
The Undercover agent

This story is about an undercover agent girl whose parents were said to be died in accident but what exactly happened to them , she was unaware of it. Her name is Rosie and after her parents died it was her aunt Ms. Shilpi who took cared of her and trained her to be perfect agent. She done many missions ger life but that one Mission changed her life which started giving her a weird flashbacks the person covered with blood and besides those lifeless body exactly who they were. She even fall in love with a son of the main villian of this story Me Joseph who have done many illegal practices and have killed many person mercilessly but infront of public he got changed into a complete different person, an innocent person who helped everyone in need. But we're unaware of his dark truth. He has three children Nisha, Alphonso whom with Rosie fall in love and Edward who is exactly like a photocopy of his father who was also engaged in these activities but ni one knew about it Thus story contain thriller, romance, funny too and mystery. How Rosie fund out about her parents how they got died and how he catched Me Joseph make this story full of twists Due to school busy life and burden of tests and exams, I may not be able to upload ch of my every novel regular but I will try hard to upload it, please support my novels and write your review, as this is my first time writing novels please add your kind views to make sure that are you guys enjoying it or not and please add if you have any complaint regarding to it , that'why please add your review"

Limejuice531 · Teen
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36 Chs

Strange feeling

**** Next day at school ****

Rosie arrived at school, and went straight to her classroom. Classroom was very noisy that day. She sat in her bench and notice Ria, she was acting strange that day. She looked at Ria and Ria quickly steal the glance , she looked away instantly. Ria was getting uncomfortable by seeing death glare of Rosie and straight went to bathroom. Rosie went after her to bathroom and noticed she was alone there. Ria was about to get out of the bathroom hurriedly when Rosie grabbed her by her hair and pinned her on the wall!

Rosie:- Where do you think you are going huh?

Ria:- I.....I didn't do any... Anything ,let...let me go , please.

She started breathing heavily and nervously said

Ria :- I.... I didn't sent anyone.

Rosie:- I never said that you sent anyone Ria!!

Ria became silent

Rosie:- I knew it you little rat how dare you sent people after me to beat me huh? Should I beat you again.

Ria:- No....no please don't do.... Anything. Please let me go . I will never again mess with you please please, I am... I am sorry.

She started crying at that moment, Rosie sighed and leave her hairs.

Rosie :- yeah yeah ok no need to cry just don't mess with me again now get out!

Ria hurriedly wipe her tears and ran out. 

Rosie in her mind( huh! Crocodile's tears)

She also left for classroom while walking she accidentally bumped into someone and was about to fall when someone caught her by her waist.

Rosie:- Oh I am sor..... Alphonso!!!

Alphonso:- yeah Alphonso, is your eyesight weak that you don't even know where you are going!

Rosie quickly pushed her and stands to her position.

Rosie:- uhhhh! Not again, why I only have to see your bloody fool's face!

Alphonso:- Bloody hell? Wow I caught you from falling and you are calling me a jerk, though you were the one who bumped into me earlier. 

Rosie in hesitantly voice:- Oh that…. That was an accident, whatever I am going to class! ( rolled her eyes).

Alphonso in his mind ( uhhhh!! This girl has the worst attitude, I have ever seen!)

They both reached in the classroom. After some time professor arrived in class and started writing something on the board.

One student from class: - What are you writing on the black board professor? 

Professor:- This is your new sitting plan and you have to follow it!!

Rosie in her mind ( uhhh seriously new sitting plan but I don't even like someone from my class. I hope, I got the seat near twinkle, she is the only innocent girl I know!)

Girls behind desk started talking

One girl :- uhhh I hope I got the seat next to Alphonso. He is just too hot!

Second girl :- noooo I want my seat next to her.

Third girl :- no you both girl can choose any other boy but he is only mine, Ohh Alphonso....!

Rosie in her mind ( Seriously eh? What is so special about that jerk anyway I mean he is hot but.... Uhhh what am I thinking that jerk ) she became irritated by her thoughts!

Twinkle:- Oh rosie who do you wish to sit with ?

Rosie :- oh hey twinkle, ummm I don't know many students from this classroom nore I speak with anyone so I only know you, maybe I should seat with you.

Twinkle became happy after hearing it.

Twinkle:- Yup , I also hope that I would sit with you, because I am C class and if I sit with anyother they will bully me! 

Rosie :- ohh twinkle, if somebody do bully you then just tell me ! I will beat her ass off!

Twinkle :- Aww thank you Rosie> 

She smiled at rosie brightly. Rosie in her mind ( what a cuteness ) then, professor done writing on black board. And when Rosie saw her sitting plan her jaw dropped.

Rosie:- What the heck why it has to be Alphonso out of nowhere!!

She looked at Alphonso who was also too stunned at was seeing at rosie, they both were making disgusted face at each other!

Alphonso in his mind ( Ahhhhhh! What my sitting plan with that crack headed )

Girls behind Rosie who were hoping their seats next to Alphonso startd speaking 1

One girl in a disgusted expression :- uhh why it has to be that C class wench < if she try to impress him, then I would really kill her!

Second girl try to make her silent:- shhh! what are you saying? Don't you know how that girl Rosie beat Ria! You didn't come to school that's why you don't know>

That girl:- what happened yesterday? Did that low class girl beat Ria how it is even possible! 

Third girl:- Yeahh she did beat Ria that why she is acting very strange today.

That girl :- OMG what a news !

Rosie in her mind( what a bunch of idiots are sitting behind me , I wanted to sewn their mouths right now )

Rosie:- Hey twinkle whome are you sitting with?

Twinkle:- Ohh I am sitting with Roma, she is very nice and is from C class but unfortunately I can't sit with you!

Rosie :- oh yeah I know but don't worry she passes her a gummy smile

Twinkle :- You are going to sit with Alphonso right? Yiu are lucky! Every girl in this class are interested in him.

Rosie :- No not really, but kind of opposite because I don't like him, he is a complete jerk!

Twinkle in a shocked :- WHAT!!!! What are you saying, he is very nice guy, he even one time helped me. 

Rosie :- Helped you! How ?

Twinkle :- There was one time when I was going back home and suddenly some thugs came to beat me, I started crying but then Alphonso saw me and beat those thugs. He is very strong and even helped someone in need. He is silent in class and don't like speaking much, but he is kind!

Rosie :- hmmm… I see 

Professor :- Now kindly change you seats according your sitting plan.

Rosie held her bag and went to her seat and Alphonso was behind her!

***** To be continued *****