
Ask for forgiveness

Edward arrived at the Chen residence only to be welcomed with a loud slap by his mother.


"What is wrong with you son? You found such a beautiful woman to be your wife but you went for a lowly one who couldn't even wait and seduced you back? I was very happy having Jane as my daughter in law but what did you do!?"

His mother, Mary Chen could not hold it in and lashed out on her 27 years old son. Mary is 42 years but she looks like a woman in her 30's because she carefully maintained her skin and body.

Edward knew he messed up and knelt down before his parents, "Please forgive me mom and dad I will do as you say."

Despite the fact that he acted rashly most of the time, he respected and loved them very much.

"You're behavior has made the stocks of the company start dropping. You know how everyone fears offending Jane Lu and since you did, you better pray since no one will want to be on her bad side."

Father Chen said to him in a dissapointed as he seemed to have aged ten times faster.

It then struck Edward that he had not heard from Jane for more than three days. He took out his phone and asked his assistant to book him a big private room in one of the biggest hotels.

He then turned to his mother, "Mom, would you please ask the Lu family out for dinner so that we can discuss this matter?"

His mother sighed and took out her phone, she wondered whose number to call when her eyes stopped at Jane's number. She knew if she called any other member, no one would accept unless Jane herself wanted to.

She pressed on her name as she waited for the other side to pick up. "Hello Mrs Chen." A sweet voice was heard. Mary wondered why she called her Mrs and she used to affectionately call her auntie. "Eeh.. Jane dear... please, the Chen family is inviting you over for dinner so that we can discuss what exactly happened between you two. Please accept my invitation, I will send you the location, please come together with the elders, my stupid son wants to ask for forgiveness."

She expected an insult but in return she replied calmly, "Okay Mrs Chen."

Mary was glad because Jane atleast spoke to her. When Edward her say "Mrs Chen" he frowned slightly but did not say a thing. He quickly got up to prepare himself.

Father Chen looked at his son as he went upstairs and sighed. Honestly speaking, he was very satisfied with Jane as the future madam of the house hold. According to him, a woman who knows how to handle a business is well enough to lead their family. Jane Lu is more than he can ask for, not forgetting the fact that she is not just a CEO but a top CEO in the business world.

He wouldn't want the Chen household to end up in the hands of a girl such as Anna. It is widely known that Anna Lu and her mother are not in good terms with the main Lu family and most of the influential families. He wouldn't want such a daughter-in-law who can't even get along with her family members.

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