
Day 1 (continued)

Beomseok, Sadie, Scarlett, Neveah, Ashely, Dayeong, and Jihye all had art as their first hour. Mr. Greenwell had already assigned everyone into groups of seven. Beomseok, Sadie, Scarlett, Neveah, Ashely, Dayeong, and Jihye were all a group. J- "hey Beomseok, we haven't talked since seventh grade, what up ?" B- "Hey it's been a while huh ?" J- "I guess so" D- "Stop talking and lets get some work done" S- "Thank you" A- "I was thinking we could do an art project based off one of Van Gogh's paintings" N- "sounds good to me" ST- "I'll go get the materials"

ST (Scarlett) accidentally threw some paint at S (Sadie). S started a paint fight on the first day of school. Mr. Greenwell- "What the hell is going on here ? This isn't the class to be having a paint fight you can all do that in detention after school today".

*School bell going off* J- "I can't believe I have detention on my first day of school, this isn't what I was expecting, who knew this school would be so strict. Why is this school so big I think I'm lost ugh." S- "Need some help finding detention class ?" J- "Yeah I'm lost. Is this you're second year at this school ?" S- "No actually this is my first year here, I guess I got the hang of this school pretty quickly" They started to walk towards detention. S- "So you know Beomseok ?" J- "Yeah I met him in the fifth grade." S- "Have you ever liked him ?" J- "I guess so yeah but that was back in 5th grade" S- "oh" *rolls her eyes*. S-" Well this is it." J- "Thank you."

"In this class you are not allowed to talk or comunícate in any way shape or form. I'll be back at six when detention is over." Beomseok was reading a popular novel "Please Look After Mom". Sadie was painting her nails with a black sharpie. Scarlett was finishing up some homework. Neveah was drawing doodles in her notebook. Ashely was in the corner of the classroom calling Aaron. Meanwhile Dayeong and Jihye were watching a movie on Ashely's laptop. *ring ring ring* Jihye's phone was going off but it was on silent so she couldn't hear it. J- "omg I didn't tell my mom I was staying after school today she must be worried I should text her". D- "You have a voicemail look" *pointed at the phone*. *Jihye and Dayeong started listening to the voicemail.* "You have a lawsuit against your name" J- "what ?"