
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 43 New Year's Eve

Translator: 549690339

Gao Yuan's load weighed about forty kilograms, mainly guns and ammunition, but this weight didn't make him feel particularly uncomfortable.

Firstly, Gao Yuan's bag was a hiking backpack with an excellent carrying system. He had also been used to hiking with an outdoor pack, so forty kilograms wasn't an exaggerated weight; thus, carrying heavy loads was not a difficult task for him.

As for Xiang Weiguo and Luo Xingyu, the weight they carried was much lighter because most of the load was on the small trolley.

The road could hardly be described as easy, but it also wasn't particularly hard to traverse, just cumbersome and bothersome.

They would go around a village when they saw one and then try to get back on the road after passing it, and for the last twenty kilometers, they could use the tricycle.

And so, as the sky darkened, Gao Yuan and his group returned to their home.

"Let's put down what needs to be put down, hide what needs to be hidden, and then boil water for cooking. Today is New Year's Eve. Tonight, I'll stir-fry a couple of dishes. Xiaoyu, take out a few pieces of pork and roe deer, and then go start a fire. Xiao Yuan, pluck the pheasant we caught on the way. I'll start preparing to cook. Tonight, we'll have a few drinks."

Without any rest because after a month not being home, there was too much to be done. Xiang Weiguo hurriedly gave out instructions then went back to his own home. There were many dishes to prepare for the evening, and as the head chef, he had to seize every minute available.

Winter nights set in early, it was completely dark by five o'clock. Here in the mountains, it grew dark even earlier; it was barely past four, and the sun was already not visible.

On the way back, they had caught a wild pheasant. Now, catching a wild pheasant or rabbit had become a regular occurrence and was simply an addition to the meal.

"Uncle Xiang, should we write a couplet?"

Luo Xingyu called out cheerily, but Xiang Weiguo and Gao Yuan collectively fell silent, then in unison, they said, "But we don't have any red paper!"

Celebrating the New Year, which held little significance in previous ordinary years, was now deemed very fortunate if a few people could get together and celebrate it alive.

It was just a pity that they didn't have red paper for writing couplets.

Gao Yuan put down the machine gun and ammunition but tucked a pistol into his waistband.

Previously, knives were the only option for self-defense, but now it was different; now they had guns.

One pistol and an additional ten magazines, although heavy, was a source of security.

As Gao Yuan squatted there plucking the pheasant's feathers, Xiang Weiguo looked at him from behind and said, "Are you planning to use the magazines as a bulletproof vest?"

"Uh, is there a problem?"

"No problem, just find it funny. I've never seen anyone carry ten magazines like that. As long as you don't mind the weight, well, it's actually pretty good."

Xiang Weiguo always appeared to be on the verge of laughter, and sometimes Gao Yuan found his smiles rather sarcastic, but he was too embarrassed to ask directly.

After a while, Luo Xingyu came out, with a pistol holster added to her waist and only two magazines in the pouch on the side.

"Look at Gao Yuan, carrying ten magazines, haha, I'm dying of laughter. What's the use of having a hundred magazines with his shooting skills? He could miss the target at ten meters."

Xiang Weiguo's mockery was undisguised, and Gao Yuan felt very frustrated, but he had no response.

Luo Xingyu, a young girl, could guarantee over 90 points at 25 meters with a handgun. Gao Yuan could ensure not missing the target at the same distance.

When shooting a machine gun from a prone position, Gao Yuan performed adequately, but only just so, yet Luo Xingyu excelled.

But with a handgun, while Luo Xingyu remained excellent, Gao Yuan was still a little short of qualifying. The worst part was that when he first started using handguns, he unfortunately missed the target twice at a distance of ten meters, which provided Xiang Weiguo with endless material for teasing.

Comparing people can frustrate you to death, and comparing goods can make you want to toss them away.

"A handgun is just a last resort for self-defense, and carrying ten magazines isn't considered cumbersome, hahahaha..."

Gao Yuan couldn't hold back anymore, he stood up and said to Xiang Weiguo with great indignation, "Uncle Xiang, being a good person requires integrity. Talking behind someone's back, that is..."

"Hold on, I talked behind your back? Get it straight, I was making fun of you to your face. If this were in the military, I'd have you standing under the flagpole all day."

"I, I..."

Fighting, he couldn't win; yelling, he didn't dare.

Xiang Weiguo was totally lacking the restraint of an old soldier. Gao Yuan now wondered how an old soldier could have such a sharp tongue?

Finally, Gao Yuan said with a sense of grievance, "Uncle Xiang, were you very annoying when you were an instructor in the military?"

Xiang Weiguo let out a cold laugh and said, "Annoying?"


"You're underestimating me. If I were merely annoying, those soldiers I taught wouldn't hate me enough to want to shoot me with a black gun."

Xiang Weiguo sighed regretfully and then said to Gao Yuan, "Xiao Yuan, you should be thankful for two things; you're not a soldier, and I'm not an instructor. If we were in the military, heh heh."

He didn't say anything threatening, but Xiang Weiguo's chuckle made Gao Yuan feel a chilling sense.

"Uncle Xiang, it's New Year's. Isn't it better to let people be happy?"

Xiang Weiguo waved his hand and said, "It's nothing. Just pretend I'm making fun of someone else, or you could just put down your magazine. Otherwise, I can't help but want to laugh."

Gao Yuan went back inside the house and took off all the extra magazines on his belt. It wasn't enough to just take them off; he also had to unload each bullet because leaving them full for a long time could damage the spring inside the magazine.

After a flurry of activity, when Gao Yuan came out again, he looked at his watch and realized it was time for the daily radio call.

Being away from home for a month meant a month without calls. Now that he was back, he couldn't delay any longer. Although there was still not much hope, it wasn't completely hopeless.

"I'll make a call on the radio."

He took out the radio, connected it to the outdoor antenna, and after all preparations, Gao Yuan turned on the radio.

Before he could make a call, amid the crackling background noise, a man's voice continued.

"I'm at my hometown, got stuck halfway, unable to reach Camp One. If you can hear this, don't keep calling me. My situation is very dangerous, over.

Repeat calling; this is Pipe, at... who's there?"

The last 'who's there' wasn't addressed to Gao Yuan but someone else, meaning the caller was talking to another person.

In the radio, only the buzz of static remained, but Gao Yuan felt as though he'd been struck by lightning over and over again.

Gao Yuan set down the transmitter he had never pressed and turned to run back, stumbling against the doorframe, then he burst out of the room.

Gao Yuan's expression was one of wild ecstasy, of ferocity.

Xiang Weiguo and Luo Xingyu both looked toward Gao Yuan, for Gao Yuan's reaction was extremely abnormal.

Gao Yuan used all his strength and said with a trembling voice, "Pipe, it's Pipe, he's still alive, he's calling for me!"

Xiang Weiguo and Luo Xingyu both put down what they were doing and looked at Gao Yuan, then Xiang Weiguo said with a look of surprise, "Are you sure it's Pipe?"