen to her either.

After the recollection was over, I then found Sister Huang Ying.

"Sister Huang Ying."

"Oh, it's Xiao Mengru, what's wrong?"

Sister Huang Ying's tone was completely different from the tone during the meeting.

"You say, that wolf, why is it infected with the red virus?"

Huang Ying sister also one hand off the chest one hand against the chin chin thought.

"En ... This I do not know, after all, here now, we are still too unfamiliar with it."

"Well, that's okay."

I was just about to say goodbye, but Sister Huang Ying grabbed my right hand.

"Little Mengru, next time you go out with little Cheng Yi remember to be careful, now that your ability has also awakened, you must protect little Cheng Yi, her use of her ability is very physically demanding."

I remembered in my mind how I woke up and saw Cheng Yi for the first time, giving me a lap pillow and dropping her head to sleep.

"En, I know, so, Sister Huang Ying, I want to talk to you about something."

"Oh, what is it?"

I told Sister Huang Ying about my agreement with Cheng Yi to go out and have fun.

"Oh, it seems that you guys have become very close, okay, you can go out and play."

Sister Huang Ying agreed with my plan to go out with Cheng Yi very decisively.

"But, you have to ask her first to get it, oh."

This ... This is really a problem for me, because just out of that kind of problem, Cheng Yi also will not go out with again.

One is the discovery of her secret, the other is a serious injury still need Cheng Yi on the field.

"I, will try my best."

"Cheer up oh, sister I watch you yo ~"

The next thing I had to do was to get up and go out with Cheng Yi.

I went to Cheng Yi's room. I knocked on the door a few times.

"Cheng Yi, are you there?"

The sound of footsteps came from the other side of the door, and Cheng Yi came over and opened the door.

"What's wrong, is there something wrong?"

(End of this chapter)