
The Undying Star

A star? I wasn't even close to being something as beautiful. But... undying? Yes. I was. Since death never ever accepted me into its embrace. So what if I live this story to its end one more time? Just one last time. I want to feel it, living, rather than death. Only once. What awaits me at the end of this never-finished draft, I wonder... Is it the cure to my curse, or yet another rebirth?

daniz_ · Fantasy
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184 Chs


"Are you sure your method is actually effective? I have this nagging feeling that you've made up something random to fool me."

Evelyn opened her eyes after a long while of concentration and uttered in frustration.

"Don't blame the method and your teacher if you can't achieve your goal. It's your fault, not anyone else's."

Ian was lying down on the ground, completely disregarding the damp grass and the slightly chilly air. A little wolf pup was lying on top of his chest, but no one could see it besides Ian.

"I've been doing everything you've told me for days, yet I sense nothing at all. I'm sure I'm doing everything exactly as you said, I'm not dumb."

"Who said you are dumb? You are just scared. I've told you before, don't fear the fall and let yourself sink down. I'll stop you if anything goes wrong, or if you think you can't take it. Call me instead of opening your eyes."

"You make it sound too easy!"

"It is easy if you are brave enough."

It's been four days since they started their training. Before young Miss Evelyn could hide her Aether, she had to be able to control it. However, due to the different nature of her power, normal methods didn't have much effect on her.

"Plus, have you done your homework?"


As if waiting for it, the girl pulled out a pile of papers from behind and threw them at her teacher. Ian clicked his tongue at the rude behavior and picked up the closest one. He'd tasked his student to list down everything she wished for and wanted to achieve, as well as all her desires in life. An Aether blessing granted to a human being was normally something related to that person's life, either past or the future, regrets, or wishes. That was the reason why he asked his student to think about her ambitions and list them down. He didn't try to ask about her regrets or anything related to the past as it was a sensitive topic for most people.

"....What the hell is this?"

"My plans?"

Ian scrunched up his face upon reading the content of the papers.

"Alright, but I didn't ask you to write down how you want to sell each one of your goods and their price?? And what's this? Did you need to include your year's schedule in this?"

The girl retorted back with anger, "What's wrong with it? Why are you making such a face? They are my wishes and plans for the future!"

"Alright alright!"

Ian threw aside the papers and lay back down with his hands under his head.

"What's your blessing gonna be? Floating Aether coins capable of piercing the heart of any rivals on your business?"

"Quit making fun of me!"

Evelyn carefully collected her papers and walked back to where she was before. Sitting cross-legged, she closed her eyes and took deep breaths, trying to concentrate and enter her space of mind.

"Try not to think of money for a seco-"

"Shut up."

'I should have a proper conversation with this girl's father regarding her impolite behavior and unusual future plans!'

At this rate, it might take longer for him to reunite with Alaric and the rest of the group.

- - - - -

A convoy consisting of many soldiers and knights made their way into the city. The city was the largest city in the dukedom and had a fairly good state compared to the other places seen along the path. The carriages drove close to a luxurious inn before stopping. Two people walked out of the central and biggest carriages, surrounded by servants and guards. After entering the building, they bade each other a good evening and walked to their respective rooms.

The golden-haired young man raised his feet and hugged them while sitting on the sofa. His butler put down a steaming cup of black tea on the table and plates filled with sweat.

"They are too many..."

"Don't worry about such trivial things, young master." Ranger bowed down and placed a bag of medicine next to the tea.

"Young master, it seems that your mana is acting up again. Please take your medicine."

Alaric's sunset-colored eyes lowered to the pile of pills.

"My mana isn't hurting or bothering me in any way."

"Can you really say that after what happened a few days ago?"

The young man shifted his gaze away without giving an answer. As he thought back to the time when they were still traveling inside the jungle, he buried his head deeper in his knees.

"Although, I understand why you wouldn't want to take these pills," the old butler sounded after a deep sigh. After knowing that the doctor was the one who hired the bandits to kill Alaric, he started doubting everything that he had done, from his diagnosis of Alaric's illness to the poisoning incident a while ago, he couldn't stop doubting that man.

"Hey, do you think that poison incident from before was also done by the doctor? He could've easily messed up with everything if he wanted to."

Ranger hesitated for a second before nodding his head. His expression darkened as the incident was brought up. Silence descended in the room.

"Do you think he is still alive somewhere?"

The servant disappeared one night and didn't come back. They searched for him everywhere, even entered the jungle to find him, but no traces were discovered. After a few days, he was assumed dead, either died of hunger or killed by beasts.

"...I don't know."

The old man's voice trailed off, hoarse and pained. Silence filled the atmosphere once again.

"I miss him even though I only knew him for a few days," Alaric muttered as his grip over his own arms, in a knee-hugging pose, became tighter. "I wish he is alright..."

Despite wanting to correct the boy by telling him that Ian had been his servant for more than ten years and not just a few days, Ranger couldn't bring himself to talk. That boy was also his son for more than ten years.

- - - - -

Rays of moonlight fell into the land, looking like the silky hems of a woman's dress dragging on the floor. The breeze of night was fresh and cold, filled with the scent of wet soil. As the diamonds plastered to the navy blue sky twinkled in silence, flaxen-colored dust swayed around, fading as soon as they came into existence. Long lashes shook before eyelids slid up, revealing blue eyes as deep as night. His gaze, tender and tranquil, fell upon the young girl sitting opposite him, who was wiggling with her chestnut hair with an uneasy face, and opened his mouth.

"That's how you do it."

"....I know, I've seen it a lot already, but I can't do it in practice," Evelyn's lips twitched, slightly pursing to a pout. "Maybe I'm really not built for this."

"That's also possible," Ian moved back, leaning against a large stone and looking up at the twinkling star above his head. "I'm not mocking you. It's exactly how it sounds. You are not made for this. The method of meditation works perfectly on those who can wield pure Aether, but not those with a blessing."

"So what should I do?"

"Um... Wait? I don't know!"


The girl stood up as she glared daggers at her teacher.

"I'm sure you also know nothing and can do nothing but bluff well!"

"Then why are you still taking lessons from me?"

The girl was already walking away without caring about Ian's question.

"Hey! Brat!"

There came no answer. Ian huffed under his lips and ruffled the baby wolf's fur.

"We'll be reaching the borders soon anyway. I'll go back to Alaric as soon as we meet."

It's been about a week since the mercenaries joined the merchants in their travels and also a week since Ian started teaching the young miss about Aether, but all their struggles were to no avail. The girl just couldn't control her Aether.

As they got closer to the borders of the empire, Miss Evelyn got more and more anxious. She shared her worries with Ian, saying that she was afraid others might sense her Aether when they passed the borders and cause trouble, just like how Ian had explained to her when they first talked. Ian was overflowed with the sudden guilt of lying to an innocent person, so he made up another lie to cover up the mess he'd created, promising the girl that he would cover her up with his mastery over Aether. He didn't even know if such a thing was possible.

Ian was treated pretty well while traveling alongside this group. The merchants thought of him as a mercenary, so they held him dear, taking special care of him. However, Ian didn't feel so relaxed while accompanying his mercenary friends around. Eleen was warm and friendly as always, someone any person would feel comfortable around. The problem was with Raven. He wasn't only a bother to Ian but for everyone else. Even Eleen found it hard to get along with him sometimes. Ian had thought that they were close friends, but their arguments were quite intense.

Things were fine as long as Raven was like his usual self, but he kept going out of his way to give Ian frights. He scared Ian by doing nothing at all, so how would it be if he suddenly emerged from behind the trees and stared right at Ian's eyes without saying anything?

Ian had planned on talking things out with him, but Raven wasn't approachable at all! At this rate, Ian thought he'd go bald from yanking too many of his hairs out of stress.

-Master, why do you want to go back to Alaric? Can't we just keep traveling with these people?

-Do you want your master to die from a heart attack?

-You won't die so easily! It's the first time you stick to that noble's son so much, so I was curious.

A yawn escaped Ian's mouth. He sleepily picked up the wolf and strolled back to his tent.

-You'll understand me once you meet Alaric.

Ian pulled the entrance of the tent up and tiptoed inside, careful not to make any noise. Inside the tent was dim with only a little bit of outdoor bonfire light illuminating a part of it. Lior dangled from one of Ian's arms while his other hand stretched out in darkness to help him not hit any objects. As his hand grazed past the pillar at the center of the tent, it touched something sturdy and warm. Ian halted.


Under the vague glow of the fire, two jet-black pupils, gazing down at him, glimmered ominously. Ian's scream stuck to his throat and his heart skipped a beat. His hand was pressing on a man's chest.

"H-hi!" He stuttered in a fleeting voice. "Why are you awake? Ahahah! It's late at night!"

"...." Just like always, the man waited for a brief second before giving a response, enough time for Ian to go to the afterlife and come back, "You are awake as well, just like every other night."

Ian was glad that it was night and the kind of expression he was making wasn't visible to the other party.

'Shoot, did he follow me around every night or keep track of me? Vicious bastard!'

"Ahem! W-well I can't fall asleep easily so I tend to go out for a walk at night."

"I see..."

"Yeah, yeah. Now I'm going to sleep, good night!"

Ian brushed past Raven, almost running away, and threw himself to the ground, under his blanket. He prayed that the man would leave the tent and back to his duty as soon as possible.

'But Raven seems a little bit strange of a name,' he kept having that thought over the last week. 'I feel like he has another name, a real name instead of Raven...'

He still couldn't remember the identity of this person.

- - - - -

"You've purchased a carriage for yourself. Seems like you don't need me anymore."

"I'm sorry for troubling you for such a long time."

"Don't say such a thing. I still wish to keep traveling with you."

Barnett Blicra placed his hand over a few books from the table beside him.

"I want to introduce more books to you. I've finally found someone with similar interest to mine so I'm quite unwilling to let you go, haha!"

His words were genuine and his smile was sincere. Alaric returned the nobleman a smile of embarrassment.

"I just remembered that I've not returned the books I've lent from you. I'll make sure to finish them by tomorrow."

"No need to rush it. It's alright if you keep them, I don't mind."

"You are too kind."

The two youths chattered while having tea and snacks. They were having a refreshing time after a whole week of traveling nonstop. The horses needed rest and the storage had to be refilled.

Alaric managed to purchase a new carriage fitting for a count's son from the city at a good price. He could now part ways with Barnett Blicra, but the son of the duke insisted that they keep traveling together. Alaric had no reason to refuse. It was proven to him that Barnett had no ill intentions towards him or the others and it was safe having him around.

"You seem tired, have you not rested well?"

"Ah? No, I had a good sleep last night."

Alaric subconsciously rubbed his puffy eyes. No one noticed how the old servant standing behind his master's seat scrunched his wrinkled face.

"We'll be leaving this state tomorrow and be near the borders. I've heard that area is quite dangerous, so make sure that you are fresh and prepared."

"Yes, I'll keep that in mind."

Alaric had been hearing a lot about the dangers in the borders. Some talked about bandit groups lurking around while others warned him regarding the margrave of The Empire and the border guards. Everyone around him seemed to be scared of anything related to The Empire. Even Barnett Blircra was secretly anxious about it.

"I'm sure everything is gonna be fine," declared Alaric when they were about to depart the next morning. "So don't worry about a thing and proceed as usual."

Despite giving encouragement to the others, his expression was the palest among the group. He rubbed his sunset-colored eyes which were as puffed up as walnuts before entering his new carriage. He was all alone inside, despite how he had someone's company all the time up to this day.

After waiting for a little bit longer, the carriage finally began to move, but it hadn't been two hours when it slowed down and halted.

'It's not lunchtime or anything else, so why did we stop?'

Putting the book aside, Alaric opened the carriage door and stepped out. Ranger was nearby.

"Why did we stop?"

"It's near the borders so all paths are joining together to form one main route. Other convoys are entering the main route now so we have to wait until they pass."


He had to stand on his tiptoes to see what was going on ahead. A large number of horses and carts were moving in a line. They all carried big boxes with a single trademark on them.

"Ah, they are merchants."

Alaric nodded at Severin's remark. They seemed to be a large business group.

"Heeyy! Hiiii!"

The voice of a woman entered their ears from afar. The voice sounded familiar to Alaric.

"We made it!"

A brown-haired woman was riding to them on a horseback.