
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 76: Who are You?

Translator: 549690339

Gao Yuan thought this day would be routine training, but when he arrived at the playground, he noticed something was different.

The atmosphere was somewhat tense, and in addition to the volunteers who trained here every day, there were many more fully armed soldiers present today.

"Are we going into actual combat?"

Captain Zhang Zhe couldn't help asking, then turned around, looked at Gao Yuan, and whispered, "You have a special relationship with Xiang, you must know some things. Is it true that we are going into real combat today?"

Gao Yuan often met with Xiang Weiguo, and the knives used by the volunteers were designed by him, which everyone in his team knew.

So it was only natural for Zhang Zhe to ask such a question.

However, Gao Yuan truly did not know if they were going into real combat this time because Xiang Weiguo hadn't told him anything.

"I don't know, really, I don't. If I knew we were going into real combat today, I would have definitely told you all."

Zhang Zhe turned his head back and whispered, "I think we should be going into actual combat today. We've trained enough; it's time to test the results of our training."

Xiang Weiguo didn't keep everyone waiting too long. After murmuring a few words to a leading officer, he walked onto a small platform in front of the crowd and loudly said, "Comrades, today we will conduct a real combat assessment. Whether your existence is meaningful, what the results of your training over the past month are like—all will be revealed today. Now tell me, do you have confidence?"



"We have confidence!"

Soldiers loved to shout out loud, and Xiang Weiguo was pleased with the spirit shown by the volunteers. He nodded in satisfaction and loudly said, "Today, let the comrades in the army see what you're made of. But first, I have to tell you something. The Da Hong Third Company from our shelter will join you in battle. Chief Zhou, come up and say a few words to everyone."

It was still about stabilizing the military heart and boosting morale.

After all, nobody was sure about the fighting strength of this team formed by ordinary people, so for this first actual fight against zombies, Wang Hu sent his elite forces.

What is an elite force?

It is the strongest battalion in the entire brigade; within the strongest battalion, the strongest company, and within the strongest company, the elite force is known as the spearhead.

This company had a long history and strong combat power and had always been used by Wang Hu as a reserve, to ensure the safety of the volunteers and to guarantee victory in the first battle. He sent his ace company directly.

A young captain stood on the platform. He saluted the crowd below, then in a very forceful tone, loudly said, "Hello, everyone! I am Chief Zhou Shaoqiang of the Da Hong Third Company! Ordered to coordinate in combat with the Volunteer Corps, please believe that the Da Hong Third Company will be your strong support."

Listen to that, the Da Hong Third Company! Only a name that the ace spearhead force could have.

Good steel should be used on the edge of the blade, and this ace spearhead company would either be used for tough battles, stabbing directly into the enemy's most lethal heart, or as a reserve force, sent out at the most intense moment of the fight to play a decisive role.

Concise and to the point, Zhou Shaoqiang saluted the crowd below once more, then turned and saluted Xiang Weiguo, loudly saying, "Reporting to the commander, the Da Hong Third Company is ready! Awaiting instructions!"

"At ease, wait for orders."


Zhou Shaoqiang moved aside, and Xiang Weiguo continued loudly to the crowd below, "Today, you will take part in clearing combat in a village. Now depart in small teams as the basic unit."

Xiang Weiguo didn't stage a grand oath-taking ceremony but simply spoke two sentences, letting the Da Hong Third Company come forward to reassure the volunteers, and then directly gave the order to set off.

Zhang Zhe looked at his team members with excitement and said, "Look, the Da Hong Third Company, now we're secure."

Gao Yuan and his team were Squad 1, Platoon 1 of Company 1, and being at the front of the formation was undoubtedly expected of them.

Da Hong Third Company started to set out, and they even carried a flag, a large red banner with the words "Da Hong Third Company" written in yellow. This was their company flag.

Da Hong Third Company had a lot of machine guns. Gao Yuan counted, and there were as many as sixteen Type 88 general-purpose machine guns and four Type 89 heavy machine guns.

The Type 88 was 5.8mm caliber, while the Type 89 heavy machine was 12.7mm caliber.

Gao Yuan was very familiar with both types of machine guns because all the volunteers had learned how to operate these two models.

"With this firepower, we're solid, absolutely solid!"

Zhang Zhe was a heavy machine gunner; he couldn't be more familiar with heavy machine guns, so seeing Da Hong Third Company's above-standard allocation of heavy machine guns made him feel nothing but excitement and reassurance.

Gao Yuan followed behind Zhang Zhe, and viewing those soldiers with the machine guns, his mind also felt much more at ease.

The Type 89 machine gun was the lightest heavy machine gun in the world, weighing 26 kilograms including the tripod, so even without any vehicles, a three-man machine gun team could easily carry the gun.

Though unsure of the destination, Gao Yuan knew that there were plenty of tricycles in the shelter, and even now, if they couldn't use cars or armored vehicles, using tricycles to transport heavy machine guns and ammo would still be good.

Now, without any transport vehicles being used, the entire Da Hong Third Company was serving these machine guns; apart from those carrying the guns, there were those moving ammo. Everyone had become ammo porters.

"Captain, why don't they use vehicles to transport the ammo?"

Without turning his head, Zhang Zhe said, "How would I know? Exactly, why don't they use tricycles to haul the ammo."

While Gao Yuan and Zhang Zhe were quietly discussing, Zhou Shaoqiang was standing by the side of the road up ahead, constantly shouting, "Keep up, everyone keep up."

After waiting for the soldiers to pass by, Zhou Shaoqiang, who stood by the roadside, smiled broadly as he walked over to Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan didn't stop; as he passed by, Zhou Shaoqiang stepped up to follow him and then said at his side, "You're Gao Yuan, right?"

"That's me. Hello, Chief Zhou."

"Hello, hello. Ah, I have long heard of your reputation. Every company commander in our shelter has met you, except me. I've been too busy, but this time it's good, finally got to see. you, haha."

Zhou Shaoqiang's conversation with Gao Yuan left everyone puzzled.

The troop was still marching, and Zhou Shaoqiang reached out a hand to Gao Yuan. Walking along, they shook hands, and Zhou Shaoqiang laughed saying, "I'll take you out for a meal when I get the chance. I have to go back now, goodbye."

Zhou Shaoqiang had just wanted to exchange a few words with Gao Yuan, and having said his piece, he planned to leave. At that moment, Gao Yuan hurriedly said, "Chief Zhou, may I ask a question?"

"Go ahead."

"Why don't they use tricycles to transport the ammo?"

Zhou Shaoqiang laughed heartily, "Our company is a mechanized infantry company, but right now, we need to enhance our heavy machine gun usage. So, we're taking this combat opportunity to go on a long-distance drill, letting them try a long-distance march without vehicles and still maintain combat effectiveness."

Gao Yuan and Zhang Zhe suddenly understood, and Zhou Shaoqiang laughed, "If there's nothing else, then I'll be heading back first. It's not the time to chat now, I'll look for you later."

Zhou Shaoqiang ran to catch up with his team, then another officer stood by the roadside; obviously, he was waiting for Gao Yuan, as he kept staring at him.

Zhang Zhe looked back at Gao Yuan and said, "Well, the political commissar is waiting for you too. Gao Yuan, who exactly are you?"