
Chapter 209: Discussing Peace

Reviewing the recent events, the elderly man with the Mosin-Nagant rifle had tried to grab a grenade from the ammo pouch on his chest after Gao Yuan knocked the rifle out of his hands.

But he quickly realized he couldn't move his right hand, and even if he could, the grenade would be useless, so he immediately fell backwards, abandoning the attempt to grab the grenade.

Gao Yuan ran over and instantly took to the sky.

As both men stood motionless due to extreme shock and fear, the Mosin-Nagant elder spotted the rifle Gao Yuan had discarded nearby and rolled over to it.

Since his right arm wasn't working, the Mosin-Nagant elder lay on the ground, propped his legs up in a cross-legged position, and used his foot for support to fire two more shots at Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan had intended to kick the old man, but realizing the elder was actually going to shoot before he could kick, he stamped his right foot violently on the ground, and his body surged forward.