
The UnAwaken Become's Strongest

Zane Skyler always felt different from everyone else. In a world where everyone around him had awakened special abilities, he remained ordinary. Accepting his fate, he decided to live with this difficulty, making the best of his life despite feeling like an outsider. But one fateful day, everything changed. Faced with a life-and-death situation, Zane discovered a hidden power within himself, a power unlike anything anyone had ever seen. This revelation set him on a thrilling journey to become the strongest of them all. As Zane began to unlock and master his abilities, his life took a dramatic turn. No longer the boy left behind, he quickly rose to new heights. However, his newfound power brought with it a slew of mysteries and challenges. Why had his abilities awakened so late? What was his true potential? And most importantly, who could he trust with his secret? --------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: Hardworking Protagonist: Yes, Interesting Side Cast: Yes, World Building: Yes, Overpowered Protagonist: Yes, Romance: Yes, Harem: No --------------------------------------------------------------- (#It's my first time writing so I know the story is not going to be a perfect one QAQ. Please support me with Ps, Gt and gifts, THANK YOU!!!) (Note: The cover is not mine, found it from Pinterest. All credits go to the owner who can ring me up in the comment section if he/she wants me to remove it.)

Me_In_Mirror · Fantasy
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35 Chs

School Day

At the Fista Guild Headquarters

The Fista Guild headquarters was a massive building, a fortress of glass and steel that towered over the city. Inside, it buzzed with activity as guild members moved about, handling various tasks and missions. The atmosphere was tense, especially after the recent incident involving Sophia, the daughter of the guild leader.

At the top floor of the headquarters, in the office of the guild leader, Sophia's mother, Selene Morgan, stood by the window, her silver hair cascading down her back like a waterfall. Her sharp blue eyes reflected the cityscape below, but her mind was elsewhere. Selene was a strikingly beautiful woman, with high cheekbones, a slender nose, and rosy lips. Despite her beauty, her expression was one of cold fury.

The office was spacious, with large windows that let in natural light, casting a serene glow over the minimalist decor. A large wooden desk stood in the center, surrounded by bookshelves filled with ancient tomes and scrolls. The walls were adorned with artifacts and awards, showcasing the guild's long history and achievements.

Selene's secretary, a young man named Marcus, entered the room cautiously. He knew his leader well, and he could sense the storm brewing inside her. "Ma'am, we have the report on the red-haired woman we captured," he said, trying to keep his voice steady.

Selene turned to face him, her eyes piercing. "And?"

"She's been interrogated. We've confirmed she was part of the group hired to kidnap Sophia. She refuses to disclose who hired them, though."

Selene's fists clenched at her sides. "Make her talk. I want to know who dared to target my daughter this time."

Marcus nodded. "Yes, ma'am. We're using every method available. She won't hold out much longer."

Selene walked to her desk and sat down, trying to compose herself. "And Sophia?"

Marcus's expression softened slightly. "Miss Sophia is fine. She's currently training with Sir Ben. He's ensuring she's prepared for any future threats and enrollment exam for Academy."

Selene nodded, a small measure of relief washing over her. "Good. She needs to be ready. What about the boy, Zane, who was with her?"

Marcus checked his notes. "He's recovering well. He woke up and is back home now. His family was very worried, but they're relieved he's safe. He appears to have awakened a transformation ability during the incident."

Selene's eyes flickered with interest. "Transformation ability, you say? Interesting. Ensure his family is compensated for troubles and keep an eye on him. We owe him a debt for helping Sophia."

Marcus nodded and left the room, leaving Selene alone with her thoughts. She glanced at a family photo on her desk—Sophia as a child, her husband who had died during a monster subjugation, and herself, all smiling. Her expression softened for a moment, but then the anger returned. She would find out who was behind this and make them pay dearly.

Inside the Training Room

In the training room, Sophia was engaged in an intense sparring session with her uncle Ben. The room was a large, open space with reinforced walls and floors designed to withstand the most powerful abilities. Various training equipment and targets were scattered around.

Sophia's brow was furrowed in concentration as she manipulated objects around her with her telekinesis. Ben, a seasoned fighter with a muscular build and sharp eyes, observed her every move.

"Remember, Sophia," Ben said, his voice calm but firm, "control is key. Power without control is useless."

Sophia nodded, sweat dripping down her face. She lifted several weights into the air, spinning them around her. Ben suddenly launched a metal ball at her with his own telekinesis. Sophia reacted quickly, deflecting the ball with one of the weights.

"Good reflexes," Ben praised. "But don't just react. Anticipate."

Sophia focused, trying to predict Ben's next move. He sent another barrage of objects flying towards her. She extended her hands, creating a telekinetic shield to block them. Then she sent the objects back at him. Ben effortlessly dodged and caught them mid-air.

"Better," he said, "but you need to be faster."

Sophia growled in frustration. "I'm trying!"

Ben walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You're doing great, Sophia. Remember, it's not just about physical strength. It's about mental strength too. Stay calm and focused."

Sophia took a deep breath, calming herself. "Thanks, Uncle Ben. I'll do better."

Ben smiled. "I know you will. Now, let's go again."

They continued their training, Sophia improving with each round. After an hour, they took a break. Sophia wiped her face with a towel, feeling more confident.

"You're getting stronger," Ben said, handing her a bottle of water. "And you're more in control. Keep this up, and you'll be ready for the Academy test in a year."

Sophia nodded. "I will, Uncle Ben. I won't let anyone hurt me again."

Ben's expression turned serious. "You did well visiting Zane. It's important to show gratitude. He risked a lot for you."

Sophia smiled awkwardly. "He seems to be a good person. I'm glad he's alright."

Ben nodded, then looked at his watch. "Alright, time's up for today. Go get some rest."

As Sophia left the training room, she felt a renewed sense of determination. She would become stronger and protect those she cared about.

The Next Morning

The sun rose over the city, casting a warm glow over the buildings. Zane woke up, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. It was his first day back at school after a week of leave. He got dressed quickly, grabbing his backpack and heading out the door.

The weather was clear, with a gentle breeze rustling the leaves of the trees lining the streets. Zane walked to school, enjoying the fresh air. As he approached the school gates, he was startled by a sudden voice behind him.

"Boo!" Kevin shouted, laughing as Zane jumped.

"Kevin! You scared the crap out of me!" Zane exclaimed, clutching his chest.

Kevin grinned. "Man, it's good to see you back. How are you feeling?"

"I'm good. Just a bit nervous about catching up on everything," Zane admitted.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine!" Kevin said, slapping Zane on the back.

They walked to their classroom together, joking and laughing. As they entered the hallway, they saw Lucas standing by his locker, glaring at them. 

"It's good that things didn't escalate further between Kevin and Lucas. I was worried about Kevin, but surprisingly, Lucas didn't do anything after that day," Zane thought.

"Well, look who's back," Lucas sneered.

Zane tensed, but Kevin stepped in front of him. "Back off, Lucas. He's been through enough."

Lucas rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Just stay out of my way."

Zane took a deep breath, calming himself. "Let's go, Kevin."

Back at Fista Guild Headquarters

In the interrogation room of the Fista Guild, the red-haired woman sat, bound to a chair. Her face was bruised, and her eyes were defiant despite the situation. Several guild members watched her from behind a glass wall, including Marcus.

Selene Morgan entered the observation room, her presence commanding attention. "Has she said anything useful?"

Marcus shook his head. "She's stubborn. We're still working on her."

Selene's eyes narrowed as she looked at the woman. "Increase the pressure. She will talk."

"Yes, ma'am," Marcus replied, signaling to the interrogators to proceed.

Selene watched as the interrogators intensified their efforts. She felt a cold rage simmering inside her. This woman and her associates had dared to kidnap her daughter. They would pay for their audacity.

Zane's School Day

Zane's first day back at school after a week went by in a blur. His classmates greeted him warmly, and his teachers were understanding about his absence, having been informed about the accident Zane was involved in, though the details about the kidnappers were kept quiet to avoid causing trouble for both the Fista Guild and Zane. During lunch, he and Kevin found a quiet spot to sit and talk.

"So, now tell me why you didn't come to school?" Kevin asked.

Zane sighed. "Well, after you left, I got caught but managed to escape, and…" Zane told the whole story, including how he had awakened a new ability.

Kevin's face changed expressions as the story progressed, from anger to worry. But when Zane mentioned his awakening, Kevin shouted in excitement, which was a predictable reaction.

"What? You awakened? That's great!" Kevin said, excitedly.

Seeing this, Zane chuckled. "Yeah, and now I'll be going to the Academy with you. We'll be together."

"Yeah, that's good! I was sad to think I'd be entering the Academy alone."

"I have to work hard, though. I'm not that familiar with this ability."

"Don't worry, we still have almost two years for that. I'll help you with training. I'm quite strong, you know."

"I know, but don't be too confident. I'll beat you up."

"Haha, you can try if you want," Kevin said cheekily.

Kevin had an ice ability, different from his family, who had water abilities.

As they finished their lunch, Zane felt a sense of normalcy returning. Despite the recent chaos, he was grateful to be back at school and among friends. Everyone was surprised to know Zane got awakened, but someone was displeased with this and that was Lucas he didn't like how everyone is circling to know about ability and how he felt and awakened. He just can't let go the humiliation he felt.

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