
The unbeatable rose

A novel about a princess of a forest protector and her lover

Li_Roseal · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Going out from the forest


*The unbeatable rose chapter 2*


When you will use the qi power the colour would showing.

After 5 days*

Zi xianzi: what's this? Is it a soul core?

Xiao qi: yes, master. It's your nine tailed immortal fox's soul core.

Zi xianzi: was this fox also mine?

Xiao qi: yes, master.

Zi xianzi: okay let's see.

[•zi xianzi using her qi power's to waken the nine tailed immortal fox. Qi power's are glowing round besides her body and going to the soul core of nine tailed immortal fox]



Nine tailed immortal fox: master! Is it really you master?

Zi xianzi: yes it's me. You're so cute.

Nine tailed fox: I'm also powerful. But why master isn't calling me in my pet name?

Zi xianzi: oh! Sorry. You're Xiao jiu. Right! ?

Xiao jiu:yes master. (Happy and clinging onto zi xianzi)

Zi xianzi: it's was so long time, isn't it? Let's eat something. (Gently smiling )

Day 6*

Xiao jiu, Xiao qi, let's go to practice.

Xiao jiu let me see what you've got.


Zi xianzi: oh! Your fireBall's are strong.

Xiao jiu:of course, it's the immortal red fire.

Zi xianzi:it's good, because of you i can also use this fire. (Seeing hand's, in mind: I've got red fire's in my right hand. Now i have to found the snow Mountain.)

Zi xianzi:Xiao jiu, Xiao qi let's go to the snow Mountain.

Xiao qi, Xiao jiu(together) : yes, master.

(*stepping on the snow, breaking the heavy snow storm.)

Zi xianzi: ah! We have arrived. Xiao qi, search the magical blueish white snow.

Xiao qi: master! It's there.

Zi xianzi: good job my little pet.

(*touching the magical snow)

Zi xianzi: no, it's not easy..

Xiao qi:what happened master?

Zi xianzi: obtaining the magical snow power it's not easy. I can't get it. I have to fight with it.

Xiao qi: but how?

Zi xianzi: by my qi power's.

(*sitting and closing eyes. Concentrate on qi, now fighting with the magical snow.)

Zi xianzi in mind: no matter what, i have to obtain it.

Some time later.

Zi xianzi:Xiao qi(with tired voice) I've obtained the magical snow (faint).

Xiao qi: master?! Master?! Xiao jiu carry the master on your back and go to master's room.

(*Xiao jiu and Xiao qi going to zi xianzi's room from the magical snow mountain)

After 1 and half days later*

Zi xianzi: ah! My head.

Xiao qi:master.

Xiao jiu: master you woke up!

Zi xianzi: how much did i sleeped?

Xiao qi: 1 and half day's.

Zi xianzi:ah! My body is so week. If i want to gain more power's i need a powerful body.

Xiao qi: master, i remember here you have the medical formulas. In past you were a great physicians also. Let me recall, where was that book?! Ah! Remember, follow me master.

(*going to the 2nd floor, opening a secret room)

Zi xianzi: wow, is this also i gathered?

Xiao qi: yes, also your ancestors. Now take that golden book and read the content.

(*Zi xianzi touching the book, glowing the book and Zi xianzi recalling the content)

After 10 minutes

Zi xianzi: ahha! So that's it. Xiao qi, Xiao jiu, let's go to the forest pool.

Xiao jiu, Xiao qi(together): yes. Master

(*going to the magic pool, taking bath, stabilising the body)

Zi xianzi: Xiao qi, you go to the east of the forest, there you will find magical xuanhua flower and 8 leg spider, take the spiders poison and the flower and also some herbs. And Xiao jiu you guard me.

Xiao jiu, Xiao qi (together ) : yes, master.

(*after bathing, zi xianzi take the powerful 8 legged spiders poison and xuanhua flower and magical herbs. And she regain her body power 80%)

*Day 9th*

Zi xianzi: Ah! It's morning. Tomorrow we will be going out ! Right!?

Xiao qi, Xiao jiu:yes.

Zi xianzi : let's rest today and practice only qi flow.

*After 10 days*

Xiao qi: master, where are you? Master? Are you still sleeping or practicing? Where did she gone?

Zi xianzi: I'm here. Why you didn't let me concentrate on my qi training?

Xiao qi : but master, it's time to go out.

Zi xianzi: i understand. Let's go( in mind : after ten day's hard practicing and finding my powers, it wasn't that much hard but also it wasn't easy. Just decreased the number of day's. Now i need to find Phoenix and dragon. First i have to find Phoenix,only by Phoenix power i can find dragon)

*out from the forest*

Zi xianzi seeing the forest and gently smiling.

And saying goodbye.


(Horse riding, children's playing. People's noises)

Zi xianzi ; connect with Xiao qi [they can connect each other and talk ,while people won't listen them) : Xiao qi, now where should we go first?

Xiao qi: it's Xiao jiu's work to sense your proirity and needs. She will tell you.

*connect with Xiao jiu*

Zi xianzi :Xiao jiu

Xiao jiu: yes, master. Do you need me?

Zi xianzi: yes. Can you feel from where should we start searching for Phoenix's soul body or core?