
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 81: No Need for Secrets

Translator: 549690339

Zhang Zhe was right on one point, at this very moment, countless clever minds were wracking their brains about how to deal with the massive zombie infestation in the city.

Wang Hu and Xiang Weiguo sat together, sipping on ginger sugar water, discussing the gains and losses of the day.

"Overall, the Volunteer Corps was very effective, although many problems were exposed, it also proved the value and necessity of this team,"

Xiang Weiguo concluded about his own troops.

Wang Hu nodded, "There's definitely value, no need to say more about that, Mr. Xiang, tell me what problems were exposed."

"It's still a matter of psychological resilience. Today, the squad Gao Yuan was in almost met with a disaster. One of the rookies panicked, forgetting everything he had learned. Luckily, Gao Yuan had seen his share of trouble before and managed to chop down both zombies in time, otherwise, out of a team of ten, probably no more than two would've survived."

Wang Hu's face was colored with fear, then he complained, "I said Gao Yuan shouldn't go, but you insisted on including him in the team. You're just fooling around. I'm sorry, Commander, but I still have to criticize you. In these devastating times, do you know how hard it is to find someone who uplifts spirits? If something really had happened to Gao Yuan, how could I explain it to other shelters?"

Xiang Weiguo said indifferently, "It's precisely because these times are so dangerous that I can't afford to coddle Gao Yuan like a flower in a greenhouse. I'm very satisfied with his performance today. It's not because of our close relationship, but because he handled the crisis very well. If he's polished a bit more, let me tell you this—using him to lead just a company is a waste of his talents. Do you believe me?"

Wang Hu was a commander, and Xiang Weiguo was an instructor, the most professional kind.

"I believe you. I definitely trust your words, Mr. Xiang. I'm not sure about your older brother's level in commanding wars, but your eye for people—how could I not trust that? That's your area of expertise. So, what about making Gao Yuan a squadron leader first?"

Xiang Weiguo thought for a moment and replied, "No, he still needs to be pressed a bit harder, make him a platoon leader first. But not right now—he still lacks something. When he can skillfully operate and command a heavy machine gun, then let him be a platoon leader."

"What about their current platoon leader, Zhang Zhe? Is he competent enough to be a squadron leader?"

"Zhang Zhe is quite clever and his professional skills are solid, but he's a bit too impulsive, has a ruffian streak. Being a platoon leader is beneath his talents, but he's not quite fit for a squadron leader. I'll train him a bit more, and when he becomes more stable, he can lead the next batch as a squadron leader without any issues."

"As you decide."

Wang Hu exhaled deeply and then whispered, "I've reported today's experimental results to the higher-ups and received a reply."

Xiang Weiguo was taken aback and asked, "Is it confidential?"

"No need for secrecy."

"Then why are you only mentioning it now! Quickly tell me, how did the higher-ups respond!"

Wang Hu cleared his throat and said, "The Volunteer Corps is a beneficial addition and can continue, but it's essential to minimize casualties as much as possible."

"Did they say anything about entering the city?"


The response disappointed Xiang Weiguo, but Wang Hu smiled slightly and continued, "I suggested that the volunteers handle the defense of the shelters while the regular army attempts to clear the zombies from the city. However, the higher-ups said no to entering the city."

"They won't let us in, so we can't even experiment. You're still happy?"

"Of course I'm happy because the higher-ups said that they are exploring methods to clear the massive zombie infestation. So, they advised us to be patient. The zombies in the city will be dealt with one way or another; it's just a matter of time. Our task is to ensure the security of the shelters and to do our best to clear the zombies in rural and township areas in preparation for agricultural production after the spring."

Wei Guo also laughed, then he scratched his head and said, "That counts as good news. Since the higher-ups are saying they're looking into it, there must be a solution coming. Alright, we can relax a bit, no need to worry about the large number of zombies in the city anymore, just focus on our guard duties. Speaking of which, about the agricultural production, did they say who's in charge? Is it the responsibility of the shelters or is there another arrangement?"

"The shelters have to handle it, but the main work is left to the former Government employees. I think, maybe the higher-ups are planning to restore the Government functions. It won't happen very quickly, but also not too slowly. I estimate we'll hear something before the spring planting season arrives."

"Farming is a big deal!"

Wei Guo seemed very serious as he nodded emphatically, then he said again, "Farming is indeed a big deal! With grain in hand, the heart is not panicked. Even though there's still a lot of grain in the storage, idle consumption is definitely not sustainable. But, how many people in the shelters know how to farm? Most of them are city folk."

"There are quite a few who know, and then there are those who can't be idle. Mechanization is impossible, but the city people can't think of being idle either. If you want to eat, you have to work, no matter what kind of labor it must be. You have to learn to self-sustain, and what is self-sustenance? Labor!"

Wang Hu and Wei Guo were both very happy, then Wei Guo picked up his tea mug and said, "Come, have a drink, Commander Wang. When things settle down, I'll treat you to a drink!"

Wang Hu sighed and said, "The situation does seem much more stable, but whenever I look up... I just... just lose my confidence."

Yes, the aliens were still hanging up there in the sky.

"Why bring that up now..."

"Can't help it. It weighs heavy on my heart, and I just can't feel settled. It's probably impossible to feel that way ever again."

Wei Guo sighed and said, "We just take it one step at a time, do the work we can do to the best of our ability. As for the rest, still just one step at a time."

Suddenly, Wang Hu put down his tea mug, smiling, and asked, "Mr. Xiang, do you like listening to operas?"

"I do. Bangzi, silk strings, and of course, I love Beijing opera too. How about you, you like listening to operas? At your age, that'd be unusual, wouldn't it?"

Wang Hu was just over forty, and it was indeed rare for people of his age to enjoy listening to operas.

"What's age got to do with it? But yeah, my dad's a big opera fan, even an amateur performer. I didn't like it at first and found it annoying, but in recent years, the more I listen, the more I find it interesting. Hold on, let me show you something nice."

Wang Hu stood up, excitedly opened the filing cabinet in the office, and then took out an iron box. He opened the iron box, took out a CD player and a small speaker.

"Shall we listen to a bit? How about this? I love Three Kingdoms operas, all the CDs here are about the Three Kingdoms. I don't have others if you want to listen to something else."

"I'd rather not listen to 'Shi Kong Zhan'. It just doesn't sit well with me right now."

"Changban Slope? Or how about 'Three Oaths'? Oh, this one is good, 'Dragon and Phoenix Bring Prosperity', 'Ganlu Temple', how does this act sound? Have a listen."

The sound of an old man singing opera began emanating from the little speaker, as Wang Hu and Wei Guo nodded and swayed along, sometimes slapping their thighs, other times exclaiming with appreciation.

The night was still young, and the two men were enjoying the rare pleasure of opera.

Eventually, Wang Hu began to sing along with the voice from the speaker.

"His fourth disciple, Dragon Changshan, was known as a hero across the provinces, at Changban Slope, he saved A-Dou, killing Cao's soldiers who were all in distress; such a group of tiger generals, which nation possesses..."