
The Unfavorable Job "Appraiser" Is Actually The Strongest

eferdeye · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 - Appraisal

[Occupational Job], that is.

 It is not the name of a person's occupation, such as a farmer or a merchant....

 We, the people who live in this world, receive blessings from the Goddesses when we are born.

 The Goddess of Light sees a person's innate talent and gives him or her the right [Job].

 The Goddess of Darkness gives us the possibilities that we can acquire later in life in the form of [Technical Skills].

 There are various kinds of occupational jobs.

If you are a [Swordsman], you will be able to handle a sword at will like a limb without training.

 A skill skill is a special attack that can be used by that job, or a special ability that can only be used by that [Job].

 For example, a [Swordsman] can use the [Kaiten Slash], which consumes magic power to attack the area around him.

 Such as [Kirigami], which allows one to avoid an opponent's attack just in time.

 Humans in this world are born with an [Occupational Job] and the Technical Skills associated with it.

 [Skills], if you train them, you will be able to do many things.

 But occupations are different.

 You cannot change it for the rest of your life.

 Hence, the profession determines a person's life.

 A [Wealthy Merchant] who has overwhelming business acumen, a [Military Strategist] who has mastered the strategies and tactics of the East and West, etc. If you acquire such a [Job], your life will be full of color.

 We call such occupations "rare class," which are the kind of occupations where life is all roses if you can get them.

 However, there are literally only a handful of people who can attain a [Rare Job].

 Most of them were farmers, coal miners, and other simple [Jobs] that did not seem to offer much in the way of showy success.

This is called [The universal Job common class].

 There are two possible life plans that a person in a universal profession can take.

 One is to inherit the profession of one's parents in a straightforward manner.

 [Occupational Jobs] are often inherited. In many cases, if the parents are farmers, the children will be too.

 If you have a universal job because of your parents' know-how or because you have a fixed clientele, it is easiest to ride the rails laid by your parents to move through life.

 This is one life plan.

 But there is another possibility.

 It was to become an ... adventurer.

 Adventurer. It is not one of the [Occupational Jobs].

 It is a... free profession where you take requests from the people of the city, do them, and earn your daily bread.

 Some universal jobs are suited for combat. Such as the [Swordsman] and the [Wizard] I mentioned earlier.

With it, adventurers can kill monsters that live in the underground labyrinths or retrieve rare minerals.

 Sometimes they even get rich, so it is a dream job rather than riding the rails of their parents.

 So many young men and women who have found universal employment rebel against their parents and go out into the city to become adventurers.

 I was a bit different from the rebels, but I became an adventurer because I dreamed of being a winner.

 But I soon woke up from my dream.

 Of course.

 My job was so garbage that I couldn't even make it as an adventurer.


Pick up the trash! What are you doing so lazy? Get your ass over here! You piece of shit!"

 The one who calls me a scavenger is Zoido, a man in light armor with the job title of [Swordsman].

 He is the leader of this party.

"Hey, Zoido! Poor Zoido! Unlike us [Uncommon], whose physical abilities are improved, he's a bum from the [Common] job class, which is not suited for combat.

 The woman next to Zoido, wearing a witch hat, is Jolene, a [Wizard].

 I was hired by Zoido and Jolene as a non-regular adventurer and was visiting a labyrinth near the city.

I was in a labyrinth near the city. "Sorry, I'm ... a little overloaded. ..."

 With a smile that I didn't want to show, I headed for them.

I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.

 The universal common class is also divided into the [Advanced] and [Lower] classes.

 High level is a profession suited for fighting.

 The lower class is a profession that is not.

 ...I am a non-combatant.

 My occupation is [Appraiser].

 What we can do is [Appraiser]. That is all.

 Appraising an object allows us to see the information hidden in it.

You can say, "Hey, I killed a monster. Now appraise it!"

 At Zoido's feet, there is a giant rat that has been cut down.

 It is one of the monsters that lurk in this labyrinth.

... appraise."

 I mumble, and information flows into my brain.

"Giant rat carcass (F).

"Giant Rat Deceased."

(F) refers to rarity.

F is the lowest and S is the highest.

 The higher the rarity, the higher the price.

 The carcass, as it is, is just f trash.

 However, if you mull over [Appraiser] the carcass, you will find it at ....

'Giant rat tooth (D).

Giant rat's front teeth. Hard and can be used as a material for weapons and farming tools."

 As you can see, some parts of the items are rare even though they may seem like junk when looked at as a whole.

 I take out a small knife from my backpack.

 I forcibly pry open the mouth of the dead rat.

 It takes a lot of strength, probably because of the rigor mortis.

 I can't even pry it open.

"Oh, um, ..., can you help me open its mouth, ...?"

 I ask fearfully, and Zoido scrunches up his face and says, "I'm sorry, I can't help you.

"What the hell is ~~~~~? Why do I have to touch the inside of a dead rat's mouth?"

"Touching the trash is the role of the trash picker, isn't it, Mr. Ain't it?"

hey look at me and laugh merrily.... shit.

"Ah... What's with that defiant look?"

A zoid approaches me and kicks me in the shoulder.

 I fall on top of the rat carcass.

 It was rotting and smelled incredibly ....

The monster can't be defeated without us, you know that, don't you?

"I'm sure you know that." We risked our lives to make sure you were safe, so I think you should be a little more grateful to Ein-kun, who was just sitting around doing nothing after you were safe.

 ... Surely, these guys are right.

 There are no Technical Skills in the appraiser profession that are suited for combat.

 They cannot improve their physical abilities, nor do they have the power to manipulate weapons.

 So when it comes to combat, they just watch from the rear.

We've done our job, so you do yours. Don't complain about it, scum."

 I get up and try my best to get the rat to open its mouth.

 From inside the mouth, I could smell the rotten smell of eggs.

 The inside of the rat's mouth was filthy.

 I rummaged around in the slobbery mouth.

I was like, "Oh no, this is disgusting. How can you stick your hand in such a filthy place? It stinks.

 Jolene giggles at me.

 ...Oh shit, I feel like crap.

 After a few moments, I retrieve the giant rat's teeth.

I'm ready to ....

"Hey, octopus!"

 Geesh! And Zoido kicks my ass.

We've got to get the hell out of here.

Yes, sir. ....

I put my rat's teeth in the backpack I'm carrying.

 What ... I can do is scavenge for trash.

 I search the corpses of the monsters I've killed for items that can be redeemed for cash.

 Then I strip the items from the carcass.

 Garbage picker is an odd word for it.

 But this is the only way for me to make it as an adventurer.

 Among the many non-combat, lower-level universal professions, appraisers are especially disadvantaged.

 This is because guild employees will appraise items for you if you bring them to the guild without having to have them appraised by an appraiser.

 The guild has a magical tool called the "eye of truth" that can do the same thing as an appraisal.

 ... In other words, if I had the Eye of Truth, I would have no use for it.

 The guild is the only one that has the Eye of Truth. The only people who can do on-site appraisals are us, the appraisers.

 If you take the corpse to the guild as it is, however... you don't need an appraiser.

 The reason why appraisers are still needed is that each monster corpse is huge.

 If you take the whole corpse to the guild, it is inefficient. It is better to collect and sell only the cashable items at the site, because you can make more money.

 However, if you have a magic bag that can hold the items without regard to their weight, it will suffice,....

 The profession of appraiser is an unnecessary profession.

 The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your money is to be a good appraiser.

 ... I'm an unnecessary child.

I'm not going to be able to do that. Don't just stand there!

Yes, sir.

 But still, I have no choice but to live.

 Since I can't change my job, I have to soldier on as an adventurer.

 I have no parents.

 They passed away early. I cannot follow in their footsteps.

 I have no other choice but to live on, scavenging for garbage or whatever.