
Letting go of the past welcome military

Over at the Martins house hold Kimberly was ready to leave . since the incident she said nothing to any one as she became cold and aloof barely smiling or talking . She decided to let go of the past she held her bags wore baggy trouser which had big pockets at both side and black polo matching her brown baggy and white sneakers . she poured her short hair standing at the entrance she bid her family goodbye who didn't seem to care except elder martins . she was about to leave when a figure blocked her path as she reached the parking lot . Her brows creased in confusion before she slowly looked at the figure and spoke " mister Christian Del mundo you are standing in my way please move " she spoke looking passed him at if he didn't exist "Kim why are you leaving and why the military ?" he asked with concern " It's not your business why I'm leaving and where is it * she spoke bluntly not staring at the man in front of her . Chris saw her expressionless face and tried to talk to her " kim I know you are upset but can you not go to China military please " he said holding her hand " don't touch me and you are no one to tell me where to be I'm letting go of the past to welcome military so tell me how it's your business " She sneered at him " Kimberly look at me let's talk kim plea..." his words were cut midway due to kimberly working out on him without saying a word she closed the car and left . christian stood in a daze with mixed emotion adding to the fact that she said he was nobody to her he didn't know how he felt but he was upset suddenly her smiling face appeared in his mind then her expressionless face came along . Months later katherina joined magnificent entertainment as an actress and model . one year later katherina became a top loved celebrity loved by all and her relationship with Chris was made known to the public " babe you are here" said the surprised katherina who didn't expect her boyfriend to bring her bunch of flowers during shooting hour all the staff and actors awed at the sight of the couple chris leaned and kiss katherina " Kat what year is Kimberly coming home " he asked indifferently . Katherina was dug her nail in her palm and was angry of the sudden question because she knew chris loved kimberly but because of lust they were no more she thought as time passed she had replaced kimberly in his heart "upper year why do you ask ? for sometime there was no answer as she was about to speak he suddenly said she's not coming next year for the engagement well whatever " he replied because he didn't want her to misunderstand him . Katherine smile and was happy he only asked about the engagement and didn't care about kimberly .