
The Undercover agent

This story is about an undercover agent girl whose parents were said to be died in accident but what exactly happened to them , she was unaware of it. Her name is Rosie and after her parents died it was her aunt Ms. Shilpi who took cared of her and trained her to be perfect agent. She done many missions ger life but that one Mission changed her life which started giving her a weird flashbacks the person covered with blood and besides those lifeless body exactly who they were. She even fall in love with a son of the main villian of this story Me Joseph who have done many illegal practices and have killed many person mercilessly but infront of public he got changed into a complete different person, an innocent person who helped everyone in need. But we're unaware of his dark truth. He has three children Nisha, Alphonso whom with Rosie fall in love and Edward who is exactly like a photocopy of his father who was also engaged in these activities but ni one knew about it Thus story contain thriller, romance, funny too and mystery. How Rosie fund out about her parents how they got died and how he catched Me Joseph make this story full of twists Due to school busy life and burden of tests and exams, I may not be able to upload ch of my every novel regular but I will try hard to upload it, please support my novels and write your review, as this is my first time writing novels please add your kind views to make sure that are you guys enjoying it or not and please add if you have any complaint regarding to it , that'why please add your review"

Limejuice531 · Teen
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38 Chs

Got locked together

The guard left after locking the door.

Rosie and Alphonso were looking at each other hopelessly, they rushed towards the door to pushed it to open but they failed to do so as door was locked from outside,

Rosie :- What should we do now?? The door is locked?

Alphonso:- I even don't know what to do?

Rosie:- We shouldn't hide in the first place!

Alphonso:- But if we got caught them the punishment would be bigger!

Rosie:- So....??? What now?

Alphonso:- Nothing just waiting for student is only last hope!

Rosie :- whatever I don't care, this is better than that boring lecture.

Alphonso:- Really?? Don't you want to get out of here ?

Rosie :- I want to.....but don't worry my friends will find us for sure!

Alphonso:-  you sure na?? Because I don't have plan to sleep here tonight!

Rosie :- Hm? Really? The sin of a big business man got missed for a two minutes can cause a big fuss in news channels they can easily found you!

Alphonso remain silent after hearing that Rosie looked at him in confused manner!

Rosie :-  What ? Why are you silent did something happened?

Alphonso:- No nothing lets just sit on cushion

Rosie :- hmm

Rosie in mind ( this is my opportunity but from where should I start my conversation??)

Rosie :-  So.... Your life must be very easy because you are the son of a great business man isn't it? You would be very happy in your life?

Alphonso:- Rosie can you stop asking about my dad for a second. I don't want to argue with you again !

Rosie :-  Why what happened why does it bother you so much to talk about your father huh?? He is very successful person! But you never wanted to talk about him why is it huh? Do you hate him that much ( Rosie asked curiously and continuously which make Alphonso very irritated)

He shouted at Rosie :-  YES!!! I HATE HIM !! Alphonso realized what he said and become serious and silent !

Rosie put her hand on his hand gently and said :-  See, Alphonso I am so... sorry ,  i didn't know that you hate him , I even don't know why you hate him and i won't force you anymore, I am sorry for making you sad :(

Alphonso' s eyes were filled with sadness at that time , he looked at Rosie's eyes, they made eye contact , Rosie was understanding the sadness in his eyes and felt sorry!

Rosie :-  Hmm... So your mood is not refreshed yet so maybe I have so a chicken dance again to make you happy, she stood up and walk at distant and started dancing funny and sing :- Ohhhh... I am a chicken... Du...du...du...du... I am a chicken..... Chicken are so cute and... I want to eat two.... Chickens...

Alphonso laughed harder to saw her dance 

Alphonso:- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA okok!!! Hahah stop please stop my stomach is going to burst up!! Hahahaha where....from where do you learn this dance.

Hus eyes were filled with water to laugh that much harder!

Rosie :- See I make you laugh , I have a quality of making someone laughing! Heheheh 

Alphonso sighed and patted his cushion to give signal to Rosie to sit beside him!

Rosie came and sat besides him and said :-  So is your mood enlighten now? Huh?

Alphonso:- yeah yeah it is ! You would be shocked to know that who can hate his own father right?

Rosie :- Ummmmm no maybe someone can have its own reasons!

Alphonso:- My dad never once cared about me and my lil sis Nisha , he is just too mean to us. From the moment my mom died from that accident dad started acting crazy when our mom was around he would treat us so previously but when she left our father started beating us for no reason I did everything I can to make him proud of myself but eventually I stopped because I noticed that he wouldn't be proud on me , i don't hate him for beating me , he can beat me as much as want but... When I see tears in nisha's eyes I just want crazy . 

Rosie :- I understand this must be very hard for you three guys! :(

Alphonso:- three?

Rosie :- yeah you three? You, Nisha and Edward!

Alphonso:- nah Edward is his favourite kid, just like him mean, rude and ..... What should I say! Rosie I am telling this to you but don't tell this to anyone any further!

Rosie:- Oh don't worry I won't. So it means that Edward is his favourite and never got scolded

Alphonso :- Never as long as I remember.

Rosie wanted to ask him more but when he saw him sad then she eventually stopped at moment.

Rosie slightly gave Alphonso a little side hug!

Alphonso was so shocked but he melted and hug her back tightly!

Rosie :- Huh???? I just hug you a little from a side because you were so sad but you.....

Alphonse cut her words and said :-  Let's just stay like this for a bit, I never ever felt this warm before. He closed his eyes and leaned his face in hus shoulder and gently touch her neck which was making Rosie's stomach butterflies. Rosie understood his condition and patted his head a little.

Rosie in her mind( I wanted to ask him more but he is just too sad now I should stop, I will ask me later as I have gained his Little trust.

After sometime Alphonso released her.. and remain at his back position.

Alphonse:- So I have told you so much now what about you tell me something about your family too? Your parents are neurologist right?

Rosie was feeling a little bit uneasy because she has never saw her parents face at real actually but she lied...

Rosie :- Yeah they are but they hardly visit us, me and my three siblings Mira, scarlett, Jennie are like best friends and we lives with our aunt Ms shilpi she is so kind and a little bit of strict. But we four like her very much and ... 

Alphonso:- and....??

Rosie :- I am just too scared that like my parents these four wouldn't leave me . (She became a little sad) I.....I can't think of myself without them but (she turned happy again or pretend to be happy ) I know they wouldn't leave me ! ( she give him a bright smile)

But Rosie noticed that Alphonso was looking at her strangely, 

Rosie was about to ask him when Alphonso kissed her on her lips.....

Rosie was too stunned to make any move that moment, her eyes were wide opened....

*****To be continued*****

Thank you to readers who are reading this and please read " Echoes through time" novel too Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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