
The Undying Evil Beast

the person you loved betrayed you, your world is shattered, you forget what it was like to feel alive, only when you make others suffer can you feel it... the feeling of being alive. so, why not make everything suffer? children, elders, dogs, cats, if their suffering can allow you to live... then torture them, feel free. let their screams bring you to life

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Village Hidden In The Rain

My name is Draco, and I am one of the top lizard men within our tribe. with a level of 35, I'm considered one of the strongest beings within this dungeon. I just finished catching fish and was returning home. I could help but smile slightly,

yesterday the eggs my wife laid hatched. it was the happiest moment of my life, that moment was perfectly engraved within my head, a moment I shall never forget as my baby's cute cries sounded out for the first time.

as the tribe got within sight, my heart skipped a beat seeing the tribe was in a panic, the cries of people running around, their screams of unimaginable pain, I heard it all after forcing my hearing.

after a moment of shock, I snapped back into reality, he quickly cast the spell [Teleportion] and with a flash, I appeared home where I appeared at my house. but I couldn't find my children and wife. sticking out my tongue, I quickly picked up on their smell.

rushing out of the house, I ran towards a nearby forest. but I froze upon seeing the sight of a lizard, along with its body parties which had exploded, spreading all over the place. I fell to my knees, looking at the female lizard's head before him.

next to her, little baby lizards lay all over the place, and slowly tears ran down my face. this was my life, yet it was all blown up and spilled all over the place. years ago, this woman and I were enemies, but due to chance, we were forced to work together.

she was a prideful lizard, yet this event allowed us to get closer to each other. we already knew each other, our two tribes were enemies after all. but when we became lovers, our two tribes become close to each other. at that point, I was only at level 10, over the years, with her by my side, we skyrocketed in levels.

and now look, I was at level 35, and our tribes have become so powerful... but why did I do all of this? I did it because she was there, supporting me every step of the way. I loved her, and I knew the importance of power... but now what? it was all destroyed.

my eyes turned red, and looking toward the sky, I let out a pained cry which revealed the pain I felt from the deepest part of my heart.

not too far away, Sora who was sitting on the water elemental slowly turned toward where the sound came from. life returned to his eyes, the deadpan face disappeared as Sora became normal, Sora gave off a gentle smile as he closed his eyes, enjoying the scream.

'to think... that a person's scream could make me feel like this.' Sora thought with a smile, he should start making people scream now. to think he had been making water enter these lizards' bodies from all sides, leaving no chance for them to scream,

"go, capture him," Sora ordered as he went on to summon Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, and within a few minutes he summoned the Primal Fire Elemental. Sora looked at the lizard which was bought over and was coldly looking at him, eyes filled with hatred.

"what is a good way to make you scream like that again?" Sora said with a soft eye as he looked at the lizard man, at this moment he was alive. he had white elementals surrounding him as he could be killed.

when he became alive, the fear of death grew, this was for the death of his humanity and him being killed. this was a fear that came because of a few abilities he had [Undying] and [I've Already Dead] increased these fears,

because of this, Sora seeks life, but at the same time feared seeking life. being alive when around those stronger than him, was like torture, it was like at any moment he could die, this fear would grow and grow.

but at the same time, the life, he gained slowly disappeared and slowly died. brought upon more fear. he didn't want to return within that stage, yet he didn't want to remain alive, as that's when he could die. this torture was huge, but Sora had guards around him to protect him. if death was near, he would have no choice but to run away,

"boil him from the inside out," Sora said calmly, the fire elemental moved, and soon the lizard's pained lizard man-like cries sounded. Sora sat there with closed eyes as if he was listening to a sound.

'This is art, you can tell a lot about a person's cries of pain. their soul is crying out... it magical.' Sora thought, slowly growing addicted to this new thing he discovered. Sora's fingers waved in the air, moving to the rhythm of the screams of pain,

"the pain of losing your loved one, your children, and you're would shattering before your eyes. the hatred of the person who caused this pain upon you enjoying it... but that's not true pain, my pain is greater than yours." Sora as his hands slowly stopped waving, as the lizard grew too weak to even scream.

"And now I will end your pain, at least that's what I always wanted. reunite with your loved one," Sora said with a smile while looking at the hateful look thrown his way. if looks could kill, Sora would have died on the spot, such a deadly look,

but it quickly turned to ask as the fire elemental made its move. Sora cast the spell [Fly] and shot into the sky, where he went on to face the sun, feeling the warmth hitting his body, and the feeling of being alive. he closed his eyes, enjoying this feeling which was slowly fading away,

"It's like a drug. system is there a way I can feel so much that I can be alive for good?" Sora asked with a disappointed sigh as it was slowly disappearing.

{yes, host, maybe creating another you might be enough to allow you to live once more. but you were a special case host. you and your former wife were unique, you were each other everything... the bond you two had, it's hard to find it somewhere else.} the system said making Sora displeased, Sora didn't want to think of that woman.

but the system was correct, Sora and his wife of the past had a unique bond. one doesn't go fall to such a state over nothing. Sora in his past was a troubled person, let's say he was walking down a path where he would be dealing with gangs.

His father was abusive, so Sora liked to lash out at others in school, he was the school bully, he was the hateful guy you would see in those movies that take place in high school. but in Sora's case, he was only in middle school...

"..." Sora snapped out of the past once he became died inside. he was a troubled person in the past, but that all turned around when a tomboy was transferred to their school, Sora could still remember that woman who gave him a beating because he was picking on a student. that beating he took was the first step he needed to turn his life around.

"That's a total of 490,000 EP," Sora said softly looking at the overall EP he had at the moment, but it was, of course, increasing as his clones were still killing. that lizard man he just killed gave him 5,000 EP, which was the most EP Sora got in one go.

Sora was currently at level 30, he needed a total of 13,500 EP to level up, that lizard man only gave him 10,000 EP even though he was at level 35. he just needed 700 EP and he would level up,

"let's go," Sora said calmly, and so he and his summons moved, heading forward to make music, the more the lizards cried, Sora wanted them to cry one by one so he could personally enjoy each and every scream, of course when a group of them cried was alright as well, but Sora had to make it so they sing just right.

if they didn't, it would be like listening to two different songs playing all at once, it would be hard to pay attention to even one. but if the lizard screams were perfect, it was far better than one person screaming by themselves.

Sora went on to make a list of the type of screams he liked. baby lizards didn't have to scream about, but their screams of fear and hopelessness were something to enjoy,

but the grown-ups were different, they had they're who life destroyed by him, and their rage, fear, and hopelessness, filled with all kinds of emotions was something magical to listen to.

but the old lizards... they were th best, they saw the world, and were wise and all, and their cries were something to remember. sadly they kicked th bucket quicker than others.

by the time Sora cleared the dungeon, he had spent a total of 10 hours within the dungeon, this place was far bigger than the 1-star dungeon which was only a huge forest, and or some huge underground cave.

Sora had leveled up to level 38, Sora was now strong as a special jonin, and thanks to the wide arrange of abilities. Sora flashed out of the dungeon and arrived in his room. waving his hands a spell book appeared in his hands, and he went on to look at the spells he could now learn,

the first ability Sora went on to learn was [teleportion] a 5th-tier spell that allows one to teleport, the next ability was [Gate], a spell that allows one to Summons a portal, allowing travel of a large number of people over great distances. It had no limits on distance and a 0% chance of teleport mishaps. It is considered to be the highest tier of teleportation magic.

there were other spells, [Dragon Lightning] [Locate Object] [Wall of Hell] [Control Weather] [Summon Undead 6th Tier] along with many other abilities.

with now a total of 1,2 million EP, Sora was now considered somewhat rich within the system's eyes, Sora went on to upgrade the pocket space holding Nazarick. Sora put 500,000 EP into this, allowing the space within the pocket not only harder but to allow resources to appear within the space

now, Sora could summon those within the great tomb of Nazarick out, but they could only remain within the outside world for a limited amount of time before the space pulls them back. the system estimated that they could at most remain within the outside world for about 1 hour,

meanwhile, Sora could remain within that world for 12 hours, which was far higher than before. Sora went on to fall into deep thought about his next move. he could jump to a 3-star dungeon, but they would have levels reach up to 80,

the summons Sora could call upon had a level of 87, if Sora stay back and just keep spamming them, summing a huge amount that sure he could clear the dungeon, but that could take days to do so.

sure within the dungeon time moved faster compared to this world, Sora was there for 10 hours, yet only 10 minutes had passed here. for every hour that passes within a dungeon, only 1 minute would pass back here.

so 60 hours within a dungeon would only be 1 hour outside here, something which was in its own right a cheat. Sora sighed softly as he went on to enter Nazarick, where he went on to flash, appearing within the throne room.

Sora didn't need to call out for anyone, as within a few minutes the throne room was filled by the floor guardians, they all sensed the changes to this world, and came knowing Sora would soon be within the throne room.

"you all here, raise your heads," Sora said calmly while resting his head on his fist, which arm was listed on the armrest of the throne. an aura slowly came off him, causing the floor guardians to shake slightly.

the floor guardians all raised their eyes, looks of deep respect and worship deep in their eyes. they all looked at the deadpan Sora, who seemed to show no emotions, this was the person they were willing to go to hell and back for.

"you are all now able to leave this world, but at most for 1 hour, the stronger you are the less this time you would have. so 30 minutes for you all." Sora said calmly making them all move slightly, it had barely been a week yet their master was so powerful, to think he was growing this powerful all by himself.

"Demiurge how's the creation of the pill going?" Sora asked calmly, Demiurge smiled slightly as he fixed his glasses, before speaking.

"my lord, the progress is going well. I already found out everything thats needed to create the pill, sadly we lack the type of resources needed for them. I believe such things can be found in the outside world. for the past few days, I have been trying to see if I can use any resources to stand in the place of those we don't have, sadly I haven't made much progress here." Demiurge said with a smile, Sora nodded slightly upon hearing this.

"I will make sure to look out for the plants needed, for now, need you to follow me. we are heading out to do something... due to the time limit you have, I will summon you when I arrive at the spot." Sora said calmly, Demiurge smiled happily as he quickly nodded, making Albedo bite her lips slightly in jealousy,

"then I will be heading off," Sora said with a nod before he disappeared from the throne room, once he felt, Albedo slowly turned to look at Demiurge who had a joyful smile at his lord would pick him out of everything. Albedo was madly in love with Sora, why wouldn't the love of her life choose her out of everything?

meanwhile, Sora appeared back in his room, after creating a shadow clone that went on to act like him, Sora cast the spell [Gate], and stepped into it, arriving at the spot where he was killed, he could only go to places he has been before, so this spell was perfect,

after looking around, Sora closed the gate, before casting the sly [Fly], and shot into the sky, a map that he had bought from the system appeared in his hands, the map had an arrow showing Sora, and where he was facing and his current spot on the map,

Sora turned heading toward the village hidden in the rain, a place where he needed to be since he wanted to start moving on with his plan. Sora cast the spell [Invisibility] not wanting to be seen by anyone.