
The uncharted identity

This is a tale about the lost prince of Augruviel dynasty Geoffrey, who is destined for greatness and power, but went missing with his mother few days after his birth. He grew like every other kids not knowing his real Identity, Along the line he fell in love with the princess, Agatha who was supposed to be his step sister...but with many twist she turned out to be a mare farmers daughter. as the story goes on Marcus will be said to be an interchange with Agatha who discovered her real Identity as a mare farmers daughter not a princess. Geoffrey on the other hand will discover the truth of his birth and destiny from his mother and made forth to attain his dream, but was faced with so many trials which will lead to his death or maybe rebirth.In the story their will be lot's of magical creatures and deity mentioned. Read on to find out what actually happened to Agatha and Geoffrey's relationship and to know who will be the next king, Marcus or Geoffrey... discover whether Geoffrey actually died or not and more about Sophie, Geoffrey's mother...

EmochMalvine · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Flash back





"Run! run for your lives!".

An elderly man said trying to move his feet and run as fast as they could carry him, with many others running for their lives as well.

"Mom!...mother, father where are you?"

voices of children who lost their parents while running filled the air.

"You will find them later you just have to keep moving don't stop, move!, move!, move! no one stop move!"

The guards ordered moving the civilians to safety.

"All set, let the caster begin!"

Stated one of the guards after moving the civilians to safety.

"(pro-TAY-goh Duo)!" chanted the shield guards as been called In the field.

All the attacks hits on the shield without causing a crack or penetrate through.

This made Cane angry he then turned to his people angrily.

"Is this all you gat? strength the attack with some spells sorcerers that's why you are in this battle field not to be entertained, move it!"

He ordered angrily, while they nodded in comply with the order given.

The shield began to crack and the attacks began to penetrate knocking down most of the guards and civilians.

"Strengthen the shield! shield reinforcement and soldiers reformation!"

Lancelot ordered as the first in command of the guards (i.e the head guard), by his order the guards let the shield fall as they changed their positions and angles, carrying out the injured ones.

"(pro-TAY-goh MAKS-ee-ma, re-PEH-lloh ee-nee-MEE-cum, fee-AHN-teo-DYOU-ree)!"

The chanted pointing their hands towards the sky. Every attack made disintegrates in the blueish white light shield then drops like sparkles of light.

The people felt safe and began to hug one another crying in joy.

*Days later*

The queen gave birth to a charming little one who was to be know as a great man, the little one kicks it's legs as the rays of light touched his temple.

"Your majesty the queen has given birth to a handsome prince" the midwife told the king who was pacing none stop outside the hut worried.

"Really?Is the queen and the Prince okay?" he asked feeling like his on top of the world.

"Yes, they both are absolutely fine, congratulations Your Majesty".

she said with a smile bowing to leave.

"Thank you, thank you so much, thank you goddess, I mean can I go and see them?"

he asked impatiently waiting for a reply.

"Sure you can ...Your Majesty". she said not through saying"Your Majesty" when the king rushed in, she smiled and left.

The king carried the baby on entering the room smiling from ear to ear, he moved closer to the queen and sat besides her.

"What do you think we name him dear?"

he asked Sophie thinking of name.

"Erix?, Emlyn?,kayne?, Lucius?, come on say something these are all nice name for our dear prince, his going to be a great man in the feature you know?" he asked waiting for his wife's reply.

"uhmm... the name Erix is okay, but who doesn't know his gonna be the ruler after his father, and the name Emlyn? you gat to me kidding with that, charming? seriously? and kayne, bright? c'mon you gat to be kidding me with all these names and you want me to say something". Sophie asked raising a brow.

"C'mon Sophie, you ain't done yet, what about Lucius? huh?". he asked looking kneely at Sophie who didn't want to meet his eyes so looked away.

"Okay, but Lucius is okay although it has an attribute we seek in our son but that's not what we and the people actually need at the moment, the people needs peace, so we will name him per what the people wants for the prophecy to come to pass".

she stated hitting him slightly on the shoulder popping her lips out and blinking her eyes steadily looking actually funny.

"okay, alright, stop with the face already let me think of something, uhmm... what about we name him Geoffrey?"

he asked drastically with no clue of another name to suggest if Sophie happens to say no to the name.

"Wow! that's a great name we shall name him Geoffrey, "divine peace" in the day of the naming ceremony". she said smiling from ear to ear, Johnathan took a deep breath because she accepted the name.

"I will be heading to the palace I have things to take care of, Lancelot was here a while ago I guess something is wrong". he said making to leave.

"I will be right back" he said kissing her on the chick". he smiled at dropping the baby to rest.

"I will be waiting love" Sophie replied returning the smile.

John reached the door way and turned back to look at Sophie once again with a smile, not really wanting to leave her alone all by herself.

"Guide the queen and the Prince until am back". he told the guards before leaving.

Go and check the on the queen and the young prince, I told her I will be back but haven't gone back, it's been over 3 hours now, so go and report to me". he ordered Lancelot his personal guard and the head of guards in the dynasty.

"Yes My Lord" he replied falling to his knee after which he stood and left.

Lancelot rushed over to the king panting "sir, the queen is nowhere to be found".

"What do you mean by that? Ain't there any guards there supposed to keep an eye on her? because the war just ended that's why I placed them there, and the young prince?". the king asked glaring into his brown eyes. Lancelot immediately fell to his knee, "I'm sorry Your Majesty, I couldn't find the both of them".

"what?, you actually trying to tell me that you have Lost the hair of this kingdom, the hope of our ancestral powers?" he stared daggers at him. "what are you still waiting for? go find them", he ordered angrily.

" Yes my king", he knelt once again before dashing out of the palace.

"Your Majesty, it was an ambush all the guards in position are all dead none of them made it, the one breathing when I got there said the ambush seems to be from the Crunthe Dynasty. Lancelot reported on his knees.

The king remember as tears rolled down his Chicks.

"it's been 20 years since my wife and son went missing, I'm sure this can't be a coincidence Cane has something to do with this, he surely does". Johnathan said to himself still in agony.

Hello everyone this is the first chapter of the story, please read and drop your comments and suggestions Below and please don't forget to vote, it is highly valued. Read on to the next chapter for more interesting chapters and to uveal the mysteries of the story

EmochMalvinecreators' thoughts