
The Ungly Woman Shine

Elisabeth was forced to marry Yorris Jordan because she needed extra money to pay for her sister's education and family needs. Yorris marries Elisabeth to take revenge after being cheated on by his future wife. Their agreement is shattered when Yorris finds out Eli wants to know the story of his love affair with an ex-lover, not steal things from his room. Eli is pregnant. Who would have thought, after Eli became pregnant and then a young man helped him, Yorris wanted Eli. More specifically, the baby that the woman was carrying. Meanwhile, Yorris still has feelings for his ex-girlfriend, and is also slightly interested in Elisabeth. So what happened to Eli? One thing is for sure, Elisabeth will not stay silent when she is separated from her child. Eli will take revenge with the help of a man who turned out to be a friend who Eli helped when he was a child. "I can glow up too, not only you!"

Raein23_Raein · Urban
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46 Chs

33 Feel You

Yorris starts again in spoiled mode, his tense and cool aura is gone somewhere. Yorris handheld Eli tightly as if he didn't want Eli to move at all. His emotions changed.

After Eli thought again there was one way that was a win-win solution for them. There's nothing wrong with trying that way. While smiling understandingly Eli stroked Yorris' hair.

"What do you think if I make hot chocolate for you?"

The plan failed because without thinking Yorris immediately shook head. His sad face reminded Eli of a child who had been bullied.

"Do you want to kiss?"

"Want to."

Seriously, Eli wasn't wrong to ask, she was deliberately saying that because felt sorry for Yorris's expression. In the future, Eli will fight whatever Yorris's decision is if it is detrimental.

"Oh, where do you want me to do it?"

Even with this one question, Eli was still conscious. Hearing that question, of course, Yorris would not waste it. Even though Eli bar-bar Yorris will seek fortune, another term is opportunity in a pinch.


As Eli had guessed, it must have been a request on the lips. It's okay like it or not must to do.


The kiss was short but there was enough emphasis on the upper and lower lips. It was an innocent kiss typical of small children with their mothers, nothing intimate at all.

Eli stared at Yorris as if asking if that was enough while Yorris froze because their eyes met each other. The intimate position worsened Yorris's heartbeat which was like having a heart attack.

That's too fast!


Being rebuked like that Yorris woke up from his reverie. This awkward situation didn't last long because Yorris replied to Eli indifferently and didn't even forget to chuckle in dissatisfaction. "Even your kissing skills are bad. I have to teach you."

"You also lack experience."

"When it comes to kissing I'm better than you."

Yorris almost brought up Cindy's name. Luckily he was able to hold it in because otherwise, Eli would have been difficult to continue kissing.

"That's true, you often kiss with Cindy."

"No, just sometimes."

Eli's face looked like couldn't believe it, and Yorris's attitude kept changing. Don't know what Eli's connection is still going to think that way.

"Fine, let's do it, but please don't overdo it. I assume we are gaining experience even if we end up divorcing."

At the end of the sentence, Eli's voice slowed down, if possible Eli didn't want a divorce if Yorris agreed. Any woman wants a real normal marriage even if it doesn't start with mutual love.

No one knows destiny, no one knows whether Eli and Yorris are meant live together to or not. It's just that there is good and bad destiny.

Yorris looked away. "It's not certain whether we'll get divorced or not. We'll make sure later."

Eli watched Yorris, his way of speaking was serious and Eli wanted to confirm the truth.

"So how?"

"Suck my lower lip."

"Did I do it now?"

If Yorris had not held back he would have been furious. "Hmm."

Eli's face slowly approached until they both kissed. Yorris's lower lip was sucked slowly like Eli sipping her favorite drink full of concentration plus enjoyment. Imagining it so accompanied by voluntary feelings had an immeasurable impact on Yorris.

At first, their lips touched, and already felt a comfortable and delicious sensation that Yorris forgot to blink. Eli do it until closed her eyes, the tongue did its job very well so that it added to the delicious sensation.

This time, Eli learned quickly and the way he improvised far exceeded Yorris's expectations. Furthermore, Eli didn't stop, before started kissing she had already caught her breath cause she didn't want to be asked to repeat it.

Eli's movements were much more intense even without hesitation using the tongue. Yorris was amazed by Eli's application of intimate scenes that she usually could only write. Yorris was suddenly startled, Eli bit his lower lip as if asking permission to explore his mouth.

It's perfect.

"Are you okay?"

Yorris didn't hold back from hitting his cheeks for destroying their golden moment. He's annoyed!

"You shouldn't have stopped." Yorris's face was frankly disappointed.

"I'm sorry, I think, I made a mistake." Eli smiled uncomfortably.


Yorris will only forgive Eli if she agrees to kiss him again. It was a consequence she had to take and Yorris didn't care that they kissed until they ran out of breath.


Yorris was a bit surprised Eli agreed as easily as turning palm. Inwardly wondering when Eli would protest. Yorris didn't expect that, but it was a bit odd that Eli willingly agreed.

Yorris's brain stopped thinking as if the electricity that was short-circuited was caused by a kiss. Everything coincides occurs concurrently with a heady kiss and went a long way.

Eli's tongue made it into Yorris's mouth, they even got to the point of exchanging saliva. Yorris wasn't too clumsy and didn't want to lose to Eli, who was still a beginner. Where Yorris put his pride when kissing just wasn't good.

Yorris are uncomfortable considering that saliva is a disgusting thing. Every time he kisses Cindy, Yorris always thinks 'This is disgusting'. Not referring to Cindy's dirty saliva because that's impossible, instead, Cindy is the cleanest woman because she's a perfectionist type. No, but saliva is disgusting literally.

Yorris needed to convince himself that it wasn't a momentary feeling because what he felt when kissing Eli was sweet and delicious.

During his life, Yorris was never wrong and did not want to make one.

The kiss was ended by Yorris gently pushing Eli's face. Throughout the kiss, Yorris's hand hasn't moved an inch. Eli, who held Yorris' cheek led their kiss.

"This time I made a mistake?" Eli didn't dare look at Yorris. It's nothing, Eli just felt was going too far because enjoyed Yorris's lips too much. Maybe the person doesn't accept it.

"No," Yorris said, his expression suddenly blank. Eli suddenly looked at Yorris because his voice sounded strange.
