
The Uncontainable Thing

23 year old Liam is just tired of life and decides to take a night walk in the Costa-Rican wilderness nearby were his family vacationed to get his mind off of things but gets attacked by an unidentifiable thing.

SEA_MAN · Fantasy
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The 'Thing' that couldn't be contained.

Liam had to keep thinking to prevent him to passing on into the darkness, all he was processing were the words "Holy" and "Shit". He was bleeding out and need to seek medical attention fast, though that was not an option. He could not walk or crawl for that matter, because an unidentified 'thing' near a waterfall beside a Costa-Rican resort that He and his family were staying at, attacked him and had ripped open his stomach. Liam felt like throwing up because he could see his organs clearly. Suddenly out of nowhere a sharp jagged pain in his side gushed out blood, he prepared to scream bloody murder when his vocal cords were severed. His chest tightened and gripped on his heart, he felt his ribs giveaway and cave in, Liam was gasping for air, to no avail. He was being crushed alive. He cried for what felt like the first time in His life. Liam was often described as emotionless, like how when he was 5 his dog 'Scott' died of a chronic illness, No one knew but Liam was suffering on the inside but forced Himself to be positive on the outside. after 18 years of doing this, Liam couldn't take it. He was a burnt out man. He wanted to go on a walk by the waterfall to calm down and look over His life, now instant regrets of His fleeting life hit him like a brick. He sobbed and sobbed till he couldn't, Liam had cried all of His tears.

Liam had gracefully excepted his fate. Infact He braced the fact that he was about to meet the Almighty Father, "God". He didn't complain at the fact he was consciously being eaten alive by this monster, he depicted it as His savior from this boring world, He was preparing for Heaven. His Body was discovered 1 day and 13 hours later after a thorough search around the compound, in a small body of water surrounding the waterfall, pieces of human flesh, several fingers, 3 ribcage bones and a bloody eye socket were found. Before this though, children were swimming in the water obnoxious to the gory sight meters away. Liam's funeral was held on June the 2nd, 25 days after His unfortunate death.

This is just a toe-dipper for me. Trying to practice story writing for english as I always get C's XD

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