
The undying

Stella was gifted since young. Her family hated her and she suffered a great deal while she was engaged with the prince. He fell in love and Stella was framed with murder! But what if she had a past life she never knew about?! And was well known in the realms of the gods? A young man with the power of darkness saves her by making her reincarnate to the past. Now she will take revenge and destroy those who hurt her. What will happen in the future?

alienlives · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Stuck on the edge

Ahh this is what death feels like. But why is it me? What did I do to be in such a situation? All I ever wanted was to feel warmth and love. To be cared for and for someone to worry about me. Family, friendships, and relationships seem impossible for me. Save me. As I closed my eyes, I see a beaming light coming from the ceiling. BAM! "Oh, I'm too tired to keep my eyes open. Whoever entered this room please keep quiet so I can rest in peace." Why would anyone want to enter a dead person's room? What an idiot. This feels nice I'll just sleep.

"I have heard your prayers. Stella Angelis Cara. I will grant it but what comes afterwards is your responsibility. But this time I will give you blessings from my power. The power of darkness. This time please live well my dear."

Who called me by name? I haven't heard someone say my name so kindly before. Thank you. Tears fell down my cheeks as I said bye to the only one who called my name.

My eyes opened. What is with this familiar setting? It's very warm here. Wait…

Stella: "Huh? Didn't I die?"

Ivy:"wahhhh sister you're finally awake!!"

I have seen this person before. She looks exactly like my little sister. But that's impossible...Didn't she die? But why does she look like a kid?

Ivy: "stella?"

While looking at her in a daze my thoughts seem to be clustered. When I finally realized my situation I stared at her and then pushed her to the side and ran towards the mirror.

Stella: "I, Impossible"

Wait but I died. Why do I look Like a child again?

My long silky Black hair is in curls, my hair is up to my waist and my eyes are light gray. Those weird eyes and hair. My skin looks white as snow and my slender small body. Anybody can tell that I am a child. But Why? I looked at my sister Ivy, her hair is also near her waist but her hair is a light auburn brown. Her eyes sparkle, they always, and even now they remind me of the sea. Even though we are half sisters we look nothing alike. She's very pretty. I always felt less because everybody loved her and would always choose her for everything. Unlike me I was always cast aside, I looked like my father but he has black eyes. I don't have Mother's eyes or Father's. I think being born was an accident. They stare at me as if they are scared of me and never bother to check up on me. Yet if my sister would get a paper cut, the greatest doctors would be called over because it's unacceptable for her to get hurt. I can see why even, I love my sister to such an extent. Ivy is something I will never be.

Stella: "What happened? Why am I here?"

Ivy stared at me confused.

Ivy: "do you not remember sister? Ah… well you see, you had a very high fever last night and when we were having dinner you fainted and we brought you to your room to treat you."

Stella: "And where is mother and father? Were they also at the dinner?"

Ivy: "Y, Yes. They called a doctor, but father was busy with work so he left earlier after confirming you were alright and mother she's also busy with a tea party right now. Sorry."

Hm? If it were Ivy though they would cancel all their plans and stay with her until she gets better. I sighed and stared at Ivy.

Stella: " What is today's date?"

Ivy: " Stella you're acting weird. Why are you asking? Do you have memory loss?"

Stella: "It seems I have forgotten some stuff. Sorry but could you please tell me?"

Ivy: " Yeah. today's date is June 19, 653"

WHAT?!?!? Did I go back in time? Wait now that i remember what was that man's voice? Didn't he say something about a blessing? This is no blessing but a torture instead. "This time please live well my dear." MY dear? What the HELL!

Ivy: "Sister are you still si-"

A maid entered the room before Ivy could finish. The maid was Jennie, I remember her. She didn't like me but she loved my sister so she didn't treat me badly.

Maid: " Your Sire you have woken up? Well the Duke Cara has told me to inform you when you awake to come down to his office."

Stella: "Yes I will go down in a bit. Let me change first."

Maid: "Yes. I will inform Duke Cara."

Jennie walked out and closed the door behind her. Her expression was always serious but when she speaks with Ivy her face softens. I shouldn't be jealous of my sister. But the mister gave me a second chance to live. I should take advantage of it.

Stella: "Ivy could you please excuse me, I need to change." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

Ivy: "Alright but I will be back!"

Ivy left my room running happily. Ahh I need to change. What a drag seeing father. He's annoying for calling me even though he doesn't care about what happens to. Two maids come in and bow. They start to take clothes from my closet to change me. One Maid takes out a silver dress with a few flowers stamps and some pearls. Another maid ties my hair in a high ponytail. My shoes are also grey but they have a few diamonds and flowers with a black outline.

After I'm finished I leave the room and walk towards father's Office. Father's doors are as I remember and even the hallways look the same. The doors are outlined of real shiny gold. The wood is dark and well polished. The floor is a very white marble, the floor is so clean that you could see your own reflection. I am kind of scared.

[Disclaimer! This is literally my first novel. Please be easy on me. Also if there are any mistakes please let me know~ Thank you and enjoy the novel? Btw I have made this novel with inspiration of other novels that I have read. Also idk if this chapter is long or not. Anyway enough of my rambling.]

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