
The Unfathomable Terrors That Lurks Amongst The Stars[On Hold]

A Collection Of Storyline In Parallel Sections Between Character By Character, Making Terrors, Horrifying Stories, Sci-fi, And More -Updates Is Very Optional Because I'm Very Busy During The Night And Day, Also decided to abandoned the dream of creating stories for overpowering characters now! due to some motivation and inspiration! I Glady take this a new challenge! sometimes updates are fast and slow so Ps! don't worry I'll update!!- -Updates Randomly In A Week- -Amount To Update Is Random In A Day- -Temporary Cover-

Kai_The_Author · Sci-fi
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Chapter 20: The Grand Reveal To Thy People, And The End

Ryan was walking wondering around the streets of the city he lives in and spotted a cafe and entered decided to reveal small information to the small group in the cafe. As Ryan sat in the cozy little café tucked away in the heart of the city, his hands shook with anticipation as he prepared to reveal all that he had discovered in his travels. He had spent what felt like an eternity moving through multiverses, exploring transfinite amounts of dimensions, braving the terrors that lurked amongst the stars, and wandering through the expanses of the land of dreams.

Now, he felt that it was time to share what he had learned, and he took a deep breath and began to speak:

"I have been to places that defy all logic and understanding," he said, his voice low and serious. "I have traveled through the fabric of time and space, and I have seen things that would drive a lesser man mad. But I have also glimpsed the most wondrous and beautiful things in existence, and I wish to share them with you."

He leaned forward, his eyes alight with a fierce intensity.

"I have touched the edges of the cosmos itself," he continued. "I have seen the birth and death of multiverses, and I have stood in the presence of beings that are beyond our comprehension. I have spoken with entities that exist outside of time and space and some who are sees the notions of them meaningless, and they have taught me things that I could never have imagined."

Ryan's hands were trembling now, and his breath came in short gasps as he struggled to convey the enormity of what he had experienced.

"I have traveled through dimensions beyond our own," he said, his words now barely above a whisper. "I have seen worlds that are stranger than anything we could ever imagine, and I have witnessed the most incredible feats of power that defy all explanation. I have walked through realms of pure energy, and I have felt the very fabric of the universe pulsing with an unimaginable power."

He took a moment to gather himself, his eyes closing briefly as he breathed in deeply.

"But perhaps most incredible of all," he said, his voice now filled with wonder and awe, "I have traveled through the land of dreams. There, I have met beings of every shape and size, and I have explored impossible worlds that are only limited by the imaginations of those who dream them. I have seen knowledge that states that the lands of dreams existing as something that sees all notions as meaningless."

Ryan opened his eyes, and his gaze locked on the faces of those sitting around him.

"I have seen things that would shatter your mind," he said, a hint of sadness creeping into his voice. "But I have also seen the most beautiful things that exist in this Cosmos. And I want to share those things with you, so that maybe, just maybe, we can find a way to understand the Cosmos and our place in it."

The others in the café stared back at Ryan, some with awe, some with fear, and some with a touch of skepticism. But all of them knew that they had just witnessed something incredible, and there was a sense of something profound hanging in the air.

For Ryan had just given them a glimpse into a world that they could never have imagined, a world that existed beyond the boundaries of their understanding, and beyond the reaches of their grasp. And he had done it with a grace and a beauty that could only come from someone who had truly seen the unimaginable.

Ryan's words continued to resonate in the café, leaving the listeners with a profound sense of the vastness of the universe. He delved deeper into the subject of singularities, explaining that they were a construct-containing plane that held within them transfinite amounts of dimensions.

"To understand the concept of transfinite, imagine adding infinite numbers to already infinite concepts or constructs," Ryan explained. "Transfinite goes beyond infinity and signifies something that, as humans, we can barely comprehend. Within the singularity lies an infinite number of dimensions, so vast that we cannot begin to understand their true extent."

Ryan's words triggered a moment of introspection, with the listeners realizing that their understanding of the universe was limited by their own three-dimensional perspective.

"As human beings, we are bound to our three-dimensional existence, and it is a challenge to grasp anything beyond that," Ryan continued. "But as we explore the vastness of the cosmos, we must realize that there is so much more out there that is beyond our comprehension. We must strive to broaden our perspective and embrace the fact that what we know about the universe is a mere fraction of what there is to know."

As the conversation came to an end, Ryan urged his listeners to think about the enormity of the singularity, the transfinite dimensions, and what it all meant for our perception of the universe. The complexities and enormity of the cosmos could sometimes seem overwhelming, but it was up to us to try and understand it, for in doing so, we could begin to comprehend the true extent of our existence.

Ryan then walked away from the cafe, where he shared little bits of his knowledge to the people.

As Ryan walked towards Michael's house, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. Sharing his knowledge with the small group of people at the cafe had been stressful, but he knew it was necessary in order to get the word out about the dangers lurking amongst the stars.

Ryan and Michael had been friends for years, and he knew he could trust him with everything he had learned. As he approached the house, he saw Michael sitting on the porch, smoking a cigarette.

"Hey man," Ryan said as he walked up to the porch.

Michael looked up and smiled. "Hey, what's up? How did it go at the cafe?"

Ryan took a seat next to him and let out a deep sigh. "It was intense. But I think I got through to some of them. At least, I hope I did."

Michael nodded. "That's good. People need to know what's out there."

Ryan leaned back and looked up at the night sky. "Do you ever think about how much we don't know about the universe? It's unfathomable."

Michael shrugged. "I try not to think about it too much. It's just too big for me to wrap my head around."

Ryan chuckled. "Yeah, I know what you mean. But I think we need to start paying attention to what's out there. We can't just keep ignoring the signs."

Michael took another drag from his cigarette. "What signs?"

"The disappearances, the strange sightings, the reports of strange noises and objects. It's all connected. And it's getting worse."

Michael nodded. "Okay, I see your point. But what can we do about it? We're just two guys sitting on a porch."

Ryan looked at him seriously. "We can start by spreading the word. We can't just sit back and hope someone else takes care of it. We have to be proactive."

Michael stubbed out his cigarette and stood up. "Okay, I'm in. What do we do first?"

Ryan grinned. "First, we start by putting up posters around town. We need to get the word out there and let people know what's happening."

Michael nodded. "Alright, let's do it. I'll grab some posters and we can start tonight."

Ryan stood up and clapped him on the back. "Sounds like a plan. Let's save the world, one poster at a time."

Over the next few days, Ryan and Michael worked tirelessly to put up posters around town. They talked to anyone who would listen, sharing their knowledge and urging people to be aware of the dangers lurking amongst the stars.

Their efforts didn't go unnoticed. Soon, more and more people were coming forward with their own stories of strange sightings and unexplainable events. They formed a small community, sharing their knowledge and experiences, and working together to uncover the truth.

But the more they learned, the more they realized just how deep the problem went. It wasn't just strange sightings and disappearances that they were dealing with. There were powerful forces at work, manipulating the very fabric of space and time for their own ends.

Ryan and Michael knew they had to act fast if they were going to save the world from the unfathomable terrors that lurked amongst the stars. They spent countless hours researching and gathering information, piecing together a plan that could potentially stop the otherworldly forces in their tracks.

And finally, the day of reckoning arrived. Ryan and Michael gathered their community of like-minded individuals and set off towards the source of the disturbances. It was a perilous journey, fraught with danger at every turn. But they pressed on, fueled by their determination to protect humanity from the unknown threats that lurked beyond the stars.

In the end, they emerged victorious. Ryan and Michael's efforts had paid off, and they had saved the world from the unfathomable terrors that lurked amongst the stars. They had proven that when people banded together, they could overcome even the most impossible of obstacles. And they had made the world a safer place for generations to come.

Just as Ryan and Michael thought they had saved the world from the unfathomable terrors lurking amongst the stars, they suddenly found themselves in a completely different place. It was still night time, but the stars in the sky looked unfamiliar.

As they looked around, they realized that they were no longer in their own dimension or even in their own world. They were in a place they did not recognize. Suddenly, a man appeared out of nowhere and stood before them.

"Who are you?" Ryan asked, maintaining his guard.

"I am Miguel. You are in the Threshold Libraries." he said as he took a step closer to them.

"The Threshold Libraries? We've never heard of it." Michael said, his voice low.

"It's a place where all creation is made and , stored. I brought you here because I need your help." Miguel explained.

Ryan and Michael exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what to make of the situation.

"I need you to help me reclaim a powerful knowledge that was stolen from me. It is located in a protected region. I cannot enter myself, but you can help me retrieve it." Miguel continued.

"Why would we help you?" Ryan asked, his voice stern.

"Because if it falls into the hands of the wrong people, the consequences could be catastrophic. I know you want to protect the world, and in order to do that, you must retrieve the knowledge and return it to the Threshold Libraries." Miguel replied, his gaze not breaking from their faces.

Ryan and Michael looked at each other, weighing their options. They knew they could not ignore the opportunity to save the world once more.

"We'll help you." Michael said in a resolute tone.

Miguel then raised his hand, opening a portal. It led them to a huge circular door, behind which the knowledge they were looking for was kept.

Together, they faced challenges beyond their wildest imagination. But with Ryan and Michael's courage and Miguel's knowledge, they were able to retrieve the lost knowledge from the protected region.

After completing their mission, Miguel moved to give them back their freedom, but then Michael spoke up. "Miguel, wait. We still have questions."

Miguel turned his head, inviting them to ask.

"What is the relevance of the knowledge we returned to you?" Ryan asked.

"The knowledge was taken from the Threshold Libraries by an organization that seeks an alternate reality. They wanted to create a world that suits their desires, a world that is free of pain and suffering. The problem with this is that, what they create will spawn more problems than it will solve. The knowledge you have now recovered is the key to stopping them." Miguel explained.

Ryan and Michael nodded, finally seeing the relevance of their mission.

As they stepped back through the portal that would lead them home, they knew that their journey was not yet over. There was more to be done to keep the world safe from the unfathomable terrors lurking amongst the stars, and they were ready to face whatever came their way. They were not only guardians of humanity, but also of knowledge, both of which they will always protect.

As Ryan and Michael stepped back into the dimension after their mission in the Threshold Libraries, they were still processing the information that Miguel had shared with them. The realization that there was an organization out there trying to create an alternate reality was disturbing, but it also gave them a sense of purpose knowing they had the power to stop them.

But what stuck with them the most was Miguel's mention of a "Primordial Being" who made everything, and Miguel himself being a part of him - the essence of a Writer. Ryan and Michael couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the idea of meeting such a being.

As if reading their thoughts, Miguel turned to them and said, "Now that you have retrieved the knowledge and completed your mission, it is time for you to meet HIM."

Ryan and Michael exchanged a quick glance, hardly believing what they were hearing. But before they could respond, Miguel continued, "HE will not harm you. HE simply wants to speak with you."

Together, they followed Miguel through the maze of corridors, each one more grand and awe-inspiring than the last. Finally, they reached a door that opened up into a vast chamber, the likes of which they had never seen before.

And there, in the center of the chamber, was HIM.

HE was unlike anything they had ever seen before. HE was a towering figure made up of pure energy and light, and yet somehow, HE radiated an aura of warmth and comfort - the epitome of power and divinity.

Ryan and Michael fell to their knees, overwhelmed by HIS presence.

HIS voice was gentle, yet commanding. "Welcome, my children. I have been watching, and I am pleased with the work you have done. Your bravery and determination have saved the worlds from devastation."

Ryan and Michael could hardly find words to respond. They had so many questions, yet they didn't dare to speak.

HE smiled. "I know you have questions. Ask, and I will answer to the best of my ability."

"How do we protect the world from the organization that seeks an alternate reality? Can we stop them?" Michael asked, his voice trembling with awe.

"You have already taken the first step by retrieving my knowledge. Remain true to your convictions and seek always to do what is right. It is only through unity and the sharing of knowledge that we can overcome such threats." HE replied.

Ryan then spoke up. "What is my purpose? Why was I chosen for this mission?"

"You and Michael were chosen because you have shown that you possess the qualities that are required to protect the world. Courage, determination, and above all, a deep sense of caring for others. Your mission was not by chance, but by destiny. You are both meant to do great things." HE said with a reassuring smile.

Ryan and Michael exchanged another look, both feeling humbled by the words of the Primordial Being. They knew that they had a lot of work to do, but they also knew that they had the guidance and support of a being beyond their understanding.

As they stood up to leave, HE spoke once more. "Remember, my children, the true power of knowledge is in its sharing. Never stop seeking the truth, and never forget that you are capable of greatness."

With these words ringing in their ears, Ryan and Michael stepped out of the chamber, feeling more inspired and empowered than ever before. They were ready to face whatever came their way, knowing that the Primordial Being was watching over them, guiding them towards the light.

As Ryan and Michael left the chamber of the Primordial Being, their minds were reeling from what had just transpired. They had met a being beyond their understanding, and HE had bestowed upon them words of encouragement and wisdom.

But what stuck with Ryan the most was the Primordial Being's words about becoming an Essential Author like Miguel.

"Wait, what did you mean when you told me I could become an Essential Author like Miguel?" Ryan asked as he turned back to HIM.

HE smiled and replied, "Miguel is the embodiment of the essence of Writing, given form so that he can act as a protector of my knowledge. You have shown the potential to become an Essential Author, with the ability to write and create worlds that other people can enter."

Ryan couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had always loved writing, but he never thought of it as anything more than a hobby. "How can I become an Essential Author?" Ryan asked hesitantly.

"Just like Miguel, you must immerse yourself in the art of Writing. You have the potential to become one of the greatest authors of your time, but it will require hard work, dedication and a willingness to learn. Follow your passion and the path will be revealed to you in time." HE replied.

Ryan felt a sense of excitement coursing through his veins at the thought of becoming an Essential Author. He couldn't wait to see what the future held for him.

And as Ryan thought about his new path as an Essential Author, HE turned to Michael and said, "And Michael, you too have a role to play. You have the potential to become the Essential Reader, someone who delves deep into the knowledge that is already given to you and reveals the secrets that lie within them. You have the ability to see things as they are, and to help others understand what they cannot see."

Michael felt a sense of validation wash over him at the thought of becoming the Essential Reader. He had always been an avid reader, and he knew that there was much more to learn and discover.

Ryan and Michael exchanged a look, both feeling empowered and inspired by their new roles. They knew that they had a lot of work to do, but they also knew that the Primordial Being was watching over them, guiding them towards their new path.

With new hope and purpose, they stepped out of the chamber, ready to face whatever challenge came their way. They were now Essential Author and Essential Reader, respectively, and with their combined knowledge and abilities, they knew that they could make a difference in the world.

And so, Ryan and Michael embarked on a new journey, guided by the wisdom and encouragement of the Primordial Being, to become the protectors of knowledge and creators of new worlds. They knew that the journey ahead would not be an easy one, but they were ready to face it head-on.

As Ryan and Michael set out to fulfill their new roles as Essential Author and Essential Reader, they quickly realized just how much they had to learn. They spent countless hours studying literature, history, science, and anything else they could get their hands on, searching for insights that could help them protect the world from unfathomable terrors.

At night, they would write and read by candlelight, their passion for knowledge fueling them to push through the exhaustion. And as they delved deeper into the vast pool of knowledge, they discovered new worlds and possibilities beyond their wildest dreams.

But with this newfound knowledge came new responsibilities. They knew that they had a duty to share their knowledge with others, to help guide them in the right direction, and to unite against the threats that loomed in the unknown.

And so, they began to share their knowledge and insights with everyone they could, encouraging others to embark on their own journeys of discovery.

As they traveled around the world, they met people who shared their passion for knowledge and their desire to make a difference. They formed alliances, shared knowledge, and worked together to uncover and face the horrors lurking in the unknown.

And through it all, they never forgot the words of the Primordial Being. They continued to seek the truth, to approach their work with an open mind, and to never lose sight of their purpose.

As time passed, Ryan became one of the greatest authors of his generation, with his works inspiring generations to come. And Michael, the Essential Reader, was renowned for his insights into the deepest secrets of the universe.

Together, they became legends in their own right - heroes who fought for the knowledge and safety of humanity. And though their journey was fraught with danger, obstacles, and fear, they never lost sight of the mission they had been entrusted with.

And as they looked back on their lives, they knew that they had fulfilled their roles as Essential Author and Essential Reader to the best of their abilities. They had made their mark on the world, and they had ensured that the unfathomable terrors lurking amongst the stars would never again threaten the peace and safety of humanity.

And with that, their story came to an end, but the legend of Ryan and Michael, the Essential Author and Essential Reader, would live on forever.

But even as the legend of Ryan and Michael was being passed down through the ages, there were still forces at work beyond their understanding. The organization that sought to create their own alternate reality was still out there, and they were growing stronger with each passing day.

Ryan and Michael knew that they could not rest on their laurels. They had to remain vigilant, always on the lookout for any new signs of danger. And so, they continued to hone their skills and expand their knowledge, always seeking new ways to protect the world.

As they grew older and their time on this Earth grew shorter, they had one final mission: to pass on their knowledge to the next generation. And so, they began to train a new group of travellers, people who would carry on their legacy and continue to fight for the safety and preservation of humanity.

And so, the cycle continued. New generations came up to take their place, always seeking the truth and always willing to sacrifice everything for the greater good.

The legend of Ryan and Michael, the Essential Author and Essential Reader, continued to inspire generations to come - a testament to the power of knowledge, and the unwavering resolve of those who sought to protect it.

For in a world filled with terrors lurking amongst the stars, knowledge was the only thing that could save humanity - and those who dedicated their lives to preserving it were truly the greatest heroes of them all.

As Ryan and Michael grew older and their knowledge continued to expand, they knew that their time on this Earth was limited. But as they looked back on their lives, they knew that they had fulfilled their mission to the best of their abilities.

And as a reward for their dedication to knowledge and the protection of humanity, the Primordial Being bestowed upon them a great gift: the chance to live forever within the Threshold Libraries, the pinnacle of existence.

As they stepped through the threshold, they were awed by the endless shelves of books, each one filled with the secrets of the universe. They knew that they had found their true home, and they were filled with a sense of peace they had never known before.

For years, they lived within the Threshold Libraries, studying and writing and sharing their knowledge with those who sought it. They sat upon the shelves alongside the greatest minds in history, adding their own works to the endless collection.

And as they immersed themselves in the knowledge and wisdom of the ages, they felt themselves growing younger, their bodies renewed by the power of the Threshold Libraries.

As time passed, they became like the Primordial Being, beings of pure energy and light, guardians of the knowledge and secrets of the universe.

And it was there, within the pinnacle of existence, that Ryan and Michael lived out their eternal life's work - protecting knowledge and ensuring the safety of humanity for all time.

As Michael and Ryan followed HIM through the labyrinthine corridors of the ancient starship, they couldn't shake the feeling of awe and dread that filled them. They knew they were on the cusp of discovering something truly unfathomable, something that would change their understanding of the universe forever.

Finally, they arrived at a chamber unlike any they had seen before. The walls were adorned with intricate symbols and equations, and in the center of the room sat a being unlike any they had ever encountered excluded Ryan and HIM.

John, as HIM introduced him, was the essence of philosophy. He was not a physical being, but an amalgamation of thought and reason. As Michael and Ryan approached him, they felt a sense of overwhelming reverence wash over them.

"Welcome," John spoke, his voice echoing through the chamber. "I have been waiting for you."

Michael and Ryan exchanged a look of confusion. "Why have you been waiting for us?" Ryan asked.

"Because you are seekers of truth," John replied. "You have come seeking answers, seeking knowledge, seeking to understand the terrors that lurk amongst the stars."

Michael and Ryan nodded, still unsure of what John was trying to convey.

"You see, my essence is philosophy," John continued. "I exist to help beings like you understand the truth. The truth of the universe, the truth of life, the truth of existence."

Michael and Ryan listened intently, their curiosity growing with every word.

"But be warned," John added. "The truth is not always pleasant. It is not always comforting. Sometimes, it is the most terrifying thing you will ever encounter."

Michael and Ryan exchanged another glance, this time filled with trepidation. They were already on the brink of discovering something unimaginable. What could be more terrifying than that?

But they had come too far to turn back now. They took a deep breath and stepped forward, ready to face whatever terrors lay ahead.

Ryan sat at his desk, surrounded by countless books. His journey as a traveling writer had taken him across the cosmos and back, and he had filled these pages with stories and observations beyond anyone's wildest imaginations.

But now, he felt the weight of exhaustion settling in. His body was weary, his mind was cluttered, and he longed for the comfort of a familiar place.

Ryan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It was time to go home but he created an clone of himself to go there.

He saw his clone gathered his books and thanked the kind people who had hosted him on his journey. He boarded a ship and looked out the window as he ascended into the stars.

As he traveled through space, he reflected on all that he had learned and experienced. The terrors he had encountered, the magnificent landscapes he had seen, and the diverse people he had met.

But amidst all of that, he had realized that there was something even more valuable than all of his travels and knowledge: the people he loved.

Ryan missed his family and friends dearly, and as the ship descended towards his home planet, he couldn't wait to feel the warm embrace of those he cared for.

The doors opened, and Ryan stepped out into the fresh air, taking in the familiar sights and smells of home. He smiled as he was greeted by his loved ones, feeling a sense of warmth and belonging unlike anything he had felt before.

He realized that, ultimately, his journey had not been about discovering the unknown, but about finding a sense of purpose and belonging in the familiar. Ryan knew that he would continue to write and explore, but with a newfound appreciation for the simple things in life.

And so, Ryan's journey as the traveling writer came to an end, but his growth and understanding had just begun.

In The End Of The Story Ryan Created A Clone And Put His Consciousness There Because If He Use His Real Body All Of Existence Will Crumble T-T

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