
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 61: In Troubled Times, Strict Laws are Needed

Translator: 549690339

Although he had retired, as a former soldier, Xiang Weiguo was very concerned about many things.

And as a base commander, Wang Hu certainly didn't talk about these things just for the sake of chatting.

"Elder Xiang, we're lacking in everything right now, but what we lack the most is people, especially experienced officers. The reduction of staff in the units is quite severe. Not to mention, we're now responsible for the entire shelter's defense, but we also take on management tasks. We're really stretched thin. You're a veteran and from a special unit; you have both experience and ability. It's time for you to stand up and help us out."

Wang Hu spoke very sincerely, and after sighing softly, Xiang Weiguo nodded and said, "I do have to do whatever work I'm capable of. Commander Wang, please continue to fill me in on the situation. Is the refugee shelter still stable? Why is it the military doing the management work, not the local comrades?"

Li Guangting and Wang Hu exchanged a glance, and after a bitter laugh, Li Guangting said helplessly, "As long as the aliens aren't dealt with, people's hearts won't be stable. Just look up, and there's the alien spacecraft; of course people are panicked. The instability of the public has led to many problems. For instance, some people just don't obey management. Local comrades simply can't handle it, so we've had to implement military governance with local assistance. This is the situation nationwide; no place is an exception."

Luo Xingyu said in surprise, "Really? They can't manage? Are there still people who aren't satisfied? They have food and shelter; are they still not happy?"

Gao Yuan said in a low voice, "It was impossible to please everyone before, and in these apocalyptic times, it's even more a time that reveals true human nature."

Wang Hu sighed and said, "Most are okay, but some people, who are young and strong, refuse to do any work and complain all day about the poor food and shelter. They gripe about being treated differently from soldiers and make trouble all day. Initially, we only planned to be responsible for defense and handed over management to local authorities. But there were conflicts every day, constant noise and clamor, making it impossible to carry out any work."

Xiang Weiguo said decisively, "In turbulent times, strict laws must be used. For those who harm the collective, we must deal with them swiftly! What are we doing allowing a handful of people to make an uproar!"

Wang Hu nodded and said, "That's right, in turmoil strict laws are used. According to our new regulations, if any soldier dares to demand property from civilians, no matter what it is, they're confined for ten days the first time, executed by firing squad on the second!"

Gao Yuan exclaimed in utter surprise, "Executed by firing squad?"

"Executed by firing squad! Anyone can make a mess, but the military absolutely must not. Therefore, instances of military personnel breaking the law or discipline must be eradicated, completely eradicated!"

Xiang Weiguo nodded and said, "That's appropriate, it should be like that. If soldiers start extorting property from civilians, then the military is completely finished. As for the civilians, what measures are in place?"

"The first time someone causes trouble, if it's an unreasonable disturbance, they will receive a severe warning. On the second offense, they'll be detained for fifteen days. On the third, executed by firing squad! We can't coddle these disruptive influences, especially not now."

Wang Hu spoke of not daring to indulge troublemakers, not that he couldn't; because if things really got out of hand at this juncture, the consequences would be too severe.

Li Guangting said in a grave voice, "After a period of governance, the order in the shelter has stabilized. People may have complaints, but they don't do anything excessive."

Hearing this, Gao Yuan felt indignant and said, "They still have complaints? Don't they realize it's the end of the world? How can there still be complaints?"

Wang Hu said in a low voice, "The food is poor, the shelter is poor, living in fear every day, it's normal for them to grumble a bit."

After thinking, Gao Yuan said, "Commander Wang, does that mean our personal possessions won't be confiscated?"

Wang Hu was taken aback upon hearing this, but Li Guangting laughed and said, "Confiscating possessions, what are you talking about? What right do we have to confiscate people's property?"

Gao Yuan said apologetically, "I chose the wrong words, it should have been about turning in items for unified management and distribution and stuff."

Wang Hu waved his hand dismissively, "We are a refuge shelter, not a prison; how could we ever engage in such practices?"

Li Guangting laughed and said, "I guess Xiao Gao has watched too many apocalypse movies and thinks that a refuge shelter will inevitably turn into what's depicted in those films: a place with authoritarian ruling where the people are exploited for their labor."

Gao Yuan laughed rather sheepishly, "That's indeed how it is described in novels and movies."

Wang Hu gestured and said, "When the apocalypse comes, the most glorious moments of humanity shine through. So many touching acts occur during such times. Similarly, the dark side of human nature is also revealed as some people start to commit crimes. However, as long as the military still has an organization, it won't collapse overnight."

Wang Hu pulled up a chair and looked at Gao Yuan sternly, "We are the people's army, and serving the people is a conviction etched into our very bones. How could we change our nature the moment a disaster hits? Do you think that's possible?"

Indeed, even out of inertia, an army couldn't possibly fall apart overnight.

In a few decades, things might be different; human nature can be traced and predicted to some extent, but now, at least in the first few years following the disaster, people's ways of thinking and patterns of behavior are unlikely to change drastically.

Most people won't change that much.

Looking at Wang Hu's firm expression, Gao Yuan felt reassured once again that seeking refuge was a good idea.

"Commander Wang, I have another question. If I don't want to stay in the shelter any longer, can I leave?"

Wang Hu smiled and said, "Let me reiterate, this is a shelter, not a prison. In principle, we strongly object to survivors leaving the shelter, but if someone insists on leaving, of course, we won't stop them. Indeed, there are a few individuals who have left. However, there is a condition: those who have been punished cannot leave. We are concerned that these people may seek revenge after leaving, like luring zombies here, for instance."

Gao Yuan felt relieved. He nodded and said, "That's really good, truly excellent."

Wang Hu turned to Xiang Weiguo, "So, do you have any more questions?"

Xiang Weiguo shook his head, "Not for the moment, I'll ask after looking over the situation later."

"Alright, then you two rest for today, and we'll discuss more tomorrow, how does that sound?"

Xiang Weiguo nodded, "Alright, tomorrow I'll see if there is any work I can help with. Commander Wang, we're both soldiers, so let's skip the formalities. In any case, I'll do my best."

Wang Hu was very pleased. He stood up and said to Gao Yuan, "Tonight, I'll find a room for you two to rest in, so you can have some peace and also be observed in isolation for a while. Tomorrow, after the isolation ends, someone will arrange your food and accommodation issues. Hmm, shall we make an announcement first thing tomorrow?"

Gao Yuan nodded, "Alright, we'll make the announcement tomorrow, I just hope I don't mess it up."

Wang Hu laughed heartily, "As long as you can speak up, even a few words will do, that will be very good indeed."