
The Solution

"Oh hi my brothers I see. Being with you feels me with glee!" Osis said as he looked down at Jim and company. "Who is that who is so tiny. Oh her armor is just so shiny!"

"Is that?" Susan asked.

"Ya thats Osis." Astros answered. "We need to keep him from landing or his death aura will kill everything within a mile. Seems to be only a few feet when he is in the air though."

"That does sound bad." Jim replied. "We need to come up with something fast, he could land at any moment."

Susan walks forward. "I got this, boys." She says as she draws her sword and flies up into the sky. She used the same attack that cleaved the giant bear in two. A Loud explosion could be heard as she broke the sound barrier on her way to Osis. A clash happened right as she met him and a shockwave could be seen behind him moving the clouds away. However Susan did not pass through Osis as she did the bear. No her blade was stopped right in front of him, he was blocking it with a single finger. Shocked that the blade could be stopped so easily Susan jumps back and decides to strike again. Osis blocks that attack as well as the following attacks Susan decided to throw. Finally she stops her assault and floats in the sky near Osis, Sword pointing at him, she is panting because he has expended most of her energy. She has not even realized yet that she is flying. Finally the thought crosses her mind, "How am I still in the air?"

As if Osis had read her mind. "Tiny person next to me. I made you float as a bee." He said to her as if nothing was amiss. "Such happiness and joy I feel. That being near me you did not fall ill! I have never been so close to life. Oh you could never know my strife. You cannot believe the joy I have now. To be near a life I feel I must bow!" Osis then takes and does a bow to Susan.

This of course confuses her greatly. She was just trying to hurt Osis and yet he seemed overjoyed and even bowed down to her. "Osis will you come with us?" She asked knowing she needed to get him to an unpopulated area.

Osis stands back straight and answers Susan's inquiry. "Of course I will go with you! I have never seen life this is new."

"Jim can you bring the chariot up here?" Susan yelled down at Jim. Shortly after that Jim showed up with the chariot. "Ok Osis, please get inside the chariot."

Osis stops for a moment as he sees Astros inside the chariot already sitting down. "Oh brother dearest I do declare. I love those threads you wear. Your beauty was already high. Now I feel it is greater than the sky." He gets in the chariot and sits next to Astros. Susan follows and sits on the other side.

"So Osis," Susan started to ask, "I heard you almost wiped out all of life, did you mean to do that? You seem so sweet."

"Life I love and hold so dear. I would never want to inflict fear." Osis answered. "I just wanted to swim in the sea. Sadly I should have just let it be. My death presence I could not hide. So many lives lost in my tide. I just wanted to be close to life. Alas they all died because of my strife. Then my brothers put me in hell. My story I could never tell. I just wanted to see life's glory. I did not know that would be the end of my story."

Astros speaks up. "I think what he is trying to say is, he just wanted to see how pretty life was, sadly when he swims his death aura goes really far. Almost killed everything." Astros turns to Osis, "I am sorry brother, I know it must have been so hard for you these millions of years locked in the underworld. But we could not risk you accidentally killing all life again. I mean look at what has become of it! Our creation of humans has led us to so much entertainment! We have not been bored!"

Susan glares at Astros. "So we are just entertainment?" She asked. "All of human suffering, that was just for your entertainment?"

Astros paused for a moment. "Well we don't enjoy watching the suffering, but we did decide it would be more fun to see how you all fair without our intervention. The magical races got boring, that's the main reason we did not want them interfering with y'all."

"Wait so you made the magical races too?" Susan asked.

"Of course we did! We are gods! We made everything, mainly out of boredom." Astros answered.

"More importantly, I think I have a plan to help Osis out." Susan said. "Let me go talk to Jim for a bit". Susan gets out of her seat and climbs up to where Jim is driving on the exterior of the carriage.

"The tiny person is so neat. Staying alive near me is no simple feat! How could she live when others die? It seems she does it without a try." Osis asked Astros in his own special way.

"I think the armor Jim gave her is keeping her alive." Astros answered. "I suppose I should explain Jim to you. He is the first new god we have ever created. We used the built up energy in the gate to fill in the rest of his godhood. You see it turns out that we could reproduce with the mortals, but Their offspring were only part god. Jim's ancestor was one of those. So we just filled in the blanks and boom new god."

"What kind of god could he be? A brand new type seems to me." Astros asked.

"He is a god of absolute victory." Astros answered. "He is a new type, it seems as if he can never lose, and whatever needs to happen for his victory happens. He can also put armor on other people that grant them victory as well. Fairy girl is wearing that armor. Good to see it does not work on gods though, it seems like you were able to stop all of her attacks with ease."

Astros and Osis continued to catch up with one another while Jim and Susan were outside the carriage. He had already listened to her plan on how to help Osis and they were almost back to the Temple. "I hope this works Susan." Jim said to her as they finally made it to the temple.

"I guess we will see." Susan said. "Let me get go tell them we are here." Susan opened the door of the carriage and retrieved Astros and Osis. "Ok lets get inside the temple, I have a plan to help Osis." When they made it inside the temple, Susan took Osis into an empty room they had been using for storage. She was carrying bags of items meant for her plan. "Ok let me just unpack all this stuff and get it set up and we should be all set." She took each item out of the boxes and set up the equipment. Luckily the Temple had electricity, powered by magic, so she was able to plug everything in.

Outside the room Jim was drawing a portal rune to open a portal to somewhere else. "Ok that should do it." He said as he finished his work. A tiny portal formed right in front of Jim. "Ok let me see if this worked." Jim pulls out his phone and is delighted to see what he does. He has WiFi available. "Perfect!"

Back inside the room Susan had finished setting up the equipment she had acquired. It was a VR set. "Ok looks like Jim has finished setting up his end." She said as she connected the system to the internet. "Osis just put this visor on and use these gloves."

Osis took the VR gear and put them on, he was then transported to another world! A digital world. A world where his aura of death that surrounded him would not kill everything around him. A world where he could interact with people without them dying. A world where he could experience colors and friends and everything else he had been missing out on in the past few million years. "This is amazingly swell. I never knew this happiness so well. Colors abound and beauty in sight. This whole experience seems so right!" Osis was overjoyed. He had never had anyone do anything nice for him before, being a god of death made him creepy and everyone stayed away from him. "Thank you for your kindness. You have truly filled me with bliss."

Susan took the next few hours explaining how everything worked to Osis and showed him how to enter chat rooms on the internet. He was thrilled he was finally going to be able to interact with life. After she was done she left him alone in the room and went back to Jim and Astros. "He is all set now. He should be fine." Susan said to the group. "So what do you want to do now?"

"Well I suppose we need to head to California and start campaigning." Jim answered. "No time to waste lets go." They leave Osis in the temple to have fun in a virtual world.

Hours after they had left on back at the temple, something disturbing occurred. Unknown to Osis, who was caught up in his new paradise, the god door cracked open.