
The Uncommon One

Moses, a boy whose entire existence is shrouded in enigma and secrecy, finds his life irrevocably altered when he unlocks a mysterious power during a life-and-death encounter. This power, revealed to be an intelligent life form, becomes his guide. With its aid, Moses embarks on a profound journey to uncover his true identity and gain a deeper understanding of the world around him.

Doc_Kent · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter Two: Another Life Begins Anew

He remained unharmed on the ocean until the boat drifted ashore near the small village of Gesha. A fisherman, occupied with his fishing, noticed the approaching boat and promptly abandoned his task to inspect it. To his surprise, he found a crying baby inside the apparently deserted vessel.

"nwaaah nwaaah nwaaah""

"Oh my! How come a baby is inside the boat. Someone must have abandon this poor lad"

The baby continuously cried. The fisherman lifted the baby from the boat and soothed him, gently patting his back as he carried him home.

Sixteen years later, Moses had grown up in the village under the care of his adoptive parents, Roselia and Peter. Despite his distinctive red hair and a peculiar symbol on his chest, he was warmly accepted by the villagers, including the village chief, and got along well with everyone.

Moses was gearing up for a morning hunt in the forest near the village, armed with his bow, arrows, and pocket knife. His mother cautioned him about the perilous animals that lurked within the forest and warned him of the unknown dangers that awaited should he venture too far.

"Mom, dad am ready for my first hunt today"

"Alright dear, just be careful of the dangers in the forest, keep it in mind of what I told about not crossing the safe zone"

" I don't want you to be hurt in any way"

He understood the genuine concern his adoptive parents had for him and was determined not to cause them any sorrow. A broad smile crossed his face.

"don't worry mom , I'll make sure to get back on time safely, I promise"

His father also spoke

"Son, please keep your promise. You don't want your mom and me to worry, and remember, your health and safety are the most precious things to us."

"I will dad"

He said goodbye to his parents before leaving for his hunting trip, and later his close friend, Kelvin, joined him, both equipped and ready for the journey ahead.

"Bye, take care of yourselves"

As they journeyed towards the dark forest, they shared their thoughts and feelings about their first hunting experience with each other.

"Moses, being the first time to ever go for hunting, how do you feel?"

"Am quite excited about this, it gives me the chance to gain real experience in hunting animals"

"And of course, we would have some fun while at it"

"What about you?, how do you feel?"

kelvin attempted to hide his fear, but Moses was perceptive enough to recognize his true feelings about the situation.

"w-well, I--I also find it amusing"

"that's all? I know you're scared about going into the forest but it is alright"

kelvin was able to speak what's eating on his minds and Moses encouraged him with his words

"To be honest, I've heard tales of a blood-sucking demon that lurks deep in the forest. It drains its victims' blood, leaving them lifeless on the ground. Ever since, the dark forest has become a haunted place, and it gives me chills."

"Don't worry about that, an advance party has been sent to scout the area to prevent any casualties. so far we do not cross the safe zone, we would be fine"

"I'll look out for you kelvin, we're together in this as always"

Moses's companion's spirits lifted, and they pressed on with their journey. Upon reaching the forest, they successfully captured several rabbits and antelopes, with Moses outdoing his friend in the hunt.

"Always surpassing me everytime, eh"

"kelvin, you're also quite good for a beginner"

"(yawns), I feel sleepy, we've caught more than enough moses, let's round up"

"true, we should leave as early as possible"

As they were preparing to conclude their day, a massive wild boar, as large as an oil tank, charged ferociously towards them, causing the ground to tremble like an earthquake. One of the guards, who had been keeping watch over the hunters, quickly alerted the others.

"look out!!"

In a panic, everyone fled for their lives as the wild boar relentlessly chased and trampled anything in its path. Unfortunately, most of the hunter guards who attempted to stop it were instantly killed.

Despite the chaos, some, including kelvin, managed to escape the forest safely. However, amidst the turmoil, Moses chose to stay behind and confront the wild boar alone, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Now, it just you and me"

A fierce battle between moses and the wild boar begun. the wild boar goes to attack him head on, rushing fiercely towards him but he managed to dodge it first assault which has destroyed a large tree behind him as the wild boar failed to hit him,he became a little bit nervous, all he had was a pocket knife.

*I should avoid taking it attack head on or I would surely die*

The wild boar charged again, but he managed to dodge the attack with his acrobatic skills, though the impact grazed his cheek, causing minor damage. He remembered a brief flashback of the guards attacking the boar with spears and swords, unable to penetrate its dense body.

*This won't do, I need to find its weakness to take it down permanentlytrying to damage the body won't suffice as swords or spears won't penetrate it...so the only soft part is the eyes!*

His determination burned brighter as he charged at the boar with his knife. He struggled relentlessly, dodging some of its assaults while sustaining some injuries. Finally, he reached the boar's head and stabbed it in the eye, eliciting a scream of pain.



He stabbed deeper continuously as the boar struggles to survive, screaming in pain and agony until it gave up the ghost and fell to the ground while blood were dropping from his injuries. He had some thoughts.

*damn it, am I going to die?!*

*Is this where I end my journey?*

*the last sixteen years have been a memorable experience, for me that's enough, "ughhh...hah...hah...hah"

Moses was severely injured and exhausted from the battle, collapsing unconscious in front of the dead boar. As he lay on the ground, fog suddenly enveloped the entire forest. An unknown being, not appearing to be human, approached him.

"I have found you at last...Master"

He suddenly woke up in the morning in his bed, drenched in sweat and looking around as if he had lost something. He realized that all his injuries had healed perfectly, without leaving any scars. His mind was flooded with questions until his mother came in.

*Am I alive?*

*how did I survive?!*

*who brought me back*

"Thank goodness, you're awake!"

Roselia moved closer, tears streaming down her face, and hugged her son with joy. She was overjoyed to see him safe. Tears calmly rolled down Moses' cheeks as he was able to see his mother once more.

"Am really glad you're safe"

"mom, it's a lifetime blessing for me to have you as my mother. where is dad?"

"He went to look for herbs that could cure your injuries after being unconscious for five days"

"oh, Wait, five days?!*

*it's been five days since I was unconscious?!...there's something I would need to figure out myself*

While Moses was lost in thought, the doctor who had been caring for him entered to assess his health and update his mother on his condition.

"hmmm... his external injuries has been healed but he needs more rest"

Roselia nodded affirmatively, and she and the doctor left, allowing Moses to rest in his bed. At that moment, he heard the clear voice of a young woman in his head.

[Emperor. are you alright?]