
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 196: Brilliant Civilization

Translator: 549690339

The Taihang Mountain Expressway is a mountainous area expressway. Although the road conditions are good, there are many slopes, and the troops ahead need to search while advancing, so the speed is not considered fast.

By around six in the morning, after cycling from after nine at night, Gao Yuan and his group had already covered over sixty kilometers by car and bicycle. The pace wasn't fast, but it wasn't slow either.

Since this cycling army was entirely composed of soldiers, naturally, they all had good stamina. As for Gao Yuan, he felt virtually nothing even after cycling such a distance.

However, Gao Yuan was riding a very good bicycle, while most others were on share bikes without even inner tubes, because the base did not have the equipment to produce bicycle tires; it wasn't capable, nor was it really necessary to retrofit every bicycle to be more comfortable.

The modifications to the bicycles could only be reinforcing, reinforcing, and more reinforcing.

The order was passed down in succession, the troops stopped to rest in turns. If possible, they were to get off the expressway but had to stay on both sides of the road, not straying too far from the highway.

With one hand holding his bicycle and the other carrying a cart containing a rifle, bullets, grenades, food, drinking water, clothes, shoes and socks, a moisture-proof mat, sleeping bag, first aid kit, stove, gas canisters, fuel alcohol, communication equipment, night-vision goggles, spare knives, spare axes, and also a personal equipment tent—which wasn't very heavy, just about a hundred kilograms—he lightly hopped over the expressway's fence and entered the jujube forest beside the highway.

This single action drew sideways glances from everyone.

Yu Shunzhou and Nie Erlong exchanged a look, and then they silently detached the half-lightened cart and the hooks connected to their bicycles, first propping their bicycles against the railing, then dragging the cart out from under the railing. One person pulled while the other exited, then held onto the cart so the two could work together to get the cart off the expressway.

The eight elite imperial bodyguards' reaction reflected their training; no matter how shocked they were, they made sure it didn't show.

After cycling over sixty kilometers, Xinghe had long lost her initial excitement. While walking, she subconsciously rubbed her legs and then stepped over the railing to get off the highway, heading to the forest aside.

"My legs are so sore; finally, we can rest. What should we eat?"

Gao Yuan looked at Xinghe, lifted the tarp covering the cart, took out the stove and gas canisters, then a large bag full of food, and said, "What do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat everything—Dongpo pork, donkey meat, chicken, or desserts, but it's morning now, and according to your customs, it's time for breakfast. So I would like tofu pudding, fried dough sticks, tea eggs, spicy soup, mutton soup, or just anything."

Gao Yuan remained silent, and an imperial bodyguard tasked with protecting Xinghe finally couldn't help but speak softly, "You have a preference for northern cuisine, huh? Have you ever eaten rice noodle rolls?"

Xinghe immediately turned her head, interest piqued, "What are rice noodle rolls? Are they tasty?"

Another imperial bodyguard glared fiercely at his colleague and whispered, "At a time like this, why would you bring up rice noodle rolls!"

"Just couldn't help it; her breakfast choices are too monotonous. I wanted to let her know Shenzhou's breakfast isn't limited to fried dough sticks and tofu pudding. Relax, boss."

Gao Yuan spoke softly, "Their breakfast is compressed biscuits with canned goods, perhaps there are other options too. What else is there?"

An imperial bodyguard said quietly, "There's also beef jerky."

Xinghe asked, puzzled, "Why would you eat these for breakfast?"

"Because it's wartime, how can we eat breakfast as usual? We need to ensure calorie intake, as we don't know when we might be called into battle."

After briefly explaining, one of the imperial bodyguards stepped forward to intercept Yu Shunzhou and his two companions, whispering, "Sorry, according to regulations, you can't come too close here. Please keep a proper distance."

Yu Shunzhou looked towards Gao Yuan, who spoke softly, "Brother, there's no need to be so strict. They're... my soldiers. We still have thousands of kilometers to go; being this strict isn't reasonable."

The two imperial bodyguards exchanged glances, then the one who had extended his arm silently withdrew it and walked back to stand about three meters from Xinghe, motionless.

In the past, Gao Yuan really thought those few imperial bodyguards were mute. They were silent, with calm expressions, but they always exuded a sternness that seemed to keep people at bay.

Gao Yuan connected the stove and gas canister, filled a nested pot with water, and placed it on the stove. After pouring water into the pot and heating it, he looked at the leading imperial bodyguard and said, "Um... Brother, how should I address you all?"

"Zhao Qiang, his name is Qian Bo, his name is Sun Biao, his name is Li Yang."

Gao Yuan felt as if black lines should be appearing on his face, so he spoke softly, "Brother, do we have to do it this way? Zhao Qiang, Sun Biao, Li Yang... you're going by the Hundred Family Surnames, right? This... never mind. What are the other four called?"

"They're perimeter bodyguards. You don't need to know their names."

Gao Yuan chuckled and said, "Still, I should know. In case of danger, I wouldn't even know how to shout for you. Right?"

Zhao Qiang shook his head, speaking indifferently, "Please rest assured, they will certainly alert you before you're aware of any danger. If we had to wait for you to notice the danger before calling for them, then there would be no need for their presence."

That seemed reasonable. Gao Yuan was taken aback and responded, "Okay, you're right."

The water was almost boiling. Gao Yuan took out two packs of instant noodles, tore them open, and put them in. Then he covered the pot with a lid.

Just as Yu Shunzhou was about to say something with a cheeky smile, Gao Yuan cut him off with an impatient look, "Bugger off, there's nothing for you here. Don't even ask."

Yu Shunzhou sat back down, sighed, and took out a pack of compressed biscuits, tearing it open. In a low voice, he muttered, "Bitch."

The noodles quickly came to a boil, and Gao Yuan threw the seasonings directly into the pot. After cooking it a little longer, he said to Luo Xingyu, "It's ready, eat, it's very hot, so eat slowly."

Gao Yuan didn't need to eat because one meal for him was equivalent to ten for others. However, as long as he didn't overexert himself, he could also go much longer between meals than others.

Xinghe picked up her chopsticks, skillfully picked up some noodles and took a bite, then she happily exclaimed, "This is so delicious, what is it?"

"This is called braised beef noodles."

"I'll have this for breakfast from now on."

After speaking, Xinghe turned to the man who had mentioned the name of the rice noodles, Li Yang, and asked, "You just mentioned rice noodles, are they good?"

Li Yang let out a light sigh and said, "Are they good? To ask that… it's not quite right. What do they have for breakfast in the north? You really should try our morning tea in Yue Province. My favorite is rice noodles, along with shrimp dumplings, chicken feet, spareribs, pork tripe, beef meatballs, beef offal, beef tripe, beef tendon, baby ribs, more shrimp dumplings, steamed siu mai with dried scallop, steamed beef, char siu bao, custard buns, molten salted egg buns, lotus seed paste buns, walnut buns; there's also malai gao, thousand-layer cake, water chestnut cake, coconut milk cake, and also porridge. My most beloved is the century egg and lean pork congee, fish fillet congee, smooth chicken congee, preserved egg and lean meat congee..."

Li Yang swallowed his saliva and continued, "And my most beloved char siu, roast goose..."

Xinghe, with a pair of chopsticks full of instant noodles, forgot to eat as she stared blankly at Li Yang. At that moment, Zhao Qiang said coldly, "Are you performing a crosstalk routine? Isn't it over yet?"

Li Yang let out a sigh and told Xinghe, "In short, they're all better than deep-fried dough sticks and tofu pudding."

Xinghe took a bite of her noodles and then she asked seriously, "So how can I taste rice noodles, chicken feet, spareribs, pork tripe, beef meatballs, beef offal, beef tendon, baby ribs…"

Gao Yuan cut off Xinghe, raising his hand and saying, "Stop, don't talk about it anymore, you can't have them."

Li Yang appeared somewhat dejected as he spoke softly, "Yes, you can only get the authentic versions in Yue Province, but to have them all… it might be impossible forever."

Xinghe nodded her head and then she asked with a serious face, "I hate the Serpent People for the first time so much, so… can you keep telling me more? What else is there?"

Just as Li Yang was about to speak, Qian Bo next to him said, "What he's talking about is all Southern-style breakfast. Those are at best dim sum snacks. If you're looking for a feast, you don't need to go to Yue Province at all. Let me tell you, we have… steamed lamb, steamed bear paws, steamed deer tails, roasted flower duck, roasted spring chicken, roasted goslings, marinated pork, marinated duck, soy sauce chicken, cured meat, songhua (preserved eggs), small stomach, air-dried meat, sausages, assorted Su platter, smoked chicken with white liver, steamed eight-treasure pig, stuffed lotus rice duck, jarred pheasant, jarred quail, marinated assortment, marinated goose…and so much more."

When Zhao Qiang accused Li Yang of performing crosstalk earlier, it was just a saying, but now Qian Bo really seemed to be doing it, rattling off the names with such speed and clarity. After a long list, he took a deep breath and continued, "Pot-roasted carp, pot-cooked catfish, cold mixed turtle, sautéed carp, sautéed shrimp, soft fried loin, soft fried chicken, assorted sausage set... "

Xinghe opened her mouth wide, staring dumbfounded at Qian Bo, and at that juncture, Zhao Qiang said helplessly, "Are you really doing a crosstalk now?"

Qian Bo immediately closed his mouth. Li Yang, feeling quite indignant, said, "You're doing crosstalk. What I talked about is what you can really have for morning tea every day!"

Xinghe swallowed and placed the pot on the ground, her face determined as she said, "So how can I taste these dishes!"

Gao Yuan was somewhat angered and looked at Zhao Qiang, saying, "You're responsible for this. I can't deal with this anymore. Why do you have to talk about everything!"

Zhao Qiang sighed lightly and said to Li Yang and Qian Bo, "Have the two of you forgotten your positions since getting out? Now, you two are responsible for the external security."

Xinghe immediately protested, "No way! Absolutely not, I need them to protect me. Come on, you guys keep telling me, I can eat and listen at the same time."

Qian Bo said sheepishly, "I was really doing a crosstalk. What he said is real. Maybe you should just let him continue."

Li Yang was very serious as he said, "I'm just telling a story. All those things don't exist. However… when we reach Guisui Shelter, you can have hand-grabbed mutton, lamb offal, roasted lamb leg, grilled pancake, milk skin, and shaomai. Yes, you can really have those."

Yu Shunzhou couldn't resist saying, "Wait a second, aside from the mutton, our shaomai here is even better."

Song Qian let out a deep sigh and said, "Let's not talk about the other stuff. When it comes to mutton, especially hand-grabbed mutton, it's definitely better in Xingqing. Truly."

Gao Yuan was distraught. He tapped the gas canister and angrily said, "Enough from all of you! Are you going to drag Sichuan cuisine into this as well?"

Sun Biao, who had been quiet all along, spoke in a low voice, "If we're talking about delicious food, it has to be our Sichuan cuisine. Not even mentioning hotpot, just the one dish of..."

Gao Yuan's voice was not loud, but he spoke with a somber tone, "Fine, whoever talks must find it; whoever pollutes must clean it up. Go ahead, keep talking."

Immediately, Sun Biao clammed up and silently turned away.

Xinghe looked lost and said, "I've seen so many food documentaries, I thought I knew it all, but why... how much have you all kept from me!"

Li Yang spoke softly, "The thing is... when we get to Guisui, there really is mutton. It's true!"

With a face full of longing, Gao Yuan picked up the pot in front of her, his expression grave as he said, "Eat up this pot of noodles, then go to sleep and rest. Later, I'll slowly show you where to find delicious food. Be good, listen to me."

Xinghe picked up the pot, took another bite of the instant noodles, and suddenly said, "Such a brilliant civilization must not be destroyed by the Serpent People. It can't! Absolutely not!"