
The Undercover agent

This story is about an undercover agent girl whose parents were said to be died in accident but what exactly happened to them , she was unaware of it. Her name is Rosie and after her parents died it was her aunt Ms. Shilpi who took cared of her and trained her to be perfect agent. She done many missions ger life but that one Mission changed her life which started giving her a weird flashbacks the person covered with blood and besides those lifeless body exactly who they were. She even fall in love with a son of the main villian of this story Me Joseph who have done many illegal practices and have killed many person mercilessly but infront of public he got changed into a complete different person, an innocent person who helped everyone in need. But we're unaware of his dark truth. He has three children Nisha, Alphonso whom with Rosie fall in love and Edward who is exactly like a photocopy of his father who was also engaged in these activities but ni one knew about it Thus story contain thriller, romance, funny too and mystery. How Rosie fund out about her parents how they got died and how he catched Me Joseph make this story full of twists Due to school busy life and burden of tests and exams, I may not be able to upload ch of my every novel regular but I will try hard to upload it, please support my novels and write your review, as this is my first time writing novels please add your kind views to make sure that are you guys enjoying it or not and please add if you have any complaint regarding to it , that'why please add your review"

Limejuice531 · Teen
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36 Chs

Her kidnapping

Rosie :- oh! You don't need tko change yourself for becoming like me ! Just be confident in the way you are. You should live for yourself not for others! You should stand for yourself because if you won't then this harsh world will not let you live peacefully!

*Sigh* anyway this topic will went serious then just close this topic just remember to be happy in the way you are!

Twinkle smiled:- Yup i understood!

Then the twinkle spinned the pen and stopped between Rosie and Alphonso the cap side was towards Rosie so Rosie asked:- Alphonso truth or dare?

Alphonso:- Truth!

Rosie :- Alphonso!tell me how many girls have you dated before I mean till now?

Alphonso looked at her and asked :Um....! I have dated one girl Before!

Rosie :- One girl? So who was she?

Alphonso:- This is second question I was supposed to just answer one question!

Sahil :- Why are you curious Rosie ? Are you.....

Rosie :- NOO! just asking

Sahil:- Oh okay okay!

Rosie :- Guys! It's time of dispersal so I will get going now!

Alphonso:- Yeah I am going to go too!

Sahil and twinkle :- Okay !

Twinkle:- I am going too!

So everybody left the room!

Rosie reached at main gate!

Rosie :- Mira, Scarlett and Jennie haave already left earlier so I have to walk to home!

Rosie *sighed* :- okay so let's go! I will take bus from highway! Mrs Shilpi and others are busy too otherwise I would tell them to pick me !

Rosie was going back home but she felt something Strange! She realised that someone was following her!

Rosie started walking fast when she reached at a complete silent place, she felt a hand was comming towards her she grabbed that hand and turned around to see that a tall mascular man with covered mouth!

Rosie :- Who the hell are you?

She punched that man! Then she was about to kick him when someone from behind hit's Rosie head very hard! That blood started flowing from her head! She was feeling very dizzy , she turned around and see 5 people with bats and iron rod in their hand !

She punched one person and kick the other but because of loss of too much blood she started feeling numb and lost her consciousness and felt unconscious!

Then one person called their boss!

Thug(1):- We have catched her boss!

Unknown:- Well done now bring her to us but dint forget to tie her completely because she is very smart in her skills of fighting!

Thug(1):- Okay boss! Then he hanged up and took a rope and tied the hands of Rosie and then tied her legs !

Then they put her in their van and drove off!

Their van the. Stopped at very dark and shady place in a forest! There tall trees here and there and a tall buildings which was very vad in condition!

Then they took Rosie inside.

( To be continued... )