
The Unfinished Stories

The Unfinished stories of novels that the author(me) has wrote but never published. [Keep in mind that none of these stories have been completely finished, but there are probably some chapters I wrote and didn't upload. The genre as well, it confused me on whether this should be a novel or a fanfic.] Neither the cover nor anything like characters from fanfic stories belong to me (unless it's an original character). It is alright if the original owner of one of the fanfics wants one of the stories to be taken down.

heheheHEHEHEH · Others
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68 Chs

Into the Capital

Zhu Shin woke up at around noon but had nothing much to do except go eat, drink, and sleep. So he tried to sleep again untill he felt hungry.


"I'm kinda hungry huh."

He jumped off the tree and landed softly onto the ground and then walked around to see if he could find anything. He walked around the entire forest but didn't see anything he wanted to eat. Zhu Shin noticed that it was getting dark and knew he would have a little more energy to find food.

'If only I could secure food, it wouldn't be as boring. Good food is never boring.'

Zhu Shin had already mapped out parts of the forest in his head so he never got lost, but decided to explore even more. Zhu Shin didn't know that he had unintentionally marked his own territory, so no weaker animals went towards it. Of course he wouldn't know since he's never done that as a human, it wasn't even possible.

He took the time off to nap until midnight so he could explore more areas with a little more enthusiasm.


Midnight came and he felt less sleepy after napping. Maybe he became too familiar with being nocturnal, or maybe he was just embracing being a cat. But, he finally got up and sprinted into a new area he hadn't explored yet. Being a black color really helped him in observing other creatures and bugs. The only thing that gave him away was the glowing purple and red eyes that looked captivating.

Walking quite a distance from where he once was, Zhu Shin had planned on going back, something caught his eye behind the trees. It seemed like light from a fire, so he sneaked closer to take a better look.

Behind the trees was what seemed to be a carriage with horses attached to it. There were also one short man and four people dressed in armor with swords and knives sitting around a campfire eating roasted meat.

It had been a little while since Zhu Shin had roasted meat, so he wanted to try and eat some if he could. Zhu Shin planned, he would sneak in and grab at least one when no one is looking.

Finally the chance came and they were distracted and gave Zhu Shin a chance to rush in and take one, before jumping on top of the carriage with roasted pork his jaws.

With only one missing, no one noticed and continued what they were doing without thinking that he might have been on the carriage.


Eventually morning arrived but he was still napping even though the carriage he was on, started moving along a path.

When Zhu Shin finally woke up, it was already becoming night again and he was still on the carriage. But, not too far was a city looking place. Similar to that of those ancient chinese dramas he had seen.

Not long after, guards standing in front of a large stone wall spotted the carriage and waited for it to come so they could inspect it.

'I better just climb the wall on my own. It'd be troublesome if they spotted me.'


Quickly taking advantage of the guards talking to that short man, he jumped down and brought out his claws to climb the wall. It had been surprisingly easy to get over the wall, however faint small claw marks were left.

"That's wasn't very smart of me... but... it's not like they'll notice though."

Zhu Shin turned his back from the outside of the wall and leaped to a roof that was a few meters away.

"First thing to do is collect information."

Something Zhu Shin noticed while listening to the gossips and talk was that almost everyone had some kind of pet that was slightly more powerful than the average. Also, none seemed to be cats, stray cats were almost everywhere you went.

'How strange. What's the difference between a cat and other animals?'

He learned a lot of new information out of places that sold pets. Apparently, some animals are born more powerful than the others of it's species and have higher intelligence. Those animals were sought after. However a case of one happening to a cat was incredibly low so they were of no use.

Cats were also strays, so no one felt any attraction and pet stores didn't sell any.

'I still don't get it, why are those special pets sought out for? Is it for fights like in my old world?'

Zhu Shin was a little confused why people would need stronger pets. He finally came to the conclusion that it could been for either entertainment, protection, or to be used for some purpose. Zhu Shin had found that he could understand other cats while he was walking around.


The moon rose into the sky and Zhu Shin wanted to explore a little more since he had the time. He hopped from roof to roof looking at all the pets and cats wandering around. The other animals obviously noticed him since his eyes glowing and his black fur shined under the moonlight.

Other cats were also captivated by his majestic look. Zhu Shin became the talk amongst cats. "The Midnight Cat" was what they called him. If he heard this he would've definitely denied it, but they were just cats so it was fine.


In the house he was standing on seemed to have people yelling inside. A young boy and what he assumed was the mother. Zhu Shin listened in on what they were arguing about.

"Mom! DONT!"

"Humph! It's just a useless cat! Get rid of it!"


"Even more useless!"

"WAIT stop!"

"We can get you your better pet later."

Hm... from what he heard, the kid probably wanted to keep a kitten but the mother opposed it. I guess that's what happens to most cats.

The front door of the house opened and a small grey kitten was thrown out onto the floor. After which, he could hear the boy cry and the kitten had also started to cry out.


"Hey! Kitten! Why are you crying?"

"Isn't it obvious! I have to be a stray cat now!"

The small kitten answered his question but didn't seem to know where he was. So Zhu Shin had to tell him to look up.

"Hey, kid look up!"

The kitten was entranced when he looked up. It was like a god of the cats was sitting right in front of him. The eyes of Zhu Shin's were strangely beautiful and gave of the presence of a powerful being.

Zhu Shin jumped down from the roof in front of the little kid. He wanted to know if he would be willing to follow him. Zhu Shin had an idea to make an organization of cats and weaker animals, like he had done with humans in the modern world.

He never tried with animals but it was worth a shot.