
The Uncrowned Heiress

Jing Ari is the epitome of beauty yet she was also the symbol of a damsel in distress. Suffering has always been a part of her life. Despite it, she lived her twenty-one years in this world passionately. But how would she keep going and fight against the world when her reasons left her side already? Her parents died without a valid reason. Yet her life began to change. She could buy everything she wanted to acquire and she even became one of the heiresses of Jing Group. And Yes, she will take this opportunity to find the people behind her parents' death.

RainlessShine · Urban
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4 Chs

Before the Accident (2)

Ari and the man looked directly at each other, and they both had no plan to give up. Either the taxi would dash away from the two or let the cold breeze chilled them.

"Who touches the handle first?" Ari and the man both peeped at the driver. 'What on earth was the driver thinking in the middle of the freezing atmosphere', they thought.

Nevertheless, Ari quickly replied.

"I touched the handle first."

"No, my hand landed first."

The driver scratched his head. "Fine. Just tell me your both destinations, maybe you'll have the same route."

"Ever Village." Ari and the man both echoed which made the driver stared at them dumbly.

Ari entered the taxi followed by the man. As soon as they sat inside the taxi, they both looked outside as if the situation was the last thing they wanted to experience in their lifetime.

After so many turns, the driver reached the main road and looked up at the traffic light. He stopped because the red signal lighted up. He secretly glanced at the rear-view mirror.

"You can fix your problem in a rational manner."Ari moved her eyes towards the driver and looked at him with unpleasant eyes.

"I don't even know him."She answered plainly.

The man only heaved a sigh as he thought how he would punish his driver. How could his driver didn't get his message clear? He instructed his driver to get him in the Coffee Shop first then they would go straight to Ever Village. But his driver went already to the village.

"Lady, that's only a small quarrel. You don't need to treat your other half as if he's a stranger." Ari put her right hand on the headrest of the shotgun seat to support herself then she leaned towards the driver.

"I told you, I don't know-" she was cut when the man held her arm, it was warm against her skin. She looked at the man.

"Quiet." then the man released her arm as he closed his eyes.

Ari moved back on her seat but she was still in awe. She couldn't believe that the man just made her shut her lips.

The driver smiled teasingly as he drove his car again. While Ari gritted her teeth, glaring at the driver.

The driver stopped his car before the uphill.

"I'm sorry but I can only drive you here. The road is already uphill and the street lights are off, it will only be dangerous for both of you if I will force my car."Ari looked in front and she found not any single lamps on the road.

Ari gets off the car as soon as she handed her fare to the driver.

She thought that her parents were ridiculous to accept the invitation of the old man. She would not agree if her parents would accept the house. The old man might give them a property but she's not thankful because it's located in an isolated place.

Five years ago, Ever Village already lost its popularity. And it's market price gradually dropped throughout the years.

She rubbed her both palms against her skin, she could really feel the cold now. Then she remembered the small paper gave by her mother. She grabbed the body of her bag to check the paper. She found it easily by rummaging her bag. She took out the small paper from her bag  but someone bumped on her shoulder so she was pushed downward.

Luckily, someone caught the back of her body so she didn't end up rolling in the freezing uphill road. But the person who just bumped her completely ignored her.

"Hey!" she called out.

"Don't bother." she looked at the person who saved her and it was the man. She quickly distanced herself from the man.

She was about to continue climbing up the hill but the light from the ground reflected her eyes. So she looked down and found a necklace, she saw that the pendant was a cloverleaf.

She bent her body and was about to pick the necklace but someone speedily grabbed it. It was the person who bumped on her shoulder and she recognized it as a man.

"You-"the person quickly turned his back and walked away.

"Great. Two men just ruined my day." the man glanced at Ari. But she disregarded him.

Ari furrowed her brows when she saw the whole village was surrounded by darkness. But she managed to locate the

guard, standing in front of the gate.

"Good evening Ma'am."

"Good evening," she replied as she handed out the small paper to the guard.

The guard raised his flashlight while looking at the paper but he was interrupted when he saw the VIP of Ever Village. He quickly bowed his head.

Ari turned her back and she found the man again, motioning the guard to continue his work. Then the man casually entered the village.

"But may I ask, why is so dark here? Is there a black-out?" she asked.

"Oh the power suddenly went out a while ago but the electrician is checking the problem now. Maybe, after ten minutes the power will be back." the guard answered as he handed back the paper.

"I'll just accompany you." the guard added. Ari knew that she would not manage to find the house in the darkness of the place.

Ari kept her silence while following the guard.

"It was not really unusual to experience a black-out here. Well, the owner was not maintaining the village anymore because there are only a few families residing here. Maybe after three years, the village will finally meet its end."Ari only nodded as she took out her phone to call her parents. But after several tries, she gave up because they were not answering her call.

While the guard was having a hard time recognizing the house numbers.

"Excuse me but I think we already passed this corner a while ago."Ari finally spoke when she noticed that the guard was confused.

"It's number nine, right," Ari said, checking the paper.

"Let me borrow the flashlight."

she added, the guard gave it to her. She pointed the flashlight to the gates, she barely looked at the house numbers.

"These houses are numbered from fifteen to twenty-"

"Oh, we need to go back to the other corner."Ari gave the flashlight back, ignoring the mumbling of the guard. She couldn't let another man ruining her mood again.

"That is the house."

Ari and the guard were only a few meters away from the gate when they heard a sudden explosion inside the house. Then a fire engulfed all sides of the house.

Ari was thunderstruck, she slowly stepped forward then ran towards the house.
