

"Let's start then." He took her hand in his, interlinking her fingers and dragged her with him, all the while looking at her face. She noticed that and was looking straight ahead. "Look ahead. Or you'll trip." Not a second later, Ella's leg gave away when came across something and was about to fall flat on her face, when Roy clutched her stomach from the back lifting up in the process. Now he had her lifted closer to him, her back touching his chest, her mouth slightly open expecting the fall to be hard, her legs were in the air; he said in her ears, "Like this?" "Let go of me." She gritted her teeth when she understood he did it purposely. He was always like that. To teach her he would go to extent of putting her in danger only to save her later. --- Legacies go way back. They are lost to the world now, but not gone completely. It wasn't chosen for Ella to be a part of it, but it was her inheritance. Drowning and dragging her along leading to an inescapable choice. The lives of the top are equally miserable with the lives of the low, which he understood very well. Then won't it be better to play on the top than stay low... Two different lives belonging to different phases come together in this nasty game of power and pleasure that it's too true to be ignored. --- Life is lived for common goals of having a job, car and home. That is what Ella wanted too, a stable life without much complications, but will her identity and position let her live such common goals? Specially when the person who was supposed to be her knight was actually hunting her.

deep_ty1999 · Urban
Not enough ratings
89 Chs

Missed me! Not?

The next day Ella got up drowsy-eyed, not by herself but after her mother kicked her away from the bed to the bathroom. "Don't sleep on the toilet seat Ella!" yelled her mother.

Ella cursed under her breath. Her mother was certainly taking revenge on her for something. "It's a Sunday!" cried Ella.

"Which is a very busy day for you. Remember? You have a shop to run! Now hurry up already," her mother yelled back.

Ella loved it when her mother said the last two lines. Sometimes it was very hectic, doing business. And she considered it a business only. At least something good came out from her working at the bakery. A shop big or small doesn't matter in the term of business. And her business was blooming now. After all, Ella had taken many measures to accomplish that. Though she couldn't inherit her throne in the Kings, it didn't mean that she can't work anywhere else. She had always trained herself for the throne, not because she was the only heir, but because she wanted to be worthy of it. She wanted to be worthy for the company, for the globe! Call it as the fates playing with her, that the position was taken away from her right under her nose. Not taken, rather stolen.

Such thoughts were enough to wake Ella up and be going on with the day. First things first; She had to at eradicate this problem of hers, after which would she deal with the others.

When she reached the shop today, she at first took out the banner she had made for this one day of the whole week to let the customers buy wholeheartedly. It was a '50% off SUNDAY SALES'. This was one of the marketing techniques she had incorporated after beginning here for a month or so. After that the whole Broadway street heard about the Sunday Sales Shop.

Ella then went upstairs to check on Mrs. Willow, finding her to be filling up the trays with all the bakes she had prepared. She felt a bit guilty about last night when she couldn't help Helen in cooking them. But that never stopped her employer in going on to do it on her own. That was the thing that Ella respected most about her; Her passion in what she liked to do the most. She was so engrossed in her work that she didn't even notice Ella standing behind her. It was when Helen was about to carry the tray, Ella intruded, "Mmmm... When will you make me something as delicious as this..." stated Ella in awe.

"I don't have to make you something. You anyways eat it up from the counter. Don't think I don't know that!"

Ella narrowed her eyes at Helen saying, "Which are always the ones, close to getting rotten."

"Well I don't judge your choices, hon," she shrugged.

Looking at Helen who seemed pretty exhausted, she let her take the final word.

"I'll take the trays. Eat something and rest now," making a quick sandwich for Mrs. Willow with some mayo and cucumber.

"How do you always know that I haven't eaten. Do you creep up on me every time?" exclaimed Helen making a stink eye in the end.

"Don't overthink yourself. You simply carry a tag with yourself stating that you have not eaten."

"Watcha talking about girl?"

Ella pointed at Helen Willow's stomach while controlling her smile from coming through, saying that, "Your stomach is not that much more visible so it's safe to say that your tummy is empty."

Ella took the array of trays and headed down while leaving Helen to process her comment. Eventually, "You blasted girl! I'm not fat!" her voice disappearing as Ella made her way to the counter. She had planned to skip the lunch for today and look out for Nick. Picking up her phone, she removed her sim and immersed another one, which was a custom made especially for situations like this. There was only one number present in the sim, who was none other than the maker of this marvelous invention. Not only the card worked globally in any network area, also the card was only available with the registered persons. All these registered persons have one thing in common, acquaintance with the maker of the sim card. Another best thing about this card was not even the maker can track as to where the call is coming from. All he can rely on, is the card number which only he can encrypt and only he can decrypt.

Ella dialed the number which went on to ring twice, picking on the third ring, "Long time no see, baby. Thought you would never call", said his voice who was one of her trusted friends. She had kept his existence secret with the whole family and the company; Not even Roy ever knew about him. Now she was thanking the heavens that she didn't mention anything about Mike.

Ever since her being away from London and on a run, she had lost all contact with everyone, including her relatives and friends. She knew it was necessary in order to hide away secretly. Also, she had no doubt that Roy was tracking all of her contacts then to catch hold of her; He might be doing that now as well.

"Free to talk?"

"Really babe? Talk? Have you ever considered what happened to me since you went MIA for two fucking years, Ella!", his voice increasing after every word spoken.

"I know that. You know that. Do I have to explain you why? Isn't it obvious already!"

"I believe you know that you have my original powerful weapon in your hand which even the Kings out there don't. I waited for you E. I was worried. So, you can't just call me suddenly to talk!"

"Fine. We'll talk later. I need you to find someone ASAP."

"I missed my bossy bitch. And who would be that unfortunate one?"

"Nick. I don't have his full name, but I'll send you his picture, so it should help. I want it in an hour."

"What?! No Love You's? No Missed You too? You have really become very heartless."

"Yeah well, Heart was broken two years ago. So, it's as good as irreparable. You on it?"

"Yes Bossy Bitch! Get back to you soon."

"And Mike; I missed you. Too much. Still do."

"You know you will make me cry very very soon." He made a sniffing noise which made Ella roll her eyes. She really missed this Drama Queen.

"I'm already pouring Eeeee..." continued Mike. This made Ella put her phone away from her ear. She then said, "Call me as you get it," and hung up. Ella sent Mike, Nick's photo which she was captured in the CCTV camera of the shop.

Not ten minutes have passed customers poured in.

Ella's phone rang exactly one hour after her call with Mike, she answered and said, "I said to call me within an hour, not exactly an hour later!"

"Woah Woah, slow down babes! No thank you? Or what about How are you? Or did you even find something?"

"Focus Mike! I'm having a busy day. Where is he?"

"Okay he's currently present or maybe indisposed at a bar in Denver, exactly named Sputnik. What a strange name! Could have taken recommendations from me. How do you like Mike's Spike? Won't it be great? And I'll take you there for all our dates for free!"

"Thanks Mike. Bye", Ella hung up and was already on her way to get a cab, before she lost Nick. Poor Mike never found what the Thanks was directed to dating or changing the bar name; presuming for both he wondered if she was residing in Denver currently.