
The Unexpected Magical Life And Rebirth Of The Zombie Hero

It was a normal day when all this happened to me. I am just a normal boy leading a normal life. Or so I thought. I know my life will never be the same. Being raised in New Orleans, I have heard tells of voodoo all my life. I never really believed it... Until today.

Go2Sleep · Horror
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5 Chs

Thrown Under

The truck swerved to miss me.

I gasped, standing there like a scared deer.

My feet seemed glued to the pavement as I watched it topple over, right onto me...

You know right after you prepare yourself for pain but nothing hurts? But yours ears are ringing like crazy and you hear muffled voices? No ?Well, that's what happened to me.

"The kid just ran in front of me." A man said, his voice loud, but quite me.

"Call nine-one-one!" A woman screamed. "Look at his body! Oh dear God look at his body!"

"What body are you even talking about? It looks like a mangled mess of limbs..." Another man said.

"My baby!" I heard my mother scream.

"Mom?" I tried to say, but no words would come out as everything faded.


I was unable to speak as I was rushed into an ambulance. Then hooked up to a IV and some mechanical thing that keeped me alive.

If I was alive.

Everything was jumbled and fuzzy. I kept slipping I'm and out of consciousness.

Where was my mother? Where was my stepfather? Did they care? Did they care if I lived or died? Did I care if I died?

These thoughts whent in and out if my mind as I struggled to stay awake and kept going into the nothingness of sleep.

Untill, I felt absolutely nothing.