
The Undying Mecha Emperor

The Strongest Magic meets the Mightiest Mecha. I have stolen Golden Mechas from the deepest vaults of the most tightly guarded fortresses in the world. I have personally destroyed more armies than the top three superpowers have in the span of the Absolute War - combined. I burned down the terrorist megacity of Habon. I was expelled from the Union of Heroes at a younger age than people are allowed in. I have talked to Ancient Gods, loved women, and devoured mechas that would make superpowers cringe in fear. I have faced demons head on in moonless nights others fear to speak of during the day. I am deified in a thousand cultures, and labelled as the devil incarnate in the rest. I am the Mecha Emperor. You may have heard of me. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Excerpt from Chapter 1 This is where it all began. A junkyard. Oh no, this isn't your clean, mechas-only junkyard that was the 'starting point' of many mecha geniuses out there. I have seen and heard my share of rags-to-riches stories, and many of them claimed that they had started from 'junkyards' and slowly grew to be where they were right now. From Zero to Hero, they declared. You can do it too, they said. As long as you work hard, everything is possible, they claimed. I call bullshit. Life doesn't work like that. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Hi guys, thanks for dropping by. This novel is participating in WSA 2022. I will do my very best to write a highly entertaining and deeply immersive story for all of you to enjoy. Please support me! Thank you very much :) FAQs 1. Harem? No. 2. Rape? No. 3. NTR? No. 4. School arc? Yes. 5. Power up speed? Exhilarating. 6. GOT style deaths? Hell no. Btw, come join my discord server :) https://discord.gg/MN4xNRARzF

mrant12 · Fantasy
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361 Chs


All of the participants for the entrance exam were confident of their RPLs.

They all truly believed that although they probably won't be able to be the number one in RPL, getting into the top one thousand would be a piece of cake!

That was the sort of confidence that top geniuses should have.

The eight thousand remaining kids were the cream of the crop in the entire country in terms of physical fitness and fighting skills. Their confidence was not unwarranted.

"The next five thousand will continue to the fourth segment. The remaining three thousand of you will be disqualified. The Elders will lead you back to the main auditorium where your guardians are waiting. Any questions? No? Good.

There are fifty elders here. Form up into lines in front of these elders and take the test for your RPL. Your name and your rank will be displayed in this hologram."

Grand Elder Shella pressed something on her wrist and a large hologram filled with empty rows appeared behind the gazebo.