
The Unfinished Stories

The Unfinished stories of novels that the author(me) has wrote but never published. [Keep in mind that none of these stories have been completely finished, but there are probably some chapters I wrote and didn't upload. The genre as well, it confused me on whether this should be a novel or a fanfic.] Neither the cover nor anything like characters from fanfic stories belong to me (unless it's an original character). It is alright if the original owner of one of the fanfics wants one of the stories to be taken down.

heheheHEHEHEH · Others
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68 Chs


"Ah-" For some reason, no words could come out of mouth while all the bats looked at her in anxiousness and panic.

It was to be expected of this reaction. If they could not follow their master to the human world, all of them would have to find a new Familia. Yet, it was unlikely that any Familia not affiliated to the bat's former one, would ever take them in.

Only after a few seconds of silence could she quietly say, "I-I will ask Lord Damien tomorrow. Wish me luck that I get permission....."

"Of Course!"

"We all will wish for your success!"


The entire rest of the day and night packing up the Blood Candy, personal items, and worrying over the outcome of whether she could take her entire Familia with her.




Knock-! Knock-! Knock-!

"Ms. Vampir, i'm a soldier sent by Lord Damien to escort you to the human world."

Ketsueki opened the creaky door slightly and peered through the crack.

"I thought I would be leaving at midnight?"

The soldier in front of the door only put on an awkward simile and said, "Well.... uhhm... Lord Damien said he'd predicted that you'd already packed everything by morning. haha....."

She wasn't as suspicious of the so called soldier, since her grandmother was quite close with the Lord and she had even met him a few times before. What the soldier said had sounded exactly like what Lord Damien would say.

"Please wait a minute. I'll get my stuff." She said and then closed the door.

- - - - - - - - - - -

"Master! We have all the boxes!"

"Good job, guys."

All the bats came into the front room carrying the five large boxes in the air with their claws feet. Each box was around three feet tall and wide. Three of them were completely filled to the brim with Blood Candy bottles, while the rest had books and a few sets of clothes.

Every thing seemed in place, so she opened the door again.

"Haha..... everything ready?"


"Let's go then...!"

Ketsueki and the brown haired soldier walked out of the forest, followed by her Familia carrying the cardboard boxes. It took around half an hour to get out and into the normal city/town outside of the woodland. Many vampires walking around, some were dressed in extravagant dresses and suits, while other had plainer attire.


'What was that?' Both, Ketsueki and the soldier had their attention drawn to the sound of crashing and snapping wood.

Fifteen meters to the right of them, There appeared to be a fight going on between two Vampires. A red haired one and a purple haired one, both with black eyes. The red haired vampire was most likely pushed into a wood tabled by the Purple haired vampire.

The red haired vampire immediately stood up, however, not without injury. A large broken piece of the table's leg stabbed into the Red haired vampire's abdomen.

The purple haired vampire sneered at the opposing vampire and remarked, "Heh-! What a weak Lesser Vampire, can't even withstand a little push~! Heh."

"Grrh-! I'll kill you!!!" The red haired vampire sprung forward with long and sharped nails, that wouldn't be far off to be labeled as a knife or claw.

Just like what any other soldier would do, Ketsueki's "Escort" rushed forward to seize the two fighting. Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough to make it in time before the Lesser Vampire's claws hit.

The Purple haired Vampire didn't expect the Lesser vampire to still fight him after taking such a severe wound, as hundreds of small and sharp pieces of wood were flowing through his blood, which made him flinch at the Lesser vampires determination to kill him.

That single delayed reaction opened a window for the red Haired Vampire to get in five thin, long, diagonal cuts that just barely drew blood from the purple haired Vampire's collarbone to the waist.

"Tch-!" The Purple Haired Vampire was going to make a slash back, but was apprehended by the brown haired soldier before he could do anything.

Thankfully, other higher ranked soldiers came, or else Ketsueki's escort wouldn't have been able to completely stop the Purple Haired vampire's power.

"We'll take care of this, sorry for the commotion. Everyone, get back to your own business!" The crowd promptly looked away and walked on as if nothing had happened. The broken table and spilled blood was swiftly cleaned up as well.

The soldier returned to Ketsueki's side and apologized for the inconvenience. Well, it wasn't that big of a deal for Vampire's to see a bloody fight every now and then, it was already lucky that the soldiers stopped them before one of them died.

A small bat quietly fluttered next to her ear and whispered, "Master, the rest of the bat's wanted to remind you to ask about the Familia."

Ketsueki wasn't going to tell them that she planned to ask a the last minute, since she was anxious about the result of her question, but, since they wanted her to ask now, she couldn't run away from it. It was probably for the better anyways.


"Do you have any questions for me...?"

"Yeah.... I wanted to ask if I could take my Familia with me to the Human World."

"Hmm... I'm not really sure, since i've never escorted someone and their Familia together to the Human world. I'll have to go ask the Lord about that, do you mind going to the portal and waiting there until I get back?"

"Of course."

"Alright then, see you later...!" The soldier steadily ran to the center of the Vampire's country/Nation, leaving her to go to the Teleport area herself.