
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 51: Simpler than the Drill

Translator: 549690339

The man has been confirmed, right in front of Gao Yuan's eyes.

But the sounds coming from the yard were puzzling.

In the past, if someone called him a "fatass," Yu Shunzhou would definitely have picked a fight, but now, instead of getting angry when being called a "fatass," Yu Shunzhou turned around with a face full of cringey, fake smiles and said, "Brother Qiang, why are you up so early today? I'm just out for a walk."

"Why don't I see you so diligent usually? Now that there is trouble, you've become diligent. Thinking of running away?"

"Me, run? Where would I run to? With you guys, I have food and drink, why would I run?"

"With food and drink, don't you also want a woman?"

"I do, of course I do."

"You wish. Let me tell you, Yu Fatty, next time, I'll make you kill two people with your own hands. This is called making a commitment, get it?"

"I get it, I get it."

"You don't get shit."

"Brother Qiang, I'm just... timid..."

"I see you're not timid at all; otherwise, why wouldn't you be afraid that I'd finish you off? Listen to me, Yu Fatty, this time you need to find that dog owner, and then you must kill him with your own hands. Otherwise, I'll slaughter both him and you together, because I don't trust you!"

Hearing this, the two had already come together, and Gao Yuan turned to look at Xiang Weiguo, wondering what to do.

Xiang Weiguo was smiling; he pulled Gao Yuan and walked out.

Gao Yuan was shocked, but as soon as Xiang Weiguo walked out, he called out loudly, "Yu Shunzhou!"

Yu Shunzhou turned around startled, and so did the middle-aged man in a leather jacket standing opposite Yu Shunzhou.

Xiang Weiguo raised his gun barrel; he didn't even aim because the muzzle was almost touching the man talking to Yu Shunzhou.

With a snap, the man opposite Yu Shunzhou collapsed like a pile of mud.

Questioning him? Not going to happen.

He just shot without even aiming.

Xiang Weiguo stood in front of Yu Shunzhou, smiling, "So you are Yu Shunzhou?"

Yu Shunzhou was stunned until he saw Gao Yuan emerge from behind the corner.

"You guys... you... this..."

Yu Shunzhou couldn't speak properly, because it's a lie to say he wasn't scared watching someone he knew get their head blown off.

Xiang Weiguo reached out and grabbed Yu Shunzhou, pulling him to the side. After they moved a few steps away from the gate, he said amiably to Yu Shunzhou, "Gao Yuan and I came to rescue you. Tell me, how many people are inside?"

"Seven, you... Brother Yuan, you really came!"

Gao Yuan was nervously holding a machine gun, watching the water station's gate because he hadn't expected Xiang Weiguo to walk out so directly and to shoot without hesitation.

Xiang Weiguo picked up a walkie-talkie and said, "Xiaoyu, Pipe is safe. There are seven people inside; open fire without discrimination."

It was already chaos inside.

"Who's shooting, Qiangzi, is it you?"

Someone inside was yelling, and Xiang Weiguo turned his head and roared back into the yard, "Your ancestor!"

After shouting, Xiang Weiguo continued talking to Yu Shunzhou, "Why are there only seven people? Shouldn't there be eight?"

Yu Shunzhou looked at Gao Yuan with pleading eyes, then he said in a trembling voice, "One is dead... Two days ago, one of them died... They killed a dog and ate it, and now the dog's owner is nearby waiting for revenge. Two days ago, in the toilet, the dog owner stabbed one of them to death with a spear."

Gao Yuan was still on alert at the gate, constantly worried someone would rush out from inside. After all, the opponents were armed, and now they were too close to the gate. Pretending not to be nervous would be a lie.

Facing an enemy with guns certainly felt different.

Just then, a regular thud sounded in the yard, followed by Gao Yuan hearing a gunshot from afar.


Having said that, Xiang Weiguo turned his head looking back toward the gate of the water station.

Xiang Weiguo, looking at the gate, said contentedly, "Xiaoyu is not bad; the first one must be taken down, six left."

As Xiang Weiguo was speaking, someone in the yard shouted in horror, "Brother Long has been shot, he's dead, there are people outside, who is it out there?"

"Get inside the house!"

"We can't go inside, let's rush out together!"

The yard was in chaos, with those inside undoubtedly terrified. Amidst the confusion, Xiang Weiguo said to Gao Yuan, "It's up to you and Xiaoyu now; I won't make a move. Let's just treat this as a field teaching, or you could even call it a drill."

Gao Yuan was infuriated; this was clearly real combat.

Always holding his weapon at the ready, Gao Yuan feared someone would run out of the water station's yard. He whispered, "Can we go somewhere else to talk?"

Xiang Weiguo said in a deep voice, "No, let me make it clear to you, not one inside can stay alive."

Xiang Weiguo wasn't whispering these words. On the contrary, he said them loudly, and the people inside could hear them clearly.

No sooner had the words left his mouth than someone inside shouted, "Who are you outside, what do you want to do?"

Xiang Weiguo shouted back, "Soldiers."

"Soldiers? Why are you attacking us? We are... good people. Don't soldiers have any sense of reason anymore? How can you start killing right away?"

Xiang Weiguo chuckled and said, "You..."

He didn't even finish his sentence when continuous gunfire erupted from inside, but it lasted only a second or two before gunfire came from a distance.

Xiang Weiguo said to Gao Yuan, "They're trying to divert my attention to break out."

The yard was filled with wailing. Xiang Weiguo, with a satisfied look, said, "Xiaoyu is doing great, she fired two shots and hit two people. Ah, this is just too good!"

Gao Yuan swallowed hard, saying, "Don't attract zombies."

Another gunshot followed shortly after, from a distance, fired by Luo Xingyu.

Quickly, Luo Xingyu said over the radio, "Someone tried to climb over the wall and escape, and I shot him. I see three people, in the far left... on the right side of your position, inside the house."

The last three people had grouped together.

"We surrender, don't shoot, don't shoot! We surrender!"

Someone started shouting from inside. Xiang Weiguo looked at Gao Yuan and said, "It seems they dare not break out or climb the wall to escape; now they can only surrender. But I don't want prisoners. What do you think we should do?"

Gao Yuan hesitated before saying, "A forceful attack? Uh, I see, you want me to use a grenade?"

Xiang Weiguo smiled and replied, "If you wish to use a gun, I have no objections."

He was indeed treating this as a drill, Gao Yuan sighed inwardly. He took out a grenade, held his machine gun with his left hand, and slowly moved to the left side of the gate. After peeking inside, he shouted loudly, "If you want to surrender, throw out your guns!"

While verbally instructing them to throw out their guns, Gao Yuan accurately pulled the pin of the grenade and tossed it inside.

The grenade flew through the open door, and moments later, a thunderous explosion sounded.

Gao Yuan looked at Xiang Weiguo and said, "Done."

Xiang Weiguo, with a calm face, asked, "Now do you feel this was much simpler than the drills I set up for you?"