
The Universe’s First Being (Highschool DxD)

January 2nd, 2023. In Ohio, United States of America. A 19 year male, 5'10” and 180 lbs is in a Hyundai Elantra SEL. The Mc is driving home from work, he had just got off from his 10 hour shift of stocking shelf’s at a grocery store. “Life is so boring.” He says. ‘Wake up, brush my teeth, shower, go to work, leave and go home, sleep. Over and over again. The same routine.’ Since he has started working, this has been his life. It’s not hard or anything close to difficult. It is but the average life of someone in the modern era. Monotone. ‘Hmm? Oh a shooting star. Let’s make a wish.’ He thinks. ‘I wish I can get away from my monotone life.’ He thinks as he closes his eyes and puts his hands together. Not knowing that what he thinks is a shooting star is actually a asteroid heading straight where he is going to be in, ‘5 seconds.’ As he opens his eyes and puts his hands back on the steering wheel. He thinks to himself, mockingly. ‘4 seconds.’ ‘As if a shooting star can grant a wish.’ ‘3 seconds.’ ‘What’s that sound?’ ‘2 second.’ ‘Must’ve been the wind.’ he thinks as he rolls his window up. It wasn’t. ‘1 second.’ ‘What’s that bright light?’ BOOM!!!! This faceless, pointless cog in the machine called society, has been eradicated from the face of the planet called Earth. Destined to be lost and forgotten in the sands of time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is my first fan-fiction. I don’t know if I’ll finish this or even get to chapter 5. But if I do actually get past chapter 5, I would like constructive criticism from you cuzzo.

Puppy_simp · Anime & Comics
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(3rd POV)

(15,050,000 years after the Big Bang)

As Ananta and the baby red dragon make it to where the black egg is, cracks are forming upon the egg.

And out from the crack comes a baby black dragon, it is 3 feet high and 6 feet long. However unlike the baby red dragon, this one is slimmer.

(1st POV)

As the baby black dragon turns around and starts to eat its shell, the baby red dragon jumps out of my arms and walks toward the baby black dragon.

As I am momentarily stunned by the little lizards actions, the baby red dragon is next to the baby black dragon. The baby black dragon stops eating its egg shell to look to its right, at the red dragon puzzled. The baby red dragon glances at its sibling, and takes a bite out of the remaining egg shell.

The black dragon is stunned, then it becomes furious from its siblings actions.


It roars cutely, and attacks its sibling with a swipe of its claw. Hitting the baby red dragon on its left rib cage. Throwing the little one 10 feet away from the remaining egg shell the baby black dragon has left.


The baby black dragon cutely roars again, clearly trying to intimidate the baby red dragon.

However it does not intimidate it, as the baby red dragon start to walk back toward the egg shell. I feel like I should step in, so I walk toward the baby red dragon and pick it up before it can get to close toward the baby black dragon. However it starts to squirm trying to get away from my grasp. This obviously does not work, considering how much physically stronger I am than it. When squirming does not work it try's to bite me, not even breaking my skin. Being fed up with its squirming and biting, I throw it towards where it was birthed.

"*sigh* What an annoying little shit." I sigh and say, irritated by the little red lizards.

Shaking my head I walk toward the baby black dragon and wait until it is finished eating its egg shell.

The baby black dragon finishes it "meal" and turns around.


"*chuckle* Was your meal satisfactory?" I say amusingly.


It just stares at me. Obviously it does not understand me like the baby red dragon.

"Well it does not matter. My name is Ananta αθάνατος Etern Kosmos, and I'm interested in what you and your sibling will do in the future. You may not understand what I say at this moment, but you will in the future." I say to the baby black dragon as it just stares at me.

As I've explored this dimension, and watched the birth of two interesting creatures I think it's time I leave and explore the universe some more.

"Goodbye, little one. I shall see you in the future." I say to the baby black dragon and fly away, toward where I came in from.

Arriving at the barrier, I start to push against it once more. Getting spit out back in the middle of the ever increasing universe.

(3rd POV)

As Ananta starts flying around the universe, he observes and passes Neutron stars to Red SuperGiant stars. He observes and passes stellar black holes and supermassive black holes.

He observes galaxies forming and colliding. He observes asteroids collide and form planets and moons. He observes Gas planets be formed from the debris of stars. He observes stars dying and forming. He continues and observes, seeing sights of creation and destruction. Observing the beauty of the universe, as-well as its horrors. Until he decides to go towards a certain Galaxy. And a certain solar system.

(1st POV)

(9,220,000,000 years after the Big Bang)

As I approach closer toward the white star I see a formation of planets and asteroids similar to the solar system of Earth where I'm from. I turn my head and gaze at a magma covered planet being hit by asteroids. Well I guess I will stay here, and watch the evolution of this planet.

"Watching the evolution of this planet will be interesting… Most likely…. Hopefully. *Sigh*."


Word count:710