
I don't eat those anymore

At the Martins household Kimberly arrived with a small back pack containing what she would need for the night cause she did not want leave in a place she wasn't needed . "Granddad I miss you so much " Kimberly happily said as she give her grandad a tight hug indeed she missed him . Elder martins stood there watch kimberly on military uniform and was proud of her the only gem he has ever been proud of . "Come in dear grandpa missed you too look at you looking tough hope you won't hit this old man " Exclaimed the happy old man . kimberly , cheng you've arrived your sister would arrive with her boyfriend soon you can go up to your room " said her parents who didn't care of her present and kimberly didn't care either . three hours later The dining was ready everyone sat down waiting for kimberly to come down . Katherina wore pink night gown knee length as she interwined her hand with chris's hand to show off to her sister that Chris was hers . The both held their gift on the other hand chris thought of the smile kimberly would put up on her face when she saw her favourite on the other hand katherina thought of how she would make kimberly jealous . "Good evening everyone " kimberly greeted as she made her way too the dining area every one turned to her direction and was surprised at her night beauty the most stunned were katherina and Chris , katherina hadn't seen kimberly since she arrived she thought kimberly was still the same who knew she look like an angel . Chris was stunned because she looked different from when he saw her earlier although she still look expressionless but she was beautiful. kimberly wore white shot and peach pink tank top her hair was loosed and it fell to her waist she wore teddy bear foot wear and head phone with her mobile phone on her hand she sat next to Elder martin without a care in the world she dug in and ate like others didn't exist . katherina suppressed her jealousy and said "Kim welcome home " She faked a smile and offered her the gift she bought Chris did the same and handed out the gift he got her but kimberly looked at the gift and said flatly "I don't eat those anymore and who said I'm coming home I'm only here because grandad asked me too don't spend money " everyone stared at the awkward situation "erm you are not staying " asked katherina faking innocence "is that why you rejected our gift " She added so her parent would scold kimberly . Chris sat dare staring because he didn't understand why she rejected the gift and get favourite . "Kat thank you for the gift you too mister christian " She took the gift from them everyone didn't understanding since when she started to call Chris Mister but before anybody could say a word kimberly stood up and gave lily one of the maid the gifts as a gift to them and the maids appreciated it . was so angry at the sudden turn even christian was upset . " cheng where will you be staying " asked mrs matins "You don't care do you don't worry I can take care of myself " Kimberly replied flatly while she ate with out a care cheng is the chinese name given to kimberly by her mother Tiffany Wang Martins and chi (meaning good in chinese )was given to katherina by Tiffany too . "don't talk to your mother like that " retorted angry Mr martins "sure if she doesn't ask next time " kimberly retorted looking straight into her father's eyes indicating that she wasn't scared of him. "Dear you should stop by " said elder martins "For the family I won't for you I will " She said clearly indicating she did not care of her so called family . suddenly there was pin drop silent then "Babe you've got something on your lips let me get it off " katherina said as she kissed and liked chris sleeps taken him off guard this act was to annoy kimberly but kimberly was unfazed she didn't even flinch nor look cause there was headphone on her two ears and she was busy with her phone . "Miss your flowers were should I leave them !" asked one of the made . immediately kimberly saw the flowers she smiled remembering how the flower came about her smile caught everyone off guard cause before she left and when she arrived there was only cold ness In her eyes . "That flower someone gave it to me just leave it in my room " she blushed adlfter saying this which did not go unseen by chris he remembered that her boss held this flowers could it be he thought . Finally dinner was over kimberly hurriedly bid elder martins goodbye and left to sleep .