
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 55: Outstanding Figures

Translator: 549690339

Gao Yuan felt that Xiang Weiguo greatly appreciated Jia Weidong, and it was the kind of appreciation that was entirely unhidden.

But to just let Jia Weidong go like this, Gao Yuan found unacceptable, even taking away Jia Weidong's gun wouldn't suffice.

"Uncle Xiang, we're just going to let him go?"

Gao Yuan fumed as he looked at Jia Weidong, Xiang Weiguo turned to Gao Yuan with a helpless expression and said, "Just the three of us, including Xiaoyu, do you think it's possible for us to carry him to the shelter? Are we still taking the gun, and do we still want his stuff? Besides, do you know the way? You know the location of the Stonegate Shelter, but do you know which is the most recent and easiest route?"

After speaking, Xiang Weiguo looked at Jia Weidong again and said, "You're responsible for the person you injured, so you'd better carry the stretcher. Once you send him to the shelter, you're off the hook. What do you say, that's not too much to ask, is it?"

Gao Yuan felt that the demand was not too much at all, and indeed, if Yu Shunzhou wasn't going to die, he really could let Jia Weidong go, because what mattered most now was survival. Everything else could be discussed as long as they could save Yu Shunzhou's life.

After contemplating for a moment, Jia Weidong turned to Xiang Weiguo and said, "Alright, I don't want the gun either; I know you wouldn't give it to me, but you need to return my spear."

Xiang Weiguo raised an eyebrow and asked, "What, you still refuse to enter the shelter?"

Jia Weidong replied with determination, "They say dogs are more likely to carry rabies. Though I don't know if it's true, they absolutely won't allow dogs into the shelter, not even close, so I definitely won't go in."

Xiang Weiguo didn't hide his look of admiration; he nodded and said, "Fair enough, you're loyal and righteous. We won't force you. Where's the dog?"

Jia Weidong put two fingers to his lips and let out a sharp whistle, then the sound of barking approached from afar, and soon four big dogs ran over.

"The white one is a Pit Bull, it's a biting dog, called Da Dan, and the smaller one is a Pit Bull mix, called..."

Yu Shunzhou angrily interrupted, "Stop introducing your brothers, I'm in pain here!"

After shouting, knowing that he had to rely on these few people for help, Yu Shunzhou changed his tone and looked at Gao Yuan, pleading, "Brother Yuan, can you have a heart for your brother? Can you?"

Gao Yuan was embarrassed and immediately said, "Hold on, right away, right away!"

Gao Yuan hurriedly went to chop two branches and came back, but Jia Weidong spoke solemnly, "The spear isn't easy to carry, use the spear on one side and a stick on the other."

Having removed two jackets, they made a simple stretcher, and as they placed Yu Shunzhou on it, Gao Yuan couldn't help saying, "Lucky you've lost quite a bit of weight, otherwise we wouldn't be able to carry you, fatty. You've finally succeeded in losing weight."

Yu Shunzhou replied weakly, "If you ate as little as I did, you'd lose weight too."

Luo Xingyu and Xiang Weiguo led the way, Gao Yuan and Jia Weidong carried Yu Shunzhou, and the dogs wagged their tails as they followed them down the path Jia Weidong had pointed out.

There was no point discussing whether Gao Yuan wanted to go to the shelter anymore, when things had gotten to this point, survival was the top priority, and everything else was completely out of consideration.

"Ouch, ouch, it really hurts, Jia Weidong, you..."

Jia Weidong whispered harshly, "If you dare to curse at me, I'll drop the stretcher. Just try me."

Yu Shunzhou immediately shut his mouth, recognizing that one must bow to the circumstances.

With his feet forward and his head toward Gao Yuan, Yu Shunzhou couldn't curse at Jia Weidong anymore, so he turned to Gao Yuan and said in a low voice, "How's the shelter?"

"It's good, there's food and drink, it's warm to sleep, very comfortable."

Yu Shunzhou's face turned furious as he exclaimed, "Those bastards! They robbed me, made me work like a slave, gave me less to eat than a chicken, made me sleep later than a dog, and work more than an ox. Killing them would be letting them off easy."

Jia Weidong said sternly, "Yeah, you're even worse off than my dogs. They get to eat wild boar and badger meat, too much to even finish."

"You... can you shut up? Who's talking to you!"

Jia Weidong's grip loosened, and Yu Shunzhou slipped down, but Jia Weidong quickly pulled the stretcher back up, then casually said, "My hand slipped."

"I'll slip your great aunt! Brother Yuan, give me a gun. I have to shoot him dead, even if I die on the way."


Jia Weidong remained indifferent as he spoke, "Do you know how to get to the shelter?"

"Nonsense, of course I know!"

"Do you know a shortcut? The thirty plus kilometers I mentioned is a shortcut. If you take the main road from Nangang to Stonegate, won't you have to make a detour and then head west? That's sixty kilometers, isn't it?"

Yu Shunzhou held his breath several times before he finally turned to Gao Yuan and said, "Where did you get your guns from?"

Gao Yuan, feeling helpless, said, "Can you take a break, doesn't it hurt?"

"It hurts, and that's why I'm talking."

Xiang Weiguo replied indifferently, "Talking wastes energy, and wasting energy will kill you faster."

After hesitating, Yu Shunzhou finally shut his mouth.

At that moment, Gao Yuan felt his arms were extremely tired from carrying. He loosened his grip on the stretcher for a moment before quickly tightening it and then lifted it again.

"Brother Yuan, are you messing with me too?"

Gao Yuan hurriedly said, "Sorry, my hand slipped. I really didn't mean it. You're just too heavy. Even after you've lost weight, you're still heavy!"

"I weigh 180 pounds now!"

Jia Weidong said softly, "No wonder you're dead heavy."

Before Yu Shunzhou could retort, Gao Yuan couldn't help but say, "Can we not talk about dying?"

Jia Weidong was still polite to Gao Yuan. He looked back at Gao Yuan and said, "Bro, are you tired? Let's switch places."

Gao Yuan suddenly thought that Jia Weidong, this young man, was quite courteous and sensible.

Gao Yuan was carrying the upper body, which was definitely heavier, so when Jia Weidong offered to switch, it was a welcome relief.

Xiang Weiguo looked at Gao Yuan and said, "Should I carry?"

"No need, let's just switch positions for now."

They set down the stretcher, and Gao Yuan switched places with Jia Weidong. However, Jia Weidong refused to carry Yu Shunzhou in front of him as Gao Yuan had. Instead, he turned around, lifted Yu Shunzhou from the side of the head and said, "Bro, I'll walk in the front. I don't want to look at him."

Yu Shunzhou cursed, "Damn it! You think I like looking at you? What's with the way you're singling me out? I didn't eat your dog!"

Pfft, pfft...

Out of nowhere, Jia Weidong let out two farts, promptly silencing Yu Shunzhou.

And after letting out those two long farts, Jia Weidong said with a solemn face, "I don't believe it!"

Gao Yuan felt helpless because Jia Weidong was confident and fearless. If they wanted to keep Yu Shunzhou alive, they had to rely on Jia Weidong to lead the way and to help carry the man.

Carrying the stretcher was indeed a grueling task, and now Jia Weidong was just provoking Yu Shunzhou by farting at him. It was best to just bear with it.

The key was that Jia Weidong was indeed walking quite fast. Gao Yuan had to quicken his pace to keep up.

Eventually, Yu Shunzhou fell into a deep sleep, which ended his suffering. Being asleep was far less painful, both mentally and physically, than being awake.

They walked from morning until nightfall, taking turns to rest. Finally, Gao Yuan and the others saw a light in the distance.

Jia Weidong stopped and said, "We have arrived at the shelter. We'll stop here. If we go any further, this dog won't be able to get through. It will be killed if spotted. I'm not going any further."
