
War Troubadour

The wind of fresh air started to envelop Jestin City, The refreshing air should have brought relaxation but not this day, just outside of Jestin City rows of packed man is lined up linearly and divided into three-part, each part consists of about eight thousand soldiers that are led by one captain with sixteen officers under him. Each officer is given a regiment consisting of five hundred men where they will heed the captain's command.

Zed is positioned as a right marker in the middlemost right of the formations to anticipate an artillery barrage flank from the Filmmis Prairie while Vical acts as the shield wall with the infantry section and Owin as a support unit on the back to help the places that needed help the most. Zed is also given a direct order to use his spear-throwing skills to aim at the most crucial part of the enemy's army based on his judgment.

The Lovlarix was known to have aggressive artillery which will lead in front of the army with soldiers with a shield beside them.

The terrain is unfavorable for Cavalry so the Lovlarix adopted this aggressive formation with the absence of enemy cavalry.

By using this formation, the Lovlarix Artillery can attack first when colliding with the enemy for the enemy's Artillery is likely to be at the most back of the Khapex.

The Lovlarix Cavalry has hidden with a level two formations which will make them invisible as long as they didn't move after activating it, They are a regiment that designated to be a mobile reserved if the fights turn south, They are situated in the Bronze Rift Mountain that just beside the Dierge Caldera Valley to wait for orders from the captains.

The Captains is already at the head of their own command, one is a charismatic, elegant shadow in the early morning vibe with a sleek scary saber on his back, ramrod-straight in his scabbard, the other in contrast, shows the picture of a rakish anarchy captain with a sword belted on his waist, while the other is standing in front of her command with a sculpted figure which was slender and very attractive but not missing the aura of a fierce fighter, she has a heroic aura around her as she arched eyebrows and look at her men with burning eyes.

"Lovlarix! Hot to Trot!"


With the shout of the leading commander which was the captain with a saber on his back, The Lovlarix started their first step to the battlefield.

The ground trembles between the steps of thousands of Lovlarix, the sheer number of the marching army can strike immediate terror into one's soul, as they march forward, the Infantry's shield that acts as protection is starting to emit wind frevor making their shield envelop in wind, while the versatile mage fighters started to make windshield the same.

A ghastly grey and black flag with a ferocious tiger in the middle was flapping with the wind, any cities under the Taztarus Kingdom or near the Taztarus Kingdom will shiver in their boots if they saw this flag, it is the Lovlarix flag of war.

Once in a while, Beasts that lack intelligence such as normal and wild beasts attack the formidable Lovlarix to meet their death, while the other beasts that has some kind of intelligence know that a war will happen and left the place and hiding inside their nests.

On the way, one of the captains that leads the short-range mages and infantry to defend them split with the main army approaching the battlefield in a different way as the strategy they discuss before.

After one hour of marching, the neatly pack grey legion arrived at the entrance of the Dierge Caldera Valley.

The smooth ground turned rocky as soon as they enter Dierge Caldera Valley.

The captains look to the horizon and saw a fierce blue massive army already lined up on the other side of Dierge Caldera Valley, a dominant blue flag with the face of a dragon in the middle can be seen from afar looking possibly formidable.

From afar, the Khapex brought a four-legged big mount that is as big as a two stories building, it has muscular and thick legs with four tentacles that come out of its neck, and its back looks fortified with scale covering it. There are three such creatures, It is a herbivore beast and it is really aggressive called Oxamugg.

On top of the three Oxamugg stands three figures wearing a shiny white armor with lion-shaped pauldrons, with the just risen sun, the armor shine more brightly making others hard to look at the figures on top of the Oxamugg, those figures are the captains of the Khapex.

The distance between them is still far, making the massive army looks small although it is still majestic.


The Oxamugg roar with its baritone voice, the baritone roar makes the ground shake and the soldier's heart quiver.

The respective army gets in their formation, The Lovlarix long-range mages are in the most front of the army with a shield wall soldier beside them, The Khapex is indeed didn't bring out their Cavalry as expected and gets into a neatly packed linear formation and the ground under them turns into water.

The sound of iron clashing with the ground can be heard from afar making the birds fly away, The beasts on the surrounding place are nowhere to be seen, it's as if they know that a war is about to break out in this field.

Two minutes passed, the two army moves at the same time to make way to someone.

From the two armies stands two women as a representative of each side, the two women is a War Troubadour. They walk to the front of their designated army and takes out a harp.

Silence covered the place when suddenly the two women play their own note with their respective harp, with the shiny silver harp, the representative of the Lovlarix plays a simple and robust melody while the Khapex plays a slow and haunting melody.

The wind frevor gathered to the battlefield because of the Lovlarix War Troubadour while water frevor gathered to the battlefield because of the Khapex War Troubadour.

The frevor gathered by both War Troubadour clash when comes in contact as they play their own melody more intensely, a gust of wind and water friction was produced because of the clashing frevor.

The unending fights between two War Troubadour finally come to an end by the gust of wind that devours the water frevor, signing as the triumph of the Lovlarix War Troubadour.

Battle drums were heard from the Lovlarix armies after their War Troubadour triumph the Khapex's.

"HURRAAH!" the cheers of Lovlarix can be seen as the Khapex's face went sour.

The War Troubadour is a mage with exceptional skills in massive support spells using an instrument, the War Troubadour will fight each other in war. One massive support spell can only be used in a designated area so if the two armies use the two massive support spells, it will cause the collision between the two spells, and the winner will successfully activate the spell and bringing advantage to their allies.

The War Troubadour of Lovlarix will make the enemy movement such as their speed and agility slower than usual for at least ten percent slower, It is really crucial for an army to activate the massive support skill in war.

The Lovlarix morale was boosted because of the War Troubadour triumph.


The vibrant and loud trumpet was heard, The sign of the beginning of the war.

The captains unscathed his saber and rise it high to the sky, his posture is straight like an arrow that seems like he can bear the whole world, His eyes are burning with vigor as he looks at his men with determination and bloodthirst.

"Lovlarix!! Raise your weapons and Kill!!, Get rid of the invaders from our sacred land!! MARCH!!"

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