
The Undying Evil Beast

the person you loved betrayed you, your world is shattered, you forget what it was like to feel alive, only when you make others suffer can you feel it... the feeling of being alive. so, why not make everything suffer? children, elders, dogs, cats, if their suffering can allow you to live... then torture them, feel free. let their screams bring you to life

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Geto Daughter

Sora and Kurenai returned to the camp, Kurenai couldn't sleep so for the whole night she could only remain awake, just watching Sora who was cooking marshmallows, enjoying himself, watching Sora like this, Kurenai slowly relaxed around him.

he might have been scary, but it was not like he did anything wrong, he only acted upon seeing his life was in danger. this she could understand, so although she didn't like the way Sora went about it, she had no choice but to accept this and slowly move on with this,

the night soon came and left, no assassins came the whole night, after everyone got up and ate some good they caught, they moved on to the village hidden in the light, where Abel belonged.

"Kurenai, you look off today," Hana said softly while looking at Kurenai, Kurenai's face paled slightly as she looked toward Sora, but Sora ignored her while using his chakra to form a sting, which he used to control a stink in front of him.

"It's nothing, I just didn't get much sleep." She said making Hana's eyebrow raised slightly, but she didn't say anything else. they continued on their journey, but soon they passed by a tree. Kurenai froze slightly while throwing a sideways glance at the tree, but she went on as if nothing had happened,

as soon as all of them passed the tree, the tree exploded with a poof of smoke, before a shinobi with a sword shot toward Kurenai. Kurenai's eyes widened in shock as she was stabbed through with a sword, just went the shinobi wanted to pull his sword out, he found that Kurenai's body was turning into a tree,

he wanted to jump away, but his whole body was swallowed by the tree, allowing only his head to pick out.

"When did you cast the genjutsu?" Hana asked in shock while looking at the shinobi who was trapped in the illusion, just standing there with a blank look.

"when he realized the transformation jutsu, he blinded him, and gave me time to cast the genjutsu... but I'm disappointed none of you noticed that tree was fake." She said with a shake of her head, turning towards the shinobi, her eyes narrowed slightly before she turned towards Abel.

"this here is a chunin yell me. how do you have a special Jonin targeting you? this should be a C-rank mission," Kurenai said with a deep frown, Abel rubbed the back of his head slightly before he sighed softly,

"Well, I may have left out a few details." He said in embarrassment, he didn't expect to be found out so soon,

"he wanted to get an elite jonin, but you didn't or couldn't pay that much. so he simply asked for an escort mission, knowing that most likely an elite jonin would tag along. you got to get an elite jonin while only paying for a C-rank mission... smart." Sora said softly as he nodded, such people who cheat the system were people he liked,

"Don't support such behavior," Hana said with a frown, Sora looked at her for a moment before he nodded slightly. Abel stretched his head slightly before he slightly slowly explain,

"I'm sure many of you heard of Geto's death, that was a month ago, within this time someone had to raise to take over Geto's company. his daughter is far more ruthless than him, and with her now gaining the money belonging to the richest person alive, the thing she could do is a lot." He said making Sora sigh softly,

he asked Albedo to get the money, yet someone got it before she could, and that was Geto's daughter, so he asked her to take a step back and watch her.

"her goal is to slowly buy out most land within each part of the 5 great lands, this is all I know, but her goal for world domination is something not to look down upon. she wants my store because I make the best cooking, and she is also a shinobi. I'm also a talented Shonibi myself, but I had to flee before her." He said softly,

"so, I had no choice but to do this. most of my money was left behind, honestly, this was the only thing I could do... as for that assassin, he was not going to kill me. most likely capture me and take me to her." He said seriously, Hana's eyes brightened after hearing all of this, she thought this world was some boring mission, but she was wrong,

"It seems like I have no choise, we can't turn back now after coming so far," Kurenai said with a sigh, after dealing with an assassin, they headed off toward the village hidden in the light. as one might guess, this was not a hard place to find.

It's one of those villages where people from all over the world would come to visit, it makes most of its money from visitors. but when they entered the village, it was not as lively as Abel remembered it, he went on to look around and found that his shop had been burned to the ground.

Looking closely, he could see his workers have all been killed. rage filled his eyes seeing this, right now he wanted nothing more but to beat that woman up,

"What's that?" Hana asked seeing Sora at some point had a paper in his hands, Sora shook his head, as he put the paper away. although confused, Hana didn't think too much of it and turned to look at Abel who was looking at his store.

"Well... isn't it Abel, and this here is the hidden leaf famous, red eye Plant Demon." a young woman, around 15 years old appeared behind them along with 2 people. for someone who was Geto's daughter, she was quite the beauty. She had long blonde hair, and beautiful blue eyes. she had light makeup on, which was eye-catching.

She looked at them all with a mocking smile. Kurenai had made a name for herself, thanks to her skills in genjutsu and the type of genjutsu she could create which was all around plant base,

the 2 that came with her were all elite jonin, famous assassins she hired to not only be her bodyguard but to do her dirty hands.

from the village hidden in the sand, it was the famous assassin who use both deadly poison and his kills with the puppets to slaughter many. Kane of the purple mist.

from the village hidden in the clouds, it was the famous assassin who moved so fast that it left everyone helpless. she attacked quickly and disappeared before anything happened, famous for changing the Lightning Mode of the village hidden in the clouds, to best suit her for speed and no defense, she was known as the blue blur, Jinsoku. holding the title of being one the fastest people alive.

Kurenai was in shock seeing these assassins all working for one little girl, this made no sense to her, why would so many powerful shinobi willy follow one girl they could just kill and take her money?

"Surprised? get them. leave the girl from the Hyuga, she can be of some use later." She said as she pointed forward. lightning flashed on Jinsoku, and the next moment she disappeared quickly appearing before Kurenai with a kunai aimed toward her head, Kurenai barry managed to block, but her kunai was cut clean through,

but in the end, she managed to make some space, but Jinsoku wouldn't let her go, once her feet touched the ground, she shot towards where Jinsoku jumped two, leaving her partner to the kids,

Kane on the other hand shot towards Sora and the others, blood red puppet shot out of a scroll he threw into the sky. the puppet shot towards them, revealing its arms which had swords, fear filled Sora, Hana, and Hinata's eyes. Sora's legs went weak, too scared to do anything as he began crying,

meanwhile, Abel ran for his life, not daring to stay there for a moment, but Kurenai had created a clone once she had an opening, which went on to try its best to protect her. the woman who was watching all of this slowly began to frown before her eyes suddenly shrank,

the scene before her changed, revealing that her two guards were fighting against each other, while behind her, Kurenai held a kunai two her neck. she wasn't the best at genjutsu within the hidden leaf for nothing, only those of the Uchiha clan could hope of being better than her,

from the moment they saw Sora and the others, they were already under her genjutsu, they didn't think they were within a genjutsu because of one reason, they didn't see Kurenai make any hand seals,

how could they have suspected that the Kurenai they were seeing was nothing more than a clone? the real Kurenai was hiding and waiting, but Kurenai never expected this little girl would have the capability of seeing through her illusion, it was a mass-effect genjutsu that trapped them all in the same illusion.

"well... I expected you would cast a genjutsu, so I stayed back, it seems like I made the right choice." She said with a smile,

Kurenai frowned slightly before her eyes suddenly shank as from the ground below her, her leg was grabbed. and at the same time, rocks shot from the ground, hitting the two assassins who were attacking each other, the pain allowed the two to snap out of the genjutsu, and back into reality,

before she could be pulled down, the person who wanted to pull her underground, suddenly felt his heart being crushed, and blood shot out from his mouth, nose, ears, and eyes, before he just stayed there on the spot, and died. the girl who had used the time Kurenai was caught off guard to get away from her was confused seeing how she easily got out of person underground reach,

'you're not to kill any of the females.' Sora's voice sounded within Kurenai's mind, stunning Kurenai, but she quickly understood Ssora did something, saving her. she even expected that there was a 3rd elite jonin, this was a bite too much to believe.

Kurenai quickly made hand seals, Jinsoku seeing this wanted to move to stop her, after all with her speed, Kurenai would barely be able to react, but sadly, Sora cast [Paralysis] although he weakened it, it showed her down just enough to Kurenai to finish the spell, and suddenly Saskura trees filled the world.

Looking at the trees, the Gato daughter quickly tried breaking free, but she was too weak, the only person who could break out of a genjutsu of this level was Kane, but his body was left defenseless outside of the illusion, Kurenai knew that puppet masters had high control of chakra, and the moment she finished the genjutsu, she threw a kunai towards him,

the pain of the Kunai stabbing through his heart snapped him out of the genjutsu, but he fell to the ground dead. Kurenai didn't know if Jinsoku could break free or not, but she was not going to risk it, forming a seal with her palm, she slapped Jinsoku's chest, and from that spot one could see a seal forming which quickly went on to cover her body, sealing away her ability to use chakra.

and with that, even if Jinsoku could break free, without chakra only pain could break her free, but that was of course not going to happen, as she could make sure of that. if she break free, she would be able to easily break free of the seal she made. it's not like she was an expert in seals or anything. this was one of the basic seals,

Hinata and the others were in shock seeing how easily Kurenai finished off these guys, truly she was a true expert. they couldn't even see how she killed the guy below the ground, she took on 3 elite jonin and came out of the top, she was truly skilled, a one-of-a-kind. but the blood and a dead body did affect them, this was their first time seeing a dead body after all,

Abel on the other had rushed towards Gato's daughter in rage, but he was stopped by Sora, he had plans for this woman after all. but Abel was having none of it, seeing this Sora copped the back of his neck, knocking him out.

'there is something off here, how is this guy at level 19? and did Geto have a daughter in the anime? should I have Kyouhukou get the information out of them? he was talking about wanting some humans.' Sora thought while looking at Abel and back at the woman,

'go ahead and deal take them away, this Abel, on the other hand, will act as if nothing happened. don't kill those two, I have plans for the two. one of my followers is hiding behind that building to the right, she will take them away.' Sora thought calmly, Kurenai looked at the two for a moment before back at Sora. but she couldn't look at Sora for too long and went on to look at everyone,

"you are just children, go and do something. the mission is over." She said seriously as she picked up the two females and walked off, Hana and Hinata knew she was right, they were a bit shaken after seeing all of this. seeing 4 jonin fight, the aura alone scared them shitless.

"Are you two alright?" Sora asked as he looked at the two, Hana and Hinata nodded slightly, shaking their head, they snapped out of this and turned around to get away from this place, meanwhile, Sora followed with Abel on his shoulder.

meanwhile, Kurenai was standing before one of the floor guardians, Shalltear Bloodfallen, a beauty who could rival the likes of Albedo. Shalltear is a vampire of short stature and has the appearance of a buxom fourteen-year-old girl. A true beauty, she has pale shiny skin, seductive crimson-red eyes, and fine facial features. Shalltear's silver hair is tied in a ponytail through a large ribbon on top of it all, allowing others a full view of her face.

even Kurenai had to freeze in her footsteps upon seeing such beauty, Kurenai was also beauty, but nowhere near the person before her.

"so you're the lord slave. Lord Sora told me to also bring you with them, so you can know the full might of your master." Shalltear said with complex disdain of the woman before her, she looked won upon all humans. if Sora didn't say she was now a part of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, she would treat her no better than trash,

Kurenai swallowed her saliva slightly before following, and once she did, she found herself in Shall tear's room, which was filled with a bunch of half-naked female vampires. Shalltear of course liked having her fun, sadly only one mad caught her intreast, yet he haven't called her into bed yet. if she knew that Albedo had already spent the night with Sora, she would drink so much that her immunity to being drunk might be overwritten,

the vampire under Shalltear person harem were all at least at level 90, she has been bringing them to the dungeon, where they leveled up. these vampires were once humans, which she turned into vampires. some were from the outside world, and some were humans from the dungeons she took a liking to.

Kurenal was horrified feeling the auras all around her, she had to check many times to see if this wasn't an illusion,

"This is the Great Tomb of Nazarick, you're on the second floor, there is a total of 10 floors, each floor. you know, having its own force." She said calmly as she threw the two females two her bed, she was not going to have sex with them or anything. she just wanted to get information from them that her lord has requested of her,

"h-how many elite jonin are here?" Kurenai asked in a shaky voice, this was scarier than she guessed, Shalltear hearing her question went into deep thought. level 76 was Elite jonin level if she remembered

"too much to count, since the lord ordered us to have an army we can call upon, I alone would have more than 1,000 elite jonin." She said with a shrug, no longer able to truly remember the number under her,

Kurenai's legs almost went soft, just what was this? Elite jonin were like cabbages to them, she alone could take down the hidden leaf,

"h-how about Cages?" She asked in a shaky voice, her voice seemed to have made Shalltear remember something.

"I remember, I have 10,000 Elite Jonin, all split evenly to 50 Kages." She said remembered Demiurge's tip. since managing them would be hard for her, Demiurge told her to simply have trained around 50 of her followers to level 101+ or so and have them all have an army of two vampires, which would have a level at least at 85

Kurenai was speechless, to have such power under you and you don't even know of it? this woman was clearly not the brains here.

Shalltear ignored her and went on to help the two breaks free format the genjutsu, once they did they were confused, but before they could do anything, his face went deadpan once Shalltear looked at them.

"what's your name?" Shalltear asked calmly

"My name is Okane." Geto's daughter said blankly, Shalltear nodded slightly before she went on to ask a few more questions,

"it says here that the money from Geto had gone from 2.9 billion to 1.5 billion within the time you took over. what happened two the money?" Shalltear asked calmly,

"My system uses the money to update, so I needed 1 billion Ryo to upgrade it, and 400 million to allow my strength to reach special jonin, along with some abilities I wanted." She said blankly, stunning Shalltear, was she talking about the YGGDRASIL game or something?

"you're from YGGDRASIL?" Shalltear asked quickly, two which Okane shook her head two, not knowing how to go on, she went on to call contact Sora by using [Message], after a moment, she nodded to herself as she broke Okane from her control, meanwhile, Sora wanted Jinsoku for something else. so, she had her vampire carry her away.

Shalltear ordered a vampire to make sure Okane didn't leave that spot, while she took Kurenai back to the outside world.