
CHAPTER FIVE- The competition

After Liam qualified for the competition, he just felt like backing out. After weeks and weeks and weeks of "training", all he gained was a paper with the words; 'You have been selected for the competition.

Liam felt like he was betrayed. He felt like he should have read about the academy before signing up. The only thing he knew about the academy was that it was the best academy in Spain.

So, the competition was set to hold in Nuremberg but was changed because of the weather conditions to Munich. There will not only be people for Madrid will be playing, but people from other places like Rio De Janiero, Munich, Miami, Moscow, and Beijing.

Liam thought this was going to be tough. After all, these were cities from the top 5 countries for volleyball. All though no city in Spain was there, Spain had some talented players. Like for example Charlie, the blonde mastermind who tied with Liam's score of 99.7%.

Another one was Zac, the curly haired boy who was not really associative with people ,but got 96.2% score. And then, the girl standing out was Joanne. She was a German girl but came to Madrid because she was always mocked by older girls in the Munich academy. She got 3rd with a rating of 94.4%.

These all were very talented players and were fit to make the 3 vs 3 match-up versus who ever they were drawn to play.