
Love trial

In everyone life, there's a tall wall that must be climbed

… … … … …


The big wooden gate in front of me was opened, and a big scary man standing behind that gate.

"You coming again, Yokota Norihito….it seems you don't have enough lesson, do you?"

"Thanks for giving me another chance, sir"

"Hmph…beat me first, then you can talk all you want, brat. Come on, fight me….we have a duel!"

… … … … …

It all start yesterday.

"Hoi, Norihito!"

"Is all that gossip true?"

"We heard you dating a girl from Himeyuri school?"

They are my friends, Ogata and Hideko, we are classmates in Nozawa High School and walk home together.

"Ugh, how come this news spread so fast…tsk"

I only can smile hearing their question

"But….aren't the girls from Himeyuri mostly come from the rich family? How can you get one of them"

"So lucky…"

"Hehehe…she is the one who chooses me"

"Get real?"

"You are the ugliest among us, how come she choose you?"

"Hey! Don't mocking me because you can't get one"

"Hmph…maybe she chooses you because she never sees ugly people before"

We walk along the street with them teasing and mocking me all the way, without we realize, a new expensive car is come near us slowly and stop in front of us. A girl gets out from the passenger seat.


"Ah, Miharu…"

"I just passing by and accidentally saw you walk. Can I drive you home?"


I follow her to enter the car followed by envious looks from my friends. I still can see their jaws wide open after see my girlfriend.

"So…so beautiful"

"We totally lost"

… … … … …

During the way home…..

"Morihito….can I ask you a favor?"

"What's up Miharu?"

"Can you meet my father? in shortly…"


"My father always said, 'Miharu, if you find a good man, don't forget to introduce him to your father'…so I want you to meet my father"

'a good man'…those words which come from Miharu's mouth make me like flying in the sky

"Today is okay, let's go now"

"Oh really? I'm glad"

After we arrive at Miharu's home and invited to the guest room where her father already waiting for us there.

"I'm Miharu's father, Todoroki Saburo, nice to meet you"

A big man with a scary face and sharp eyes look at me, directly to my eyes.

"My…my name is Yokota Norihito, please to meet you, sir"


I try to calm myself….maybe her father only looks scary but his heart is kind. I try to look him again….but…from the chink of his yukata clothes, I see tattoo covering his body. Is he….a Yakuza?

"Miharu…can you leave us alone? I want to speak in private with Norihito"

"Yes father"


Did she really want to leave me alone with his scary father?

"I leave you alone for a moment Norihito"

After said that Miharu closes the door of the guest room, leaving me with her father only. When I still see the door that just closed, her father already called me

"Norihito…..i challenge you to have arm wrestling with me"


"Frankly speaking, I don't think it's time for Miharu to have a boyfriend yet, but if she really likes you, what else I can do. I am not the type of man who thinks in a complicated manner, everything I solved by my own hand. So let's our hand give the solution, do you understand what I mean, Norihito?"

I understand clearly what he meant. If I won, I can keep dating her daughter but if I'm lost, I must break up with Miharu. Then, I must win! It's so hard to get such beautiful girl…but….if I keep dating her, I must face this monster. Maybe it would better if I lost, even though I love Miharu…but dating a yakuza's daughter….that's called for trouble

While I busy with my thought, our hand is already on position to do arm wrestling. My mind still wavering when he said the sign to start…and within second his hand already push my hand on the table.

"Haha…I'm lost…uncle is so strong"

Miharu's father looks at me with cold eyes. Suddenly his hand already grab my collar

"Miharu! Come here!"

"Yes, father?"

Miharu comes from the door that just opened

"Norihito is about to go home"


"Yokota Norihito! Don't you dare to show up in front of me and my daughter! Now get lost from here!"


"Miharu! I don't allow you to have a relationship with this boy!"

With a dispirited walk, I left Miharu's house….when suddenly my phone is ringing


"It's me"

"Miharu? Aren't your father prohibit you…"

"My father only prohibit me to see you not to call you"


"Norihito….please forgive my father"

"There's nothing to forgive thou…"

"I…I never see my father so angry like this"


"Usually my father is so kind…but I never expect my father will chase away a person that important to me. Can we meet again? Tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow…"


"I'm happy to see Norihito even though my father will angry at me. I love my father…but I also love you"

Aarrgghhh…how come I have the idea to break up with a girl that so good likes Miharu

"We will meet again tomorrow and the day after tomorrow"

I won't let her go…whatever happen, I will never let her go….

… … … … …

Back to the current time…


We both already grab each other hand in our palm for arm wrestling.


This time I will not slack off and give all my strength.

"Hmmm…you looks serious this time…but…your strength is not enough, Yokota Norihito!"

A strong hand push my hand until it almost touches the table, but I hold on with all my strength to never let my hand touch the table

"Ugh… no…not yet…I'm not lost yet"

"Yokota Norihito….why you struggle so hard?"

In my mind, there's only Miharu…I don't care if she's a daughter of Yakuza or whatsoever

"Because I love her! That's why!"

"So like that huh?"

The pressure on my hand increased and I can't hold on anymore


With a loud sound, my hand was trashed into the table.

"Argh!!...I'm failed!!"

I feel so sad because I'm lost. That's mean I can't see Miharu again. I can't fulfill what I've said to her yesterday

"Don't be sad, you passed"

"Huh?....but I'm lost"

"This not related with the win or lose. I only want to know how deep is your feeling to my daughter. Only you who come back and challenge me again, even though you know I'm a Yakuza. You also fight seriously during the arm wrestling with me. Now I'm sure that you deserve for my daughter"

"Thank you very much, Sir!"

"But if you make my daughter sad and cry, I will beat you up and dump you on the ocean. Do you understand?"


In everyone life, there's a tall wall that needs to climb up. The higher the wall that you conquered, the more happiness you can get from there