
The Uncommon One

Moses, a boy whose entire existence is shrouded in enigma and secrecy, finds his life irrevocably altered when he unlocks a mysterious power during a life-and-death encounter. This power, revealed to be an intelligent life form, becomes his guide. With its aid, Moses embarks on a profound journey to uncover his true identity and gain a deeper understanding of the world around him.

Doc_Kent · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter Five: Journey To The SilverFang Clan

The voice that had emanated from the letter ceased and dropped back into Moses' hand after fulfilling its purpose. Moses was astonished by what had just occurred; a talking letter was something he had never heard of before.

"A magical talking letter?!... I need to see chief for more clarification"

He proceeded to visit the village chief at his modest, dilapidated house, confident that the chief anticipated his arrival for further details and awaited him patiently. As Moses arrived, the chief was seated on his weathered, uneven chair outside, positioned at the front of his house.

"Greetings Chief Eldorin"

"Moses, you are here, have been expecting you. How have you been lately? have you made a full recovery from your previous injury?"

" Yes, am quite well and healthy now, chief Eldorin "

"Drop the formalities, nobody is here, you can call me anything you like"

Because of their strong bond, Moses and the chief developed a close relationship akin to that of a father and son, with each guiding the other towards the right path.

" OK, I'll get straight to the point. sir, what's the letter all about, I don't quite understand and how is it related to me?"

"Son, the recommendation letter was suggested by me with the aid of an old friend. it would help you to get stronger, learn more about the outside world, it would be a stepping stone for you to achieve great things and gaining experience. The most important details is in the letter and I believe you've read it all... Eldorin stood up and look up to the sky... you have a bright future"

Having been acquainted with the chief for an extended period, Moses sensed that the chief was concealing something, though he couldn't pinpoint what exactly it was. Despite this intuition, he chose to overlook it, confident in the knowledge that the chief was not a deceitful individual.

*There's something he's not telling me. The real reason behind the invitation to the prestigious clan* "One more thing old man, are you related to the Silverfang order?"

"Yes, I was a former member in the clan, equal to none" the chief proudly said. with a heroic stance

*No, you're a liar* Moses said jokingly in his mind

While Moses remained unsatisfied with the answers provided by the chief, he trusted that Eldorin always had a valid reason for his actions. They both concluded their brief discussion.

"Is there anything else you want to ask, if so feel free to ask, Moses"

"No, I think that's all

" And one more thing, I thank you on behalf of all villagers for preventing an unfortunate event from taking place" the chief said in a grateful tone

"am the one who is grateful for your kindness all this years, have never felt like an outcast for once"

Moses felt a surge of emotion but managed to contain it. He bid farewell to the chief and returned home to inform his adoptive parents about the recommendation letters. Fortunately, they supported his decision to join the clan and explore the outside world to gain valuable experiences. He later met with his friend Kelvin and explained the purpose of the recommendation letters. Kelvin was happy but also saddened by the prospect of Moses leaving for a distant place, realizing they wouldn't be able to stay in regular contact. Despite this, Kelvin reassured Moses not to hesitate due to the distance from his parents, friends, and everyone in the village.

The following day, Moses was fully prepared for his journey, with everything packed meticulously, including some favorite delicacies lovingly prepared by his mother. With her assistance, he ensured all essentials were in order. Setting off for the clan, the journey proved exhausting despite traveling by horse-drawn carriage, aided by a merchant.

"Sir, How many days will it take us to reach the valley of the unknown?"

"Approximately, it takes up to five days if we do not encounter any dangerous monsters or bandit attacks on the way. But I do know a route to pass to avoid this problems and arrive at the destination in two days "

All the essential details Moses needed to know about the clan were provided in the recommendation letter, including a map to the entrance of the esteemed sect. It was rumored that those recommended by this sect were rare and extraordinary talents. The Silver Fang Clan was not the only one available; there were ten known sects or clans in the world, with only three widely recognized for their resources and influential members. With just a day remaining until Moses reached the Valley of the Unknown, as they passed near a town, a sudden explosion rocked the area. Screams and panic could be heard from a distance. Curious about the commotion, Moses jumped out of the carriage.

"Hey, where are you going?"... the merchant asked

The town's residents were in a state of panic, fleeing for their lives. The cause of the chaos was a large wyvern with red scales that rampaged through the town, wreaking havoc. Despite efforts by battle mages to subdue it with mid-tier fire magic, their attempts proved futile against the wyvern's might.

"How is this possible?...Our magics couldn't reach it?!, No that's not the case unless it's the abominable creature have long heared about, the legendary disaster that possess a unique skill of nullifying magical attacks, no that's not possible, its not possible"... one of the battle mages expressed with fear and concern.

**War Mage General**: "Battlemages, gather around! We have a new situation. The wyvern we faced earlier has proven resilient to our fire magic. We need a different strategy."

**Battlemage 1**: "What should we do, General? Fire's our usual go-to."

**War Mage General**: "We'll adapt. Alpha squad, switch to ice and earth elements to slow it down and restrict its movement. Bravo squad, use lightning and wind to disrupt its flight and coordination. Target its wings and joints."

**Battlemage 2**: "General, what if it counters those as well?"

**War Mage General**: "If it shows resistance, fallback and regroup. We'll reassess and hit it with a combined elemental assault. Be ready to improvise. Understood?"

**Battlemages**: "Yes, General!"

**War Mage General**: "Good. Let's show this wyvern the true strength of our battlemages. Move out!"

The war mage general issued orders to the battle mages, who proceeded with their planned tactics. Despite their earnest efforts and attempts at various methods, they remained unsuccessful in their endeavors against the wyvern.

**War Mage General** "this is bad, Battle mages, fall in! The wyvern is circling back for another attack, and we need to be ready. Our firepower isn't enough; we need to protect ourselves first."

In response, the wyvern unleashed a furious barrage of fiery magical assaults against the battle mages, who managed to block the attacks with a strong barrier formed through their combined efforts, excluding the war mage general. However, the barrier created by the battle mages could not withstand the intensity of the fiery assault and shattered under its force. As the wyvern prepared to launch another attack, Moses suddenly intervened, appearing and halting it by delivering a powerful kick that sent the wyvern flying out of reach. Moses followed it immediately, landing outside the combat zone. The battle mages looked on in astonishment.

**Battle mage 3** "What just happened?"

Somewhere outside town zone but still not very far off, moses engaged in a fierce battle with the wyvern, dodging every assaults it launched but Moses physical assaults weren't doing much to the wyvern because of its physical resistance skill.

**Moses** "tsk, this is not going to be easy as I thought,"

**M.E.R.L.I.N** (Emperor, I recommend you using PYROKINESIS)

**Moses** *wouldn't it be useless to use fire assaults on Wyvern that even a high ranking spell has no effect on*

**M.E.R.L.I.N** (The dragon unique skill is based on it abilities to nullify magical attacks and also possess high resistance physical damage, However your ability to produce fire isn't based on magic but rather your own inner energy. Successful damage is estimated at 95 percent)

**Moses** "Alright then, let's do this!"

The Red scaled wyvern launched it assaults once more, but moses speed advantage allows him to evade his attacks several times, he then produce two ball of fires at his palm and launched them at the wyvern, causing a massive explosion, the attack seems to be working as it cause burns on its body, it slowed down, the wyvern retaliated with a frost breath but moses countered it with his fire blast overpowering the wyvern own and destroyed it an instant with nothing remaining of its body, only large crater was at the scene of the aftermath battle with smoke coming out of the large pit.

**M.E.R.L.I.N** (You have successfully defeated the Wyrm Tyrant, you've earned the title SKY BANE)

**Moses** *My physical stats stopped increasing? that's weird... what effects does the title have?*

**M.E.R.L.I.N** (Answer: The title "Skybane" grants the bearer several potent abilities:





**Moses** *this is a cheat, all the more reasoning I should avoid drawing attention to myself*

Sensing the approach of the battle mages, he swiftly departed to avoid drawing unwanted attention. Upon their arrival, the battle mages displayed expressions of surprise on their faces. However, they were too late, as Moses had already defeated the wyvern. The war mage general grew curious about the identity of the individual capable of accomplishing such a feat.

**BattleMage 1** "W-Who could have done this?"

**BattleMage 2** " it's obvious, It is the handiwork of a sage-master from a prestigious se..."

**War Mage General** "Stop with your unnecessary speculation, this is something different entirely". folding his arms at the back with intense gaze"

The latter goes back to the carriage where he left the merchant off to continue his journey to the silverfang clan. After traveling for a while, they finally reached the route that leads to the valley of the unknown. The Valley of the Unknown is a hidden realm ensconced by mist-laden mountains, where whispers of ancient civilizations echo through lush meadows and shadowy caverns. Its secrets lure daring powerful beings seeking to unveil mysteries that could reshape their world's history forever. However this valley isn't visible to human eyes, only extraordinary being on a master level can see it or those who possess ancient artifacts.

The merchant stopped along the route, received payment, and departed. Moses, with his old backpack slung over his shoulder, proceeded alone towards the valley in search of the clan's entrance. The surroundings were enveloped in a dense, mysterious fog, but thanks to his enhanced vision, he could see clearly through it. As he walked through the fog, after some time, the letter tucked in his pocket unexpectedly began to glow with a golden light and moved in a specific direction.

"The entrance must be close"... He followed the letter until it led him to a specific spot where it suddenly halted. Out of nowhere, a portal materialized before him. The letter then gently returned to Moses' pocket.

Took me a while to finish this chapter, enjoy reading it.

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