
Chapter 14

There was smoke and small patches of fire all over the area when Rolo and a few others from his pack had gathered and began to scan the area for the lone werewolf. The air was filled with the nauseating smell of burning flesh and several screams were heard from other pack members who was badly burnt and awaiting their death to come to them quickly.

Cain was frantically looking for Sam who was by his side when the attack took place. He searched and turned over burnt bodies and assisted the other werewolves that were not severely injured. Seeing the destruction that occurred, Cain became very angry at Abraham for sending them on this mission.

Sam! Sam! Where are you buddy? Sam! Cain called out.

Several feet away he saw a hand weakly raise up and heard a low groan. He rushed to the area and saw it was his friend that was in bad shape.

Just then he heard Rolo shouting,

Surviving uninjured pack members come to the clearing! I need to get a head count now. He instructed and after several minutes over a dozen lycanthropes came to him.

Where did he go? Rolo asked as he looked to see if anyone knew anything.

Instead everyone looked at each other and mumbled among themselves.

Where is Cain? Rolo shouted.

After some minutes he heard him,

Over here Rolo! I'm tending to Sam. Cain answered.

Cain did you see what happened? Where did the lycanthrope go? In which direction? We have to follow him and take him back to Alpha. Rolo said.

Cain continued to tend to Sam who had received several severe burns across his body and was one of the few injured werewolves that would survive.

Rolo are you crazy? Look around and see for yourself how many unnecessary deaths we've had from this dumb quest father appointed to you. This is a suicide mission! Cain said angrily as he walked away from Sam's side towards Rolo

Alpha made it clear that we cannot return without the lycanthrope Cain! We have to follow his instructions! Rolo said as he looked around and saw that he was now down to less than twenty men.

Didn't you see that it was not the lycanthrope that can transform but that he was friends with several dragons! How would you explain him being in front of us and having lines of fire from the sky hitting us after we heard the screeching sound? Cain said roughly to Rolo knowing that he had to stop this pursuit to protect the lycanthrope that he thought was his son.

I am going to take Sam and go back to the liar and inform father. Otherwise Sam's wounds would get worst and he won't survive. What we saw was no werewolf transforming into a dragon but several dragons protecting one lycanthrope. We will be going to our deaths if we continue to pursue him because if those dragons wanted to kill us all, I'm sure we would all be dead! How do you expect to get him if he's protected by dragons Rolo? You should go ask father that? Cain said and turned around to address his pack members.

Lycanthropes of the Dark Moon pack I am returning with Sam to the liar and you are welcome to return with me! And if survivors from neighboring pack wants to accompany us you are also welcome. I am addressing you all because my comrade Rolo is hell bent on chasing after a werewolf that is protected by dragons as you have all witnessed for yourselves. Anyone who wishes to follow him may do so, but I am going home. Cain said and walked to Sam and picked him up and began to walk to the opposite pathway that would eventually lead them back to their liar.

Several men looked at each other and began following Cain because they knew that to go on with this chase would be the end of their lives. When everyone began to walk out and leave, Rolo realized then that he had no choice but to follow them back to the liar.

Several hours later, the Dark Moon pack of ten, looking black and tousled, walked towards the liar exhausted. Immediately as Sam's mates saw he was injured they ran to him and relieved Cain and began to tend to his wounds.

Several other females grabbed the other werewolves that was injured and sat them down and began looking after them while some ran with water towards them.

Cain walked to his father who was sitting with anger and disappointment in his face.

What happened with my pack boy? Abraham immediately asked as soon as Rolo, Cain and the few remaining men stood before him.

The information you received was incorrect father. We did intercept the lycanthrope after he killed a bear in the deep forest but he did not transform into any dragon. Instead, while he stood before us, we were ambushed by several dragons protecting him. Many of our men and men from the neighboring packs were killed in the fire and the few that was left standing, came back. Cain answered

Is this true Rolo? Abraham asked as an attempt to ascertain if Cain was telling the truth.

Yes Alpha, what Cain said is true! The werewolf  has his own pack and is protected by two dragons that I am positive I saw. Rolo said.

And what happened when the lycanthrope stood in front of you when you were attacked? What did he do?  Where did he go? Abraham asked Rolo.

When the first dragon attacked, the flames  came directly into my path and several men behind me Alpha so we had to scamper to save ourselves from the flames but Cain had his eyes on him for a long while. Rolo replied.

Abraham sifted his gaze to Cain and began to speak,

What happened next Cain? He asked.

After the lines of flames came down upon us, the lycanthrope stayed calm and looked at the mayhem occurring. It was like he was accustomed to the dragons being around him and felt protected. No fear was shown. After a few minutes had passed and the fire began to spread the second dragon arrived and by this time the place began to get smoky and  he disappeared among the trees. Cain said.

So a werewolf that runs with a dragon pack! Interesting indeed! I'll have a word with the rest of the leaders over the next several days and we will decide what our next action is! This is a failed attacked on each one of you, you should be ashamed. Get out of my sight at once! Abraham said and motioned for his escorts to get Sheba.

Rolo, Cain and the few lycanthropes slowly walked away and went their separate ways. Sheba passed Cain when he was pretending to drink water a few steps away from Abraham.

Sheba I need you to visit our neighboring leaders and let them know that we have an important issue that needs to be discussed urgently and that I expect them all here at once. Abraham said and placed a long wet kiss on Sheba's lips. He then moved his mouth to her ears and spoke,

The faster you get back the faster I can fuck you with my cock my love. Take a few of the female hunters with you. He said in her ear and then shove his long tongue into it and at the same time he pinched her nipples causing her body to jerk with anticipation.

Yes Alpha  I will leave now! Sheba said and walked past Freya

Come Freya let us get you in that dress so I can ravish you. Abraham said as he used his fingers to slap against Freya's butt cheeks as he began to walk into the liar with her.

Cain stood listening to hear what Abraham's conversations was with the others. He had to find out early so that he could have sufficient time to go warn the lone werewolf, who he believed was his son, should they decide to continue with the pursuit.

He knew that he had to be his child that was lost. The color of his eyes, the glistening skin and his instincts told him he had to be and he knew to himself that if it wasn't for him helping Sam back to the liar, he would have lost the pack and began searching for him.