
The Undercover agent

This story is about an undercover agent girl whose parents were said to be died in accident but what exactly happened to them , she was unaware of it. Her name is Rosie and after her parents died it was her aunt Ms. Shilpi who took cared of her and trained her to be perfect agent. She done many missions ger life but that one Mission changed her life which started giving her a weird flashbacks the person covered with blood and besides those lifeless body exactly who they were. She even fall in love with a son of the main villian of this story Me Joseph who have done many illegal practices and have killed many person mercilessly but infront of public he got changed into a complete different person, an innocent person who helped everyone in need. But we're unaware of his dark truth. He has three children Nisha, Alphonso whom with Rosie fall in love and Edward who is exactly like a photocopy of his father who was also engaged in these activities but ni one knew about it Thus story contain thriller, romance, funny too and mystery. How Rosie fund out about her parents how they got died and how he catched Me Joseph make this story full of twists Due to school busy life and burden of tests and exams, I may not be able to upload ch of my every novel regular but I will try hard to upload it, please support my novels and write your review, as this is my first time writing novels please add your kind views to make sure that are you guys enjoying it or not and please add if you have any complaint regarding to it , that'why please add your review"

Limejuice531 · Teen
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36 Chs

Finding the clue


It was around 9 pm and Mira , Jennie and Scarlett and other team members were quite nervous that Rosie didn't return home yet!

Mira :- Why haven't she returned yet?

Jennie :- I even don't know she didn't even told us if she wanted to go somewhere!

Scarlett:- Yeah she always informed us if she suddenly got a change in her plan!

Mrs Shilpi:- Girls! Have you tried calling their friends?

Jennie:- Wait let me call Nisha , I will ask if Rosie is with Alphonso or not.

Jennie called Nisha.

Nisha pickup call!

Jennie :- Hey Nisha! Is Rosie is with you at your home?

Nisha :- Rosie? No she is not!

Jennie:- what no?? Uhhhh can you ask Alphonso if he know where she is right now or not!

Nisha :- Huh? Didn't Rosie returned yet!?

Jennie:- No! She never have been this kate ever! We are quite worried for her!

Nisha :- Wait let me ask Alphonso!

Nisha went to Alphonso room!

Nisha :- Alphonso!!!!

Alphonso:- What happened Nisha??

Nisha :- Rosie has not returned home yet ... Do you have any idea where is she now or sis she tell you something about going anywhere!!

Alphonso:- Huh? She hasn't returned! No she didn't tell me !!

Nisha :- Ohh !

Alphonso:- Who is on the call Nisha!

Nisha :- It's Jennie, Rosie's cousin!

Alphonso:- Give me phone!

Nisha then gave Alphonso her mobile !

Alphonso:- Jennie ! Hasn't Rosie returned yet?

Jennie :- No!! Did she tell you something about going anywhere!

Alphonso:- No! She even left early by saying that she was too tired and wanted to go back home , sje left school for home!

Jennie :- Ohh!! Then why hasn't she returned yet!

Alphonso:- Wait I will go to find her!

Jennie:- No no, no need we will find her!

Alphonso:- But no! She must be in problem right now my She always git into fights!

Jennie :- No no she must be at someone's house dont worry, she is not a kid . She will returned soon!

Alphonso:- Okay call me when she get back!

Jennie :- Okay

Then Jennie hanged up!

Jennie :- No she left school to go straight home!

Mira :- It means she is in trouble right now!

Mrs Shilpi:- Ohh! Let's go to find her!

Scarlett:- I will try to find the location of her mobile!

Mrs Shilpi:- Yeah go ahead!

Scarlett was trying to find the location of Rosie's mobile!

But Rosie's mobile was broken on the road when those kidnappers hit her on her head!

Scarlett:- Her mobile is switched off I can't detect his mobile!

Mira :- Dont worry mam we will go and will try to find any clue!

Scarlett:- Yes let's go! We will surely fund the clue in the way she went school and came home!

Mira:- Jennie ! Carry your health kit too!

Jennie :- Okay!

They then sat in the car to find Rosie !

But a long time passes but they couldn't find anything!

Mira :- Uhh!! We can't find any clue yet!

Jennie :- let's check that empty place too that is near Highway!

Mira :- Yeah let's go there too!!

( to be continued.....)