
The Unfathomable Terrors That Lurks Amongst The Stars[On Hold]

A Collection Of Storyline In Parallel Sections Between Character By Character, Making Terrors, Horrifying Stories, Sci-fi, And More -Updates Is Very Optional Because I'm Very Busy During The Night And Day, Also decided to abandoned the dream of creating stories for overpowering characters now! due to some motivation and inspiration! I Glady take this a new challenge! sometimes updates are fast and slow so Ps! don't worry I'll update!!- -Updates Randomly In A Week- -Amount To Update Is Random In A Day- -Temporary Cover-

Kai_The_Author · Sci-fi
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31 Chs

Chapter 8: Gliding The Multiverse, Dreams And Death

As they ascended further and further, the ship began to disintegrate into particles. Adam held onto the console with all his might as he watched the very fabric of reality tear apart. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

The Avatar, on the other hand, seemed completely unfazed by the chaos around them. It was as if nothing could shake their calm demeanor. Adam couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at the Avatar's unwavering composure.

Abruptly, the ship came to a halt. The particles around them slowed, coalescing and reforming into the ship they were familiar with. But something wasn't right - they were no longer in the Type 3 multiverse they had been in before.

As Adam looked out the window, he saw things his mind couldn't comprehend. There were abominations upon abominations, unlike anything he had ever seen. It was as if the very nature of the universe was working against itself, creating monstrosities that twisted and writhed in agony.

"Th-this is insane," Adam stuttered, his hands shaking. "W-we should go back. This is too much."

"We cannot go back," the Avatar replied without a hint of hesitation. "We must push forward to the Platonic Multiverse. It is the only way."

"But how can you be so calm?" Adam asked, bewildered. "Don't you see what's out there?"

"I do," the Avatar said simply. "But fear is a limiting emotion. To ascend to the Platonic Multiverse, we must remain focused and composed."

Adam gulped, trying to steady his nerves. He knew the Avatar was right - they had come too far to let fear stop them now. He took a deep breath and summoned all his courage. Together, they began to move forward, towards the Network of the Platonic Multiverse.

As they traveled, they saw more and more abominations - beings that defied reality itself. Adam could barely keep his lunch down as the ship was shaken by the sheer force of their passing.

At last, they arrived. The Platonic Multiverse was a sea of pure energy, a network of infinite possibilities. Adam felt his mind expanding, trying to comprehend the sheer vastness of it all.

"Welcome," a voice boomed inside his head. "You have made it to the Platonic Multiverse."

Adam looked to the Avatar, but their expression hadn't changed.

"What now?" Adam asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Now, we explore," the Avatar said simply. "And we continue to ascend, further and further beyond what we previously thought possible."

Adam nodded, his heart racing with excitement. Despite the terror he had just witnessed, he was filled with a sense of wonder. He had always known there was more to the universe than anyone could ever imagine - and now he was one of the few who had seen it with his own eyes.

Together, they set course for the unknown, ready to face whatever unfathomable terrors lurked amongst the stars in the Platonic Multiverse.

As Adam and the Avatar journeyed through the Platonic Multiverse, they encountered wonders beyond their wildest dreams. They saw entire universes being born and dying, planets being formed and destroyed, and civilizations rising and falling. They witnessed the birth of stars, the creation of galaxies, and the merging of black holes.

Each new discovery left Adam awestruck, and he could barely contain his excitement. The Avatar remained similarly composed as they guided the ship through the endless expanse of the Platonic Multiverse.

But as they delved deeper, they began to sense something off. It was a feeling that Adam couldn't quite put his finger on, but it made him nervous. He turned to the Avatar, hoping for an explanation.

"The closer we get to the edge of the Platonic Multiverse," the Avatar said, "the more dangerous our journey becomes. We are moving beyond what is known and into realms of uncertainty and chaos."

Adam swallowed hard, his mind racing with thoughts of what kind of dangers they might face. But he knew they had come too far to turn back now.

They continued on, pushing deeper into the unknown. And then, all at once, the ship began to shake violently.

"What's happening?!" Adam shouted over the din of alarms and warning signals.

"We've encountered a rift!" the Avatar shouted back. "Hold on!"

Without warning, the ship was sucked into the rift, hurtling through space and time. Adam gripped the console tightly, his heart racing as he watched the fabric of reality tear apart around them.

Just as suddenly as it had started, the turbulence stopped, and the ship came to a halt. They had emerged on the other side of the rift, in an entirely different part of the Platonic Multiverse.

But something was different. Adam could feel it in his bones. It was a subtle and sinister feeling, like a shadow lurking just out of sight.

"We must be careful," the Avatar warned, sensing Adam's unease. "We are in a dangerous place now. The terrors that lurk here are beyond even our understanding."

Adam took a deep breath, and with the Avatar by his side, he continued on. The terror of what lay ahead was almost too much to bear, but he knew they had come too far to back down now. Together, they would face whatever lay ahead and uncover new mysteries of the cosmos.

As they traveled deeper into the dangerous part of the Platonic Multiverse, Adam felt his anxiety rising with each passing moment. The Avatar remained a steady presence, calmly guiding the ship through the unpredictable terrain. But despite their best efforts, something went wrong.

Without warning, the ship lurched violently, and alarms blared throughout the cabin. Adam clung to his console, his eyes wide with fear as he watched it crumble beneath his grip.

"We're losing the ship!" he cried out, but his words were drowned out by the deafening noise of destruction.

"We must abandon ship," the Avatar said calmly, their voice cutting through the chaos.

Adam looked to the Avatar, his heart sinking as he realized what that meant. He had come too far to give up now, but the thought of being stranded in this dangerous place without a ship was almost too much to bear.

"Follow my lead," the Avatar instructed, and without another word, they punched through the emergency release hatch and launched themselves into the void outside.

Adam felt his body spinning out of control, tumbling end over end as he struggled to orient himself. He was quickly losing altitude, and his thoughts began to spiral into panic as he watched the debris of their ship hurtling past him.

"Gl- glide," he stammered, barely able to get the words out.

"Focus on me," the Avatar replied calmly. "You are safe with me."

With those words, Adam felt something shift within him. His panic began to subside, and he felt a sense of calm wash over him. It was as if the Avatar had wrapped him in a protective bubble, shielding him from the chaos of the Platonic Multiverse.

Together, they glided through the dangerous terrain, avoiding the terrors that lurked around them. Adam felt a newfound sense of courage within himself, knowing that he was not alone in this journey.

As they soared through the endless expanse of the Platonic Multiverse, Adam knew this was just the beginning of their adventure. Despite the dangers they had faced, he felt a sense of determination stirring within him. He was ready to face whatever lay ahead, knowing the Avatar was there to guide him through it all.

As the ship was destroyed, Adam felt a sense of despair wash over him. They were stranded in the dangerous part of the Platonic Multiverse with no way out. But the Avatar remained calm, and with a flick of their wrist, they conjured a shield out of thin air to protect Adam as they ventured deeper into the unknown.

"Come, glide with me," the Avatar instructed, and Adam felt himself being lifted into the air by an invisible force.

Together, they glided across the dangerous terrain, avoiding the abominations that lurked in the shadows. Adam felt a sense of awe as he looked around, taking in the nightmarish landscape around them. It was like nothing he had ever seen before, a place beyond the boundaries of time and space.

"Where are we going?" he asked the Avatar, his voice barely above a whisper.

"We are going to a special place," the Avatar replied. "A place called the Land of Dreams, or The Primordial Dreams. It is a place without conception of time and space, a complete place made of abominations of nightmares and good dreams."

Adam's heart raced with excitement and fear. He had never heard of this place before, and he didn't know what to expect. But he trusted the Avatar and followed them through the treacherous landscape.

As they approached the entrance to the Land of Dreams, Adam felt a sense of foreboding. He could hear strange whispering voices and see shadowy figures moving in the shadows. But the Avatar remained focused, and with a wave of their hand, they opened the entrance to the land.

Adam felt a gust of wind as they entered, and he was suddenly surrounded by a dizzying array of colors and shapes. It was like nothing he had ever seen before, a place where reality itself seemed to shift and warp before his very eyes.

"Welcome," said a voice in his head. "To the Land of Dreams."

Adam looked around, his mind reeling at the sights before him. He saw creatures beyond his wildest imaginations, both terrifying and beautiful. He felt his sense of wonder grow with every passing moment, and he couldn't wait to explore more of this strange, wonderful place.

Together, he and the Avatar delved deeper into the Land of Dreams, their journey through the mysterious Platonic Multiverse far from over.

As they ventured deeper into the Land of Dreams, Adam was once again struck by the strangeness and wonder of it all. The Avatar led him through the landscape, showing him sights and experiences he could never have imagined. They met creatures made entirely of light, swam in iridescent oceans, and danced with beings made entirely of shadows.

But as they journeyed, Adam couldn't help but wonder about the other three multiverses. The Avatar had originally set out to explore all four types, including the Plenitudinous, the Algorithmic, and the Quantum Multiverse. But since arriving in the Platonic Multiverse, they had seemingly forgotten about their original mission.

"Avatar," Adam said tentatively. "What about the other multiverses? We've been exploring the Platonic Multiverse for a while now, but what about the others?"

The Avatar looked at him thoughtfully. "You're right, Adam. We must not forget our original mission. Let me explain the others to you."

And with that, the Avatar conjured up images and explanations of the other three multiverses. Adam listened raptly as the Avatar explained how the Plenitudinous Multiverse contained an infinite number of worlds, all coexisting at once. The Algorithmic Multiverse, meanwhile, was governed entirely by mathematical principles, with complex algorithms dictating every aspect of reality. And the Quantum Multiverse was a place where every possibility existed simultaneously, with reality branching off into infinite possibilities with every decision made.

Adam felt a sense of awe and wonder as he listened to the Avatar's explanations. He had never imagined such vastness and complexity existed in the universe.

"We still have much to explore," the Avatar said, "but we will do so with renewed purpose. Our journey to explore the four multiverses is not yet complete."

And with that, Adam and the Avatar continued on their journey, ready to explore the wonders of the multiverse with renewed determination.

As Adam and the Avatar continued their journey through the Land of Dreams, they spotted a pen and paper floating in mid-air. The Avatar deftly snatched it out of the air and looked at it curiously.

As they examined the paper, the Avatar's expression grew serious. "This is a message from someone in the quantum multiverse we just left behind. They have detected a malfunction in the fabric of the multiverse. It's withering, and if it's not stopped, it could lead to catastrophic consequences for all who live within it."

Adam's heart sank as he heard the Avatar's words. If the quantum multiverse was withering away, it could mean the end of everything they knew.

Without hesitation, the Avatar snapped their fingers, and a burst of energy radiated out from them. As they did, the Avatar could feel the fabric of the quantum multiverse stabilizing, no longer withering away into oblivion.

"What did you do?" Adam asked, looking at the Avatar in awe.

"I used my power to balance the quantum multiverse," the Avatar replied calmly. "It is no longer withering away."

Adam felt a sense of relief wash over him, grateful for the Avatar's quick thinking. "But is it permanent?" he asked, thinking of the consequences if their solution didn't last.

"It is for the time being," the Avatar said. "But we must keep a close eye on it. We never know what changes the multiverse may undergo, and we must always be ready to act."

Adam felt a newfound sense of urgency within him. They had already seen the terrors that lurked within the multiverse, and the thought of it unraveling was too much to bear. With the Avatar by his side, he knew they could face whatever lay ahead.

Together, they continued their exploration, seeking out new wonders in the Land of Dreams and beyond. But they always remained vigilant, ready to act at a moment's notice to preserve the delicate balance of the multiverse.

As they traversed the Land of Dreams, Adam felt a sense of awe wash over him. The sights and sounds around him were unlike anything he had ever experienced before, and he was grateful to the Avatar for guiding him through this strange new world.

But as they explored deeper into the Land of Dreams, Adam suddenly found himself separated from the Avatar. He looked around frantically, but the Avatar was nowhere to be seen.

Panic began to rise in Adam's chest. He was alone in a strange and unpredictable place, with no idea where to go or what to do. His mind raced as he tried to come up with a plan.

But just as suddenly as the panic had set in, something shifted within him. He remembered the Avatar's teachings, to remain focused and calm in times of crisis. He took a deep breath and began to examine his surroundings, searching for any signs of the Avatar's presence.

What he didn't realize was that the Avatar was watching him all along, even though Adam didn't see them. The Avatar was aware of every moment and movement of Adam's and was guiding him despite not being physically present.

As Adam continued to explore the Land of Dreams, he began to see things he had never seen before. Strange shapes and colors seemed to shift around him, and he felt the presence of beings he couldn't see or understand. His fear began to give way to a sense of wonder and curiosity.

And all the while, the Avatar watched from the shadows, guiding him and keeping him safe. Though they may have been separated physically, they were still connected, and the Avatar knew they would be reunited soon enough.

Eventually, Adam caught sight of a flicker of movement out of the corner of his eye. It was the Avatar, beckoning him forward. He raced towards them, grateful for their guidance and direction.

As they reunited, the Avatar smiled at Adam and said, "You did well on your own, but it's good to have you back with me."

Adam felt a sense of gratitude wash over him, grateful to have the Avatar's guidance and protection once again. Together, they resumed their journey through the Land of Dreams, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Adam and the Avatar continued their journey through the Land of Dreams, the Avatar explained to him the concept of the primordial void.

"The primordial void is an infinite expanse of nothingness," the Avatar said, "it's a place of pure potential, where all things are possible. But it's also a place of great danger. It's not a realm that we should venture into lightly."

Adam looked at the Avatar, his mind racing with curiosity and fear. He had heard of the primordial void before, but he had never really understood what it was or how it worked.

"What makes it so dangerous?" he asked, eager to learn more.

"The primordial void is a place of pure chaos," the Avatar replied. "It's a realm where the laws of reality don't apply, where the very fabric of the universe is twisted and contorted. For those who venture too close, the void can consume them entirely, leaving nothing behind."

Adam shuddered at the thought of being consumed by the primordial void. He knew that he wasn't ready to face that kind of danger.

"Can we go there?" he asked tentatively.

"Not yet," the Avatar replied. "The primordial void is a place for those who have reached the very limits of their existence. It's a realm that is beyond our understanding, and we are not yet ready to face it."

Adam nodded, understanding that there was much more to explore and learn before they could even consider venturing into the primordial void considering that it was one of the above.

Avatar continued, "Now, the primordial void, being aware of its own power and limitless potential, decided to create a weaker version of itself so that something could exist above it. This weaker version of itself is what we call the Barrier.

The Barrier is the physical manifestation of the primordial void's consciousness, and it is what keeps the primordial dreams and the lesser worlds of existences in check. Without the Barrier, chaos would reign supreme, and the universe as we know it would cease to exist.

The Barrier is incredibly powerful, but it is not invincible. There have been times when the Barrier has been breached, and when that happens, unspeakable terrors are unleashed upon the world. That is why it is essential to protect and maintain the Barrier at all costs."

Avatar paused, looking at his audience to ensure they were following his explanation. Finally, he asked, "Do you all understand the significance of the Barrier?"

The group of young disciples looked at each other, exchanging expressions of confusion and awe. Finally, one of them summoned the courage to speak.

"Master Avatar," he asked hesitantly, "what happens if the Barrier is breached?"

Avatar's expression grew grim. "If the Barrier is breached, all manner of chaos will be unleashed upon our world. Horrors beyond your wildest nightmares will roam freely, and all life will be threatened. That is why it is essential that we train hard and do everything in our power to protect the Barrier. The fate of our universe rests in our hands."

The young disciples listened intently, realizing the weight of their responsibility. Avatar continued, "But fear not. With diligent training, you will become powerful enough to aid in the protection of the Barrier. And we are not alone in this task. There are other beings in the universe who understand the importance of the Barrier and are working tirelessly to maintain it."

He then raised a finger and pointed to the stars above. "Up there, among the countless galaxies, there are beings of unimaginable power, whose sole purpose is to safeguard the Barrier. They are the guardians of the Barrier, and they will come to our aid when needed."

The disciples gazed up at the stars, imagining the vastness and complexity of the universe. Avatar's words had filled them with a sense of awe and purpose, and they felt ready to begin their training.

Avatar stood up and clasped his hands together. "That is all for today. Remember, train hard, and always keep in mind the importance of the Barrier. One day, you may be called upon to defend it."

The disciples bowed respectfully and dispersed, each lost in their thoughts and the vast mysteries of the universe. Avatar watched them go, his heart filled with hope for the future. For as long as the Barrier stood strong, there was always hope.

Avatar returned to his dwelling, located deep within the heart of the primordial dreams. As he walked alone through the dense, otherworldly forest, he felt the ancient power of the universe coursing through him.

He had lived here for many years before meeting with Adam, meditating and studying the mysteries of the primordial dreams. And now, Adam, a human being who he had shared his knowledge, also resided here to help Adam. It was a comforting thought, knowing that he was not entirely alone in the vast spacious of the cosmos.

As he approached his dwelling, Avatar sensed a strange energy emanating from within. It was a feeling he had not experienced before, and it made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

He pushed open the door cautiously, his senses on high alert. The room was empty, but he could feel the strange energy surrounding him, coalescing into a strange, ominous presence.

Avatar closed his eyes and focused his mind, attempting to discern the source of the energy. Suddenly, a voice echoed through his mind, chilling him to the core.

"Avatar," the voice said. "We have been waiting for you."

Avatar recognized the voice. It was the voice of an ancient being, one of the most powerful and malevolent beings in the universe. The voice of Death.

The primordial dreams shook, and Avatar felt the cold, bony hand of Death grasp his neck. The room vanished, replaced by a barren wasteland, where Death loomed before him, grinning wickedly.

Avatar knew that Death was after Adam. The human being was one of the few entities that could pose a serious threat to Death's power. He had to protect Adam at all costs.

He summoned all the power he had, unleashing a wave of pure energy that blasted towards Death. But the ancient being was too powerful, and he casually swatted the attack aside.

"You cannot defeat me," Death hissed, his eyes burning with an otherworldly fire.

Avatar stood his ground, facing Death with a defiant stare. He knew he was fighting a losing battle, but he would not back down. Not when the fate of the universe was at stake.

The two beings clashed, their immense power tearing through the primordial dreams like a tornado. The battle raged on, each being struggling for supremacy.

Finally, Avatar knew he was outmatched. With a final burst of energy, he poured everything he had into one final attack. Death stumbled back, stunned by the force of the blow.

Avatar took his chance and fled, racing back to his dwelling where Adam waited for him. He knew that Death would not give up, and that the universe was now on the cusp of a great and terrible war.

Avatar and a human vs the ancients....

Death returned to the land of the ancients, where the old gods nurtured the lesser worlds by their hands. He knew that he had failed in his attempt to defeat Avatar and Adam, and he needed to regroup and come up with a new plan.

As he walked through the halls of the ancient citadel, he met one of his allies, Keres Briar, the destroyer of worlds and the embodiment of the lesser void. Keres Briar was known throughout the land of ancients as one of the most dangerous beings and was feared by all those that encountered her.

"What brings you here, Death?" Keres Briar asked, sensing an aura of anger and frustration emanating from Death.

"I have failed," Death replied, his voice filled with the same aura. "The Avatar was stronger than I anticipated, and I could not defeat him."

Keres Briar listened intently, his eyes burning with a hunger for power and destruction.

"But that does not mean our mission is over," Death continued. "The Avatar and Adam are too dangerous to be allowed to live, and we must find a way to destroy them both."

Keres Briar smiled wickedly. "I have a plan. The Avatar and Adam may be powerful, but they are still bound by the laws of the lower existence. We can use that to our advantage."

"What do you mean?" Death asked.

"We must target the balance," Keres Briar said, "the very thing that keeps the universe in check. If we can destroy the balance, then the Avatar and Adam will no longer be able to exist. They will be consumed by the void."

Death nodded, seeing the logic in Keres Briar's plan. "But how do we do that?"

Keres Briar explained his plan in detail, describing how they could tip the scales in their favor and unleash chaos upon the cosmos. As he spoke, Death could feel the excitement building within him. Finally, he had found a way to defeat his foes and reign supreme.

And as they departed the citadel, Death knew that they would not rest until they succeeded in destroying the balance and unleashing destruction upon the lower world's.

.... Days passed, and as Adam continued to hone his abilities, he suddenly had a dream. In the dream, Adam found himself surrounded by violet flares of energy, and he knew immediately that it was a void. Adam realized that the center of it all was himself, in an unheard appearance of purple energy, he could feel every inch of the energy flowing through his body.

As he looked around him, he could sense that there was something much greater happening. He could see nothing but darkness all around him, but he had a sense that he was standing on the brink of something enormous.

But before he could get a proper understanding of what was going to happen, the dream was over, and Adam was awoken. Despite trying his best to return to this dream, he couldn't.

Adam woke startled, his experience had a deepened fear in him. He couldn't explain why, but he felt that his dream was a premonition of sorts. He knew that the dream marked something significant and that he needed to be prepared for what's to come.

Though it scared Adam, he knew he couldn't reveal it to Avatar. The Avatar had made it clear that he didn't want to know anything about what he was to become, and it would be unfair if Adam broke that trust. So he kept his fears to himself and continued to focus on his training.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, and Adam never experienced that dream again, but he had a sense of an impending danger that was getting closer each day. Strangely, Adam was also changing, and with each day, he came closer to showing his energies' true might and his place in the cosmos.

..... "soon... and very soon" a being spoken in the void of Adam's consciousness..... "we shall soon..... become" it paused in brief moment of time even though the concept of time and space lacks within the land of dreams, even in Adam's consciousness it continues..."TRANSCENDENT"

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-End Of Vol 2-

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