
The Uncovered Mysteries

This is not a single story but collection of stories. This will include about mythical places, ghost stories, mythical people etc. This is just to entertain you all and every info I put here will be from researches or those which i believe to be true. Before starting I would like to thanks everyone whoever will be reading this Novel.

ujjawal · Horror
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The Forbidden Land Of Agartha: A Myth Or Another Hidden Truth?

Countless stories, myths, and legends are told about underground cities and subterranean civilizations spread through a vast network of interconnected tunnels across the planet.

There are many rumors surrounding these underground portals. We have only to remember the mysterious stories that revolve around the tunnels and galleries of the Cueva de los Tayos in Ecuador, or stories about entrances to underground worlds, supposedly located in the Andes , the Himalayas , the Gobi Desert , Turkey, and even below the Sphinx of Giza .

The Hollow Earth Theory and an Expedition to the Arctic

The Hollow Earth theory states that the Earth is a hollow planet with ancient entrances to the subterranean world scattered throughout it, including near both polar caps. This theory has been reported since ancient times and scientists such as Edmund Halley have defended it throughout history.

From 1818-1826, the American John C. Symmes passionately supported the theory as well. According to him, there was a subterranean world inside our planet illuminated by a tiny sun, and that included mountains, forests, and lakes. Symmes launched a national campaign aiming to raise the necessary funds to send an expedition to the Arctic to search for an entrance to the subterranean world. He even sent a proposal to the United States Congress, with the intention of getting government assistance to find the entrance to the inner world. Unfortunately for him, he died before the government did allocate funding for his purpose and the expedition departed in 1838, although, in truth, its goals were not so altruistic. In reality it was part of the ploy as world powers were trying to learn the importance of the only land not yet conquered the world: both polar caps.


Is there any evidence of civilization harbouring life beneath the Earth's surface or is it just a hot solid mass of iron and nickel? There's still so much to be discovered about our mystical planet and as crazy as it sounds there is an extraordinary theory about the Earth being hollow and a city named Agartha residing deep within. Agartha is a legendary city known to reside deep inside our planet. Also known by the names Agartta, Agharti or Agarta, it is often associated with Shambhala (a mythical kingdom, mentioned in various ancient texts such as Vishnu Purana, stating it to be the birthplace of Kalki) as the capital city of Agartha. Hindus know Shambhala as Aryavartha (the land of worthy ones, the land of Vedas) and it has also been called as the Land of Living Gods, the Forbidden Land, the Land of White Waters and the Land of Living Fire.

The Entrance

Apparently, there are several entrances to this underground city of Agartha, some of which are in-wells and out-wells of energy including Kentucky Mammoth Cave, in the US, the mysterious Bermuda triangle, the Soviet Union and interestingly one being the Himalayan Mountains in Tibet which is allegedly guarded by the Hindu Monks.

A man named Richard Shaver claimed to be the guest of the so-called forbidden kingdom of Agartha. As he didn't have any evidence to prove the same, only a few people actually believed him.

He contended that their race realized that the Sun was causing them to age prematurely and eventually decided to seek a new home underground.

Agartha Proof in Ancient CulturesJust when you think these theories are nothing but fantasies and excessive imaginations, there are actual pieces of evidence in ancient history of another world within our Earth. The possibility of Earth being hollow and the idea of a secret civilization has flooded people's mind through centuries. It is said that the Pharaohs of Egypt accessed and communicated with the underground world through tunnels hidden in the Pyramids and many more beliefs just like that.

What's astonishing is a Map made by cartographer Heinrich C. Berann that shows an entrance to the inner world of Agartha. The map has the most captivating detail of underwater passage running along the entire continent and congregates at the exact location identified as the opening to the hollow Earth.

A mathematical genius, Leonard Euler contented that the Earth is hollow with a central sun and it was inhabited.

There have been several operations conducted by the Russians who attempted to drill down as far as possible to see if the tales were true, but the team couldn't find Agartha and still believes that it's further down.

Although many of the theories were proven wrong, new discoveries about the Earth's crust came into light. For instance, a layer of basalt was found completely missing and the presence of water was detected where it shouldn't have been.

True or just a wild imagination, no one knows what is really down there!

Now you say, Do you believe in Agatha ? Comment what are your thoughts about this myth. Thanks for reading.

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