
The Undisputed Monarch

After the mysterious oldman granted him his wishes, the story of basket and the ball was written in the history.

Villain_Rai · Anime & Comics
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Wishes ?

"Where am I ?" Sagar observes his surroundings with his observant eyes, only finding emptiness and dark void around him.

"Hehe, you are in the Emptiness Realm, young man" A divine voice capable of birthing new life, calm and peaceful yet powerful answers his question.

Sagar frowns and turns back, finding an oldman with a gentle expression standing not far from him.

He was clad with a simple outfit, one that makes him resemble a villager from a remote village. But his graceful and noble aura around him doesn't fit his appearance, evidence to his unquestionable status.

"Who...nevermind" Sagar shook his head, if this isn't reality then this is a dream.

And if this is not a dream, this must be a supernatural phenomena, one that transcends human perception or knowledge. 

He has always hated complicated things albeit his high-level intelligence, hence proving that every geniuses are always somehow related in aspect to laziness or unique personality.

"My boy, this is real" The oldman smiles warmly " And sorry to say..... but you are dead "

"...." Sagar didn't comment and just silently watched the oldman, waiting for him to continue.

The oldman smiled wryly, although he had anticipated this, he still was left speechless on how easily this young man accepted his death and the supernatural event occurring.

"Normally when a soul dies, either they perish into void or is guided by soul reaper to heaven, hell or the samsara " The oldman smiled mysteriously while he elaborates " But I have taken interest on you since you have avoided all those possibilities by luck or sheer coincidence, hence I want to try something with you"

Sagar arched his left brow up, his interest was piqued by this oldman.

"Recently I have been interested in this humanity's imagination about fanfiction, I want to send you in a world call Kuroko No Basket and personally witness how an entity outside of the story will change the storyline in one or another way" The oldman was excited just by imagining the possibilities he will have when sending an anomaly to the different world .

"Of course, I will grant you six wishes of your choices so feel free to ask anything as long as they don't involve bullshits, like immortality, unlimited something-something, supernatural power such as super saiyan and so" The oldman pointed out restrictions on wishes which Sagar can ask for .

Sagar continued to listen to the oldman.

"So decide on your wish and I shall grant them to you, of course the background and your physical appearance will not be counted as your wish and is only one of your privileges you will get without wasting your wish on them " The oldman seemed to be generous while mentioning what he just said.

Sagar was deeply contemplating right now, was this joke or even real ?

He has watched Kuroko No Basket but only till episode seven, after all he is always busy with his work and can't normally find time for himself.

Simultaneously he is not a big fan of sports anime, he is a lover of Naruto, Dragonball, Doraemon and so on.

After thinking for a minute, he opens his mouth for the wishes "First of all, I want recovery ability. The recovery ability will not be too powerful or monstrous, if I exhaust 1/10 of my stamina then I should be able to recover 0.5/10 of my original stamina within one minute of time . And this recovery should apply not just with my stamina but also health, strength and both by body and soul as well as spirit "

The oldman, upon listening to the first wish of Sagar, was left speechless once again.

This young man....

The oldman shook his head and didn't say anything, tactically agreeing to his first wish since this wish wasn't breaking the rule.

Sagar smiled " As for my second wish, give me the ability to freely use this thing called Zone or whatever at my will, of course this thing called Zone will only be active and correspond to my stamina. If I have the stamina, I can stay in the Zone but if I have exhausted all my stamina, I will not be able to activate it"

Sagar has heard that there is this super saiyan mode called Zone in Kuroko No Basket and he even watched a clip of Zone on YouTube during his lunch break.

Although he doesn't completely understand what Zone is, he still understands that this is something very powerful as not everyone has the privilege to activate this power.

The oldman was tongue tied. Although Zone activation at free will is breaking the rule but by setting limitations on Zone with fueling this power with the stamina as a fuel, it didn't truly break the rule .

But since Sagar can recharge his stamina with recovery, it is almost like giving him unlimited use of Zone and stamina, indirectly breaking the rules or something.

Sagar didn't mind seeing the oldman's reaction "As for my third wish, give me the sharingan without genjutsu or other supernatural ability other than its observant, comprehension, copying and analysis ability without any fixed limitation yet full of potential to grow . Make it grow more and more powerful and evolve the more I train and cultivate my sharingan"

The oldman started to sweat drop while wiping his forehead, even though he himself was unaware how much he was sweating.

Sagar was not done yet " As for my fourth wish, give me S-cell of Legendary Super Saiyan, of course without the side effect of rage . Make it so that it doesn't help me train with ki or some aura like thing but instead help me train with my body, abilities, soul and spirit.  Meaning, help me train with my overall abilities, capability and capacity "

The oldman can feel his eyes wide open while his jaw nearly hits the ground.

Sagar continues " For my fifth wish, give me the ability to always remain calm and compose, nothing in the world should affect me or my mood, I need to always be in control of myself, absolute balance with my mind and body "

The oldman frowns but doesn't reject it. After all, what is there to worry about self-control ?

Sagar chuckled after seeing the oldman reaction while unaware of the reason for self-control " And finally my sixth wish, which is my final golden finger "

"My final wish is, give me the talent that will break my limit each time I reach new height "

"If I have talent of level 2 as my original talent, than when I break into Level 1, my talent must also break into new level and become level 3"

"And when I reach the level 2 which which was my original talent cap before, the advanced talent which is now a level 3 need to once again break the limitation and reach level 4"

"Just like that, each time I break my level and achieve new level, the original talent cap and potential must also break the shackles and limitations so to reach new height "

The oldman couldn't resist shaking his head in amazement, although every wish of that young man was in a way, breaking the restrictions but this young man somehow found his way to ignore and decisive those limitations. 

He couldn't help but grin and agree with the young man.

"As for my background, make me an orphan where my dead parents have left me with multi-billion dollar legacy where I have fully inherited their inheritance " Sagar continues " Also, make me look like Broly from dragonball z movie and not from dragonball super broly movie"

"Of course, not that thin and slim version but instead that buffed and muscular version of evil Broly " Sagar nods as if he was really satisfied on what he was wishing for " Make my height 6'9 feet tall, a body that is both terrifying and attractive with my eyes instead of white, make it complete dark so whenever someone makes contact with my eyes or look into my eyes, they would only experience fear and terror of death "

The oldman listened to Sagar and finally when everything was done and set according to their agreement, the oldman sent Sagar into the world of Kuroko No Basket .


When Sagar opened his eyes, he found himself lying on a comfortable bed.

The luxurious ceiling where the dragon was carved roaring at heaven, those golden plates attached with ruby embed, seeing such grandeur decorations just for the ceiling, Sagar understood that his wish was fulfilled.

Of course when he got off the bed, he found out that he was leisurely lying on the king-size bed just a moment ago, causing him to silently smirk.

The room... sorry, more like the hall was large enough for a small football ground to be established without any problem.

There was luxurious furniture with expensive and extravagant decorations, each of them enough to buy a land.

When he walked toward the door, his eyes stopped at the wall mirror that was reflecting him right now, exposing the mystery about him.

He is not tall like he wished for but is around 4 ft, but judging from his immature face, he must be around 5 or six years old, such shocking phenomena.

He has long green hairs reaching over his waist and his eyes are dark, reflecting the charm of the abyss. Those that meet his eyes shall experience purgatory.

He has muscular build, his muscles screaming power and strength, for some reason there is a thirst and hunger for challenges.

Maybe it is his S-cell, the cell of a great warrior of the universe.

Of course, he noticed that, although he has achieved new and endless potential to grow, he is still not at a level where he wants to be.

If he wants to live in this world where basketball rules and is the king, he must become the master of this powerhouse called basketball court.

Once he dominates the court, his kingdom is established and once the kingdom is established,he can choose whether to rule or to birth the rule.

He shrugs his shoulders, prompting him to creep a dangerous smile.

Slowly he starts to explore his new home, soon he finds out that his house is not a house but a castle dominating more than five hundred meters square land while more than 5 kilometers lands just for garden and courtyard.

There were hundreds of luxurious cars while tens of high-tech automobiles, each ranging from ten million dollars to hundred of million dollars.

There were hundreds of maids and butlers working under him, his income and source for wealth came from more than just one network, like gold mines, diamond industry, productions, business and many more.

Each is being managed by the respective CEO of those empires, while he himself is the owner of all those powerhouses.

Sagar wasn't interested in those things but since he needed them for his growth, he didn't wish to become careless and just neglect them.

After focusing on stabilizing all those businesses with his talent and gifts given to him by the oldman, which took him around three years to completely stabilize his empire, he finally was ready to start his training. 

Officially he has become eight years old, a young boy with great talent in both business and scheme.

With his endless potential, the more he fails or learns something new, the more he grows and keeps on continuing on his growth.

Of course, sharingan and his S-cell also played an important role in those years.

Hence after stabilizing his financial empire, he was ready to build himself for the new unknown world where he was about to establish himself as a new undisputed powerhouse, his own empire.

Inside a luxurious training room where all the advanced technologies were installed, each cost ranging from one million to ten million dollars, an eight year old boy was standing with his calm black eyes observing his surroundings.

The young boy is wearing a black tracksuit with only his right sleeve covering his right arm while the left sleeve is freely falling down, his zip was half zipped while his left arm was out free from the left side of his tracksuit.

His black t-shirt was covering his left arm, displaying his strong muscles and muscular arms with power overflowing.

Even when he is only eight years old, he is already 5 feet tall, his monstrous build without weakness was already enough to scare anyone, just imagine once he commenced his training.

He inhales long breaths and exhales them out, his sharp eyes frowns and his black trousers shakes for a second.

He first stretches his body and does seem light warm up, after that he starts to focus on some stamina and speed exercise, running on treadmill, doing some cycling and so on.

After that, followed by strength training, weightlifting, dead lifting, dumbbell lifting and so on.

Soon he takes a rest and starts to do some arm training, followed by leg training, chest training and so on.

Since his stamina and everything can recover after taking some break, he used this opportunity to cultivate both his physique and his recovery ability.

After all, his potential is there to help him improve his recovery ability.

Taking some of his time, he walks to a seat in the training hall and opens a large glass computer where he opens the Internet and starts to watch basketball videos. 

Of course, everything about basketball and those that he needs to know about.

It takes him six hours to finally return from his world and return to his room for a shower, followed by a healthy diet and also lots of meat.

Although a healthy diet is important, lots of meat, milk, and protein and energy supplement are also just as important.

Just like that, he didn't waste his time even for a second.

Always training his body and mind by physical training and meditation.

He didn't just watch basketball but also started to focus on all the expendable and consumable knowledge the world has to offer him.

With his talent and potential, it was not a big deal for him to learn many things albeit the difficulties he faced later in his life.

He went from one street basketball to another, always challenging different streetball warriors, and though his potential and talent are powerful they weren't to the point of becoming invincible.

After all, his talent and potential are not powerful or divine enough to achieve transcendence the moment he starts to cultivate them and refine them for years.

Although the oldman gave him such biased abilities and potential, the oldman set a restriction that each time he breaks the limitation and opens a higher level of potential, it will not be in large amounts.

Hence even when he trained like a madman, dedicating himself for the basketball and so, he still wasn't an overpowered character.

But hey guess what, when he finally reached high school, he was strong enough to overpower those street basketball veterans, hence proving everyone that with great work, the already existing talent blooms more refined than how it originally should have.

His sharingan has become powerful enough for him to predict his opponents movements to some level, almost cover half of the court with his vision, comprehend his surroundings and analyze everything before calculating them into a myriad of possibilities.

Reading his target's movement, body language and everything about them before copying the skill or abilities of the said target while freely changing his target in the middle of battle.

His speed is enough for an ordinary man to feel as if they have just witnessed light passing by, while his strength is explosive enough to terrorize even the likes of a tiger.

Although he isn't an op basketball player, just his sheer physical strength is capable of rivaling against a wild tiger in the forest, that's how strong he is.

Maybe it is because of his S-cell or maybe it's because of his potential, or maybe because of both. 

But whatever that is, he is no ordinary high schooler.

Finally he decided to visit Japan, according to his family history, his mother is Japanese while his father is an American, which makes him half-blood Japanese and American.


Seirin Private High School, it was a new beginning of life flourishing in Seirin High which has only been established last year.

As a new academy where children from different families come to learn and study for their future, there is this interesting thing called Club.

Every club is different and unique, while some are Shogi Club, some are Literature Club.

But amongst all of those, a few groups of young boys were doing their best to recruit some new and fresh members in their Boy's Basketball Club.

They were wearing Seirin High outfits and were second year students, the seniors who had once played finals during basketball competition.

"Hey, do you want to join our basketball club ?" Koganei looks at a young boy who was passing by, doing his best to make the young boy join him yet the said person ignored him.

"Koganei, how many times have I said that instead of just doing it that way why not do it my way? " Izuki smiles gently, looking elegant yet unimpressed in the eyes of Koganei.

"Just shut up, that is just so useless " Koganei tried to ignore him but he just couldn't.

But after a while, when he was busy doing his best to recruit new members in the basketball club, he was overshadowed by a young boy who had the intimidating eyes of a wild tiger, greatly scarring his fragile heart.


"Hey, can I join the basketball club ?" Aida Riko raised her head to check on who just asked her that but she was stunned, what she saw wasn't a person but a monster standing with unenthusiastic eyes.


All she could find in those pairs of abyssal eyes was Apathy and a monotonous attitude towards the world, as if the world is broken and no way of getting fixed, there was nothing but absolute void in those pairs of black eyes .

She couldn't help but stagger backward just to fall on her butts, of course she was greatly and astronomically scared by his black eyes where the demon hides.

If you glare at the abyss, the abyss will return the glare at you.

"Y....you....." She pointed her finger at the mysterious man who suddenly walked to her, her hands trembling like it had never before.

"This..." Even Junpei Hyuga, the team captain of basketball club was left in absolute horror, of course he was so scared he became petrified on the spot

".....can I join the club ?" The young boy licks his dry lips and monotonously asks them with a disinterested attitude, as if even if they didn't let him join them, he still wouldn't care much.

"Y...yes, of course " Aida Riko was stuttering on her words, her heart racing in a speed almost threatening to explode.

She was heavily sweating, each drop of sweat was evidence of her chaotic emotions playing tricks on her.

Although she managed to return to her seat, her quivering eyes were still secretly locked on this mysterious person.

Now she was looking at him, she wanted to try something.

The young boy is around 6 '9 feet tall, almost reaching 7 feet, which was terrific. His long arms and legs were perfectly harmonized which even shames professionals.

She wanted to scan him but failed to, since he was wearing a school uniform, her eyes failed to reach his potential.

The young boy pulls the only seat that was there, he stretches his leg up and just crosses the seat as if it was nothing, sitting on the seat he receives the warm tea before being asked to fill the form.

The name was Sagar Rai, even though he is half Japanese and half American in this new life, he still has the heart of Nepali and his Origin is deeply rooted in that small yet beautiful country.

America is rich and luxurious, the dream of millions .

Japan is full of cultures and traditions with rich history left by their great progenitors and ancestors .

But even so, his country is definitely the one where his origin is deeply rooted and can't be uprooted by anyone, not even himself.

The reason why he wants to play basketball, the answer was simple. 

To crush everyone and build himself a powerhouse.

Both Aida Riko and Junpei Hyuga meet each other's eyes, expressing their glance at Sagar.

Sagar didn't bother to answer them and just decided to leave since everything had already been done.

With that, he turns around and leaves while crushing the paper cup in his right arm, soon enough he throws the cup behind him without even turning back.

The paper cup flies up in the air and soon arched in the wind, the space seem to be manifesting into slide for the paper cup to accurately fall toward the dustbin

And yes, the paper cup perfectly .....landed on the top of the round mouth of the dustbin without revealing any sign of failing at any moment !!

Instead of diving inside the dustbin, the paper cup perfectly balanced itself on the top of the dustbin's mouth, shocking both the captain and the female couch.

"Hey, I want to join the basketball club" They were pulled by another tough and powerful voice, meeting their shocked eyes with the newcomer, they saw the eyes of a wild tiger.

He was tall and almost a monster, his fierce glare was enough to intimate both captain and the female couch .

Taiga was holding the back of Koganei, lifting him with his left hand as if the person is weightless.

While Koganei was wryly smiling, feeling embarrassed.

"Oh, you can fill the form and you will become an unofficial member of the club" Aida Riko returned to her senses and she asked the young boy to fill the form, handing him an official paper.

Taiga writes his name and soon he leaves with some short conversation which didn't feel like conversation at all.

Of course after he left, similar to the original story, they found the registration of a golden goose, one of the member of Generation Of Miracle— Kuroko Tetsuya .

Of course, Aida Riko naturally regretted not noticing him.

In the world of basketball, the battlefield where both talent and hard work shines like a sun and moon with countless stars, there dominates these six gigantic plants called Generation Of Miracle.

In this battlefield, a new yet enigmatic wave has been set, pushing the flow of rule and order of the universe to change their coordination.

What will these new changes bring to the smooth yet violent flow of raging river, will the wave dissipate into a thunderous sea-storm or will the wave manage to create t-sunami where everything and anything is devoured without a second hesitation.

If you want to learn what happens in the future, make sure to follow me and the entire team.

Up till then, see you next time...

Note : Mc isn't Op but is strong

Note 2 : This isn't a Op story, there will be lots of challenges and obstacles, each with absolute action on their own way

Note 3 : Generation Of Miracles will not be weak but will grow unbelievably strong compared to the original story because of many things that will take part in the story and also, I am rewatching the anime and am currently at ep 1, so it will take time for me to progress the story.

Note 4 : This is Action-sport Fanfiction with lots of tension and battles

Note 5 : If you want a pairing, feel free to comment on your choice . As far as I am concerned, I don't want to make it a love story or romance let alone harem. This story is progressive type but not just in strength and power but also in character development and many more. Of course there won't be something a scene where mc will play for or think " For my friends, I will not lose"

Note 5.2 : His personality ; Lone-wolf, Aggressive, Monotonous, Strong Will and Unbreakable Character

Note 6 : Feel free to give me your honest opinion.


The reason I created this fanfic is because I didn't find that many fanfic related to Kuroko no basket so I just wanted to try my luck.

I hope you like this.


Short Preview Of Next Chapter

Chapter 1



They are too weak for me to even lift my arm, moving against them will only waste my time and effort .

If I have to play with someone of their level, I swear I will only humiliate myself…...

Even crushing them and leaving them with nothing but despair will be an insult to myself......

Villain_Raicreators' thoughts