
The Unbreakable Vow

You were living your normal life in Hogwarts not until your long time crush--Harry noticed you and somehow that Malfoy kid has the goods on you too. The three of you continue the story with a lot of twists and turns, leaving you with a decision towards the end -- or is there?

BebiWriter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


"(y/n) please talk to me..." Cho pleaded sitting down on your bed. You were hiding under your blanket not talking to anyone.

"Go away..." you said to her.

She looked at you sadly, it was like her eyes were almost going to tear up.

"I'm really sorry..." she said before leaving you alone.

The next morning, you hurriedly packed your things. All you could think of was going back to your home even if you knew that you were going to be in a lot of trouble.

"(y/n)" you heard Hermione calling you. You hesitated to go to her but you did anyway.

"You're going back home?" she asked in disbelief.

"I-I can't..." you desperately tried to say an excuse, but failed.

"Something happened?" she asked concerned, she noticed your eyes were a bit puffy.

"I have to go--" you said while turning away from her. But you were stopped by Harry, it felt like he was watching you everywhere.

"(y/n) please let me explain" he pleaded.

"I-" you mumbled.

"I can't do this right now." you said almost tearing up.

"Where else would you go?" he asked you. "You know the only safe place you can have is with me." he said a bit darkly.

Hermione was confused but she already had a hunch of what could've happened. She suspected it had something to do with Cho. She was also worried why Harry never told you about any of his visions or concerns. He always said, he didn't want to get you involved but why? He kept a lot of things to himself. He was always angry, but somehow he managed to share his concerns with Cho. A bit unfair don't you think?

"I'm going h--"

"home?" he asked holding your arm tight.

"Harry, it hurts." you said but he wasn't listening.

"That's enough Harry!" Hermione raised her tone.

"Fine, go home!" he said letting you go.

"Cry to your father who betrayed you." He said out loud which sparked confusion to all the other students. You wanted to slap him so bad but you knew it wasn't worth it.

"If you walk away now, we're done" he said trying to threaten you in a way.

"I'm glad you made it clear... on where I stand" you said to him, and you went inside the great hall to have some breakfast. This decision pained you, but you knew you couldn't handle how the relationship was starting to get toxic. Plus the train leaves at a certain time so you had no choice but to wait inside the great hall.

"What is wrong with you?" Hermione asked in disbelief.

"I- I don't know... sorry" Harry said realizing his foul actions.

"What happened by the way?" Hermione asked and it left Harry with a big sigh.

He scratched his head awkwardly and went to the great hall and Hermione followed him

"(y/n) please talk to me..." Cho begged while she stood behind you while you were just staring at your goblet and plate.

"You and Cho kissed haven't you?" Hermione asked eyeing Cho's actions from a distance.

Harry nodded.

"I warned you" Hermione rolled her eyes.

"But she was seeking for help, and it felt like it was alright since I was the only one there when Cedric died." He reasoned out.

"That isn't a reason to kiss someone who isn't your girlfriend." Hermione said not buying whatever reason her friend had.

"She did worse!" Harry exclaimed.

"And you making that as a reason to justify your actions is nothing better" Hermione spat back.

"You don't know anything about our relationship okay?" Harry said dropping the topic and looking at you.

"That's it, it's over." he followed up shoving his spoon in a bowl of gelatin out of frustration.

"Unbelievable" Hermione commented.

"I'm really sorry..." Cho kept saying to you while Hermione and Harry were arguing from a distance.

"Stop it Cho" you finally replied but never looked at her.

"Just let me be..." you said with a sigh, "and if you and Harry want to date, that's fine with me."

"Just accept it Maxwell, you're not a saint. You did worse !" Marietta said to you annoyingly. She was in no position to butt in,you weren't even close with her.

You stopped on your actions and purposely dropped your spoon on the plate then you faced Cho. She was tugging Marietta's arm.

"Really now?" You asked in disbelief, "how could you tell those to her?" you said, and Cho was just bowing her head down in embarrassment while you sat back down trying to ignore them.

"She doesn't need to tell, the whole school knows you've been sleeping with Malfoy!" Marietta spat again.

This time you slammed the table, stood up one last time and faced Marietta.

"Don't hurt me or I'll tell my mother, she works with the ministry" she threatened but you could tell she was scared.

Sounds like Draco's line. You thought to yourself but your annoyance with this girl was over the top.

"We're talking about power now?" You smirked and some of the ravenclaw boys laughed at Marietta's ignorance.

"Remember my last name, it's Maxwell if you don't know." You said before leaving the great hall to refresh your stressed mind.

"You shouldn't have done that" Seamus said to Marietta after you walked out.

"Why do you care?" Marietta asked raising an eyebrow.

"Your mother might be working for (y/n)'s father" Seamus smirked, "You have no idea who you're dealing with aren't you?" he asked and Cho just pulled Marietta away.

"You should be careful on who you're threatening. If she was the same with Malfoy, she could get your mother fired." Seamus followed up.


When you were on your way to the train, you made sure that Cho or Harry weren't up to something. Although deep inside, you know that you wanted Harry to run after you, express what he really feels about you. But you knew that this was not going to happen with Harry's state right now, he's not particularly up to that.

You found an empty compartment in the train and you felt relieved that you had it just for yourself. You slid the door closed and sat comfortably on the seat. You opened up a book and started reading in attempts to calm yourself down from all the things that had happened to you. You tried your best to focus but all you can do is cry. Your tears dropped down on the pages of the book.

"No it's gonna be ruined now" you said trying to wipe the tears off of the book pages.

"Need some company?" You heard Draco from the door.

"I didn't notice that you opened the door." You said trying to hide your teary eyes.

"Well I'll take that as a yes" he said fully walking in and sliding the door close from behind.

"You know what's strange?" You paused, "Pansy warned me about this. And I thought she was just messing with my mind." You said to him.

Draco sat down beside you after he put his briefcase at the baggage compartment above you.

"She saw them multiple times, just talking and being sweet to each other." Draco answered truthfully.

"You knew too?" You asked, "and you know I can't trust Pansy, she's a bully!" You ranted in a messy way.

"I didn't want to get in between the two of you, so I let you guys be" he replied, "...and I didn't ask Pansy to tell you by the way."

"I just didn't know that the person that I didn't want to trust was the only person who wasn't lying to my face." you said while tears streamed down your face again.

"I know I wasn't the best, I played around the two of you... But why did it have to go this way?" You expressed your pain. "I did my best to make it up to him. He told me that he didn't want to lose me again. But that's exactly what he did to me, he left me--again." You covered your eyes feeling all the emotions flowing through you.

After a few seconds of silence, you asked Draco; "Why did she have a sudden change of heart?"

"She didn't actually, she was pretty bitter upon knowing that I couldn't see her the way I see you." Draco replied, "I guess she only realized it recently..." Draco smiled proudly.

"I'm still not gonna trust her 100%" you said and he just laughed.

"I don't even know if I can trust you, you're very mischievous" you joked a bit and proceeded to say "I'm so tired, my eyes hurt from crying all night!"

Draco didn't know what else to say, all he did was to pull you towards him for an embrace and waited until you eventually fell asleep. He knew you didn't have much sleep for some nights now, so he just let you rest. And by that, the travel felt longer than ever... But he didn't mind, he loved that he was able to embrace you without any worries, he felt like you were his' even just for a brief moment.

"Hey (y/n), we're here" he softly whispered to you, trying to wake you up.

"Huh?" You replied while opening your eyes.

"Oh my, I'm sorry" you apologized immediately after you've realized what happened.

"It's alright, I suggest we should head out now, my father is picking us up..." he said and you nodded.

"Did you tell them that I'm with you?" you asked and he shook his head no.

You were nervous about meeting them again, knowing that you left hastily the last time they saw you.

"Father?" You said in disbelief after spotting him with the Malfoys. He approached you in a bit of speed and without any hesitation, he landed his hand on your face. Draco was very surprised he then pulled you behind him as an attempt to protect you.

"Everything will be discussed later." Lucius said stopping Asmodeus's hand to land another hit on you or his son Draco.

You stayed silent the whole trip, Draco looked at you with full concern. You were just keeping your head low, avoiding any eye contact. You were sniffing a bit making it obvious that you were in tears.

"How is he here?" You whispered to Draco.

"I have no idea" he whispered back while all of you walked towards the Malfoy manor.

"Take a bath and fix your appearance, dinner will be ready in an hour" your father demanded and you just nodded in response.


After some time, you heard a knock on the door followed by your father walking in.

"I'm sorry for treating you harshly" he started, "I was not thinking clearly, I didn't mean to do that." He apologized but it sounded so robotic.

"I'm sorry..." you said to him.

"I'll see you at dinner" he said tapping your shoulder and he headed out of your room.

Dinner went on with a little awkward air as usual. No one barely speaking nor initiating a conversation not until Narcissa asked about Draco's achievements. He proudly told her but you knew he was waiting for his father's approval. His father just smirked and hoped for more.

"So (y/n)... what happened to you and that Potter boy?" you father asked, everyone's attention turning towards you.

"We broke up" you answered awkwardly.

"As I thought" he replied to you while slicing a piece of his steak.

"I'm sure you've learned your lesson here, and you should never do it again." He said waiting for your response.

"Yes father" you replied while staring down at your food.

"In fact, Both of you should never act recklessly..." Asmodeus said in a much more softer way.

"We are facing dark times, we can't afford to deal with your drama." Lucius said keeping an eye on Draco and you.

"Go on--eat now, and after this both of you are strictly allowed on the second floor only" Lucius reminded.


"Are you busy?" Draco asked peeping from the door of your room.

You shook your head no and he entered the room.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

You looked at your reflection in the mirror and saw your cheek had a bruise.

"Honestly, I don't know." You replied.

"You should put ice on that" he said waving his wand casting a simple spell to create ice. He then put the ice in some small towel and helped you with it. You winced a little bit from the cold touch of the ice but eventually got used to it.

He looked into your eyes and slowly leaned forward to give you a kiss.

"Wait" You said stopping him.

"....sorry" you said knowing that you always treated him harshly and you didn't want to use him as a rebound or sort.

"I know you have a lot in your mind right now..." Draco spoke softly, "But I don't mind if you're just gonna use me" he said with a kiss on your forehead.

"Why are you doing this?" You asked not realizing your tears flowing once again, it annoyed you to realize that all you've been doing these past days were crying.

He didn't answer you, instead he just kissed you passionately. Letting you know that whatever agenda you had in your mind, doesn't matter to him. You kissed and this eventually got steamy and he ended up carrying you to your bed to continue.

"They might hear us" you said worried.

"They're busy with a meeting coming up later" he said as he planted small kisses on your neck.

"Kiss me" you pleaded and he gladly did what you asked.

"Can we just stay like this?" You asked breaking the kiss turning to your side. He turned too, facing the back of your head and wrapping an arm around you.

"Whatever you want." He whispered.

He was still kissing your neck and cheek. You didn't want to do this with him, but your emotions were all over the place. You wanted to move on quickly, and Draco giving you permission to use him was enough reason to grab it. You let him sensually touch your body... You then turned to lay down on your back as he hovered over you and proceeded to pleasure you. Both of you enjoyed this intimacy, savoring each touch, each kiss. You forgot your heartache in this entire moment even if you were well aware that you would feel worse the next day.


You woke up in the middle of the night without any reason at all. You looked at Draco who was sleeping beside you. You caressed his face and admired him for everything that he's done for you. Up to this day you were still wondering how he was very gentle towards you yet very notorious with other people. You were observing his facial features, and reminiscing all of your memories together. How thrilling it was to kiss him for the first time, where it felt like you were at the peak of your youth. You caressed his hair gently for some time and then you kissed his cheek...

"When I was practicing my patronus charm... The happiest memory I was able to--" you whispered softly but was cut off by a loud bang coming from outside.

You quietly grabbed your robe and slid some slippers on. You went out of your room and snooped around the house for a bit.

"I demand the prophecy!" You heard a man shouting and slamming a surface.

You sat down on the steps of the stairs and peaked through a small hole from the design of the wall.

You could see a tall man dressed in all black. He looked rather skinny and snake-like.

"If you are unable to fulfill your tasks, I would be coming for your son... and daughter" the man spoke.

"My Lord, we will never fail you" you heard your father answer.

"My Lord?" You whispered in curiosity.

"I know what your daughter possesses" the man spoke again, pertaining to you.

"A product of a love potion?" He hissed.

"How tragic... She attracts unwanted attention from men who unconsciously falls for her" he paused, "pureblood you say? But she does not carry the same house as you."

"She's a very brilliant girl--" you father answered but he was casted the crucio curse.

"I don't like it when I get cut off." He warned.

"Y-yes my Lord." Your father replied while catching his breath.

"Never touch the boy, I want to personally deal with this so called the boy who lived" he said.

"I'm able to get into his mind, control his feelings sometimes... But it's still weak, I'm not strong enough" he looked at his bony fingers.

"Harry..." you whispered figuring out what you were witnessing right now.

"He's Lord Voldemort" you said in disbelief, your eyes widened and your mouth left hanging.

"I'm afraid this meeting isn't as private as we thought" Voldemort said turning to see you eye to eye. You backed away slowly and noticed the snake coming towards the staircases.

You backed away as fast as you can, and stumbled upon a woken up Draco. He pulled you immediately with him and you two ran back to your room.

"What were you doing there !?" he asked raising his tone in concern.

"I- I saw..." you struggled to say and he knew exactly what you were talking about.

"It's alright, you're safe now." he hushed pulling you into a hug.


The next morning, while having breakfast with everyone; your father had a significantly big bruise on both of his hands. Everybody was just silently eating their toasts and such. You and Draco couldn't help but to look at each other in fear and concern. All you could hear was the sound of glass clanking against a teaspoon.

"What is that on your arm?" your father broke the silence, pointing to your dried up wounds.

You hesitated to answer but Draco lightly poked you with his elbow, signaling you to tell the truth.

"I fell--"

"It was Umbridge."

You and Draco chorused, he looked at you with his eyes squinted and and it looked like it was screaming 'really?' He knew you weren't going to tell the truth so he went against you.

"The Dolores Umbridge?" your father asked in confusion and you nodded.

Lucius sighed and said "I told you not to trust that woman."

"Well, now we know how evil she really is." Asmodeus said in disappointment.

"Shame, well I'll be handling her myself." he followed up.

"You don't need to... She didn't want you to know, and she threatened me not to tell." you said in a low tone.

"Now that makes things worse" he replied, "With a wound as big as that, it'll be a miracle not to notice." you father smirked.

"What a very stupid girl" Lucius snorted.